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propbeanie 09-02-19 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by H3r0d0tu5 (Post 2625492)

I recently got that urge to go back to playing TWOS after some time away but I've encountered a problem. Yesterday I launched the game and continued my campaign and everything was plain sailing.

But today, Steam started an automatic update to SH5 and now whenever I launch the game it starts up as vanilla SH5 (v1.2). As far as I can tell, all the TWOS files are still there, but the exe just acts as if they're not installed.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Hopefully without a clean re-install

When Steam updates your game, it puts it back the way Steam thinks it should be (Stock), ala Microsoft, or your cell fone - and overwrites the mod files in the game folders... You will have to re-do the TWoS mod... However, you are in a strange place from my perspective. I haven't had a Steam SH5 update, so I'm not sure what you'll have to remove to start over... but TWoS does now have a Steam-specific installer, so use that... Is your Steam install maybe from the SH5 v1.1 days, and you're just now getting updated to v1.2 maybe? :salute:

fitzcarraldo 09-03-19 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bera (Post 2625517)

After the last uplay update, I´ve been having CTDs all the time on my "Mare Nostrum" campaign. It happens when I´m reaching the north african coast (some 300 miles away).

Anyone here has the same ctds?

Best for you: for a few bucks buy the DVD or dowload version. Preferibly do not use Steam with SH5....

Good luck!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

boogieman335 09-03-19 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2625547)
When Steam updates your game, it puts it back the way Steam thinks it should be (Stock), ala Microsoft, or your cell fone - and overwrites the mod files in the game folders... You will have to re-do the TWoS mod... However, you are in a strange place from my perspective. I haven't had a Steam SH5 update, so I'm not sure what you'll have to remove to start over... but TWoS does now have a Steam-specific installer, so use that... Is your Steam install maybe from the SH5 v1.1 days, and you're just now getting updated to v1.2 maybe? :salute:

If you have the disk space then copy the install to a different folder and then run TWoS install on it. After it completes and the installer changes the SH5. exe file you dont' have to have it in Steam to launch. It will still need to launch the UBI soft thingie but you can run it completely out side of Steam from a desktop shortcut. It more or less converts it to the same exe file the DVD version uses.

vdr1981 09-06-19 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2625350)
Hi guys, I have an issue and I am at a loss at what to do.

My game reliably CTDs at 8AM GMT on the 24.05.1941

I can reproduce this every time. And now I can not continue my campaign.

Mods used to test the issue:


Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Spiele\Silent Hunter 5\TWoS_Parts]

TWoS  Aspect Ratio Fix 8x5
TWoS  Encrypted BdU Orders
TWoS  FX_Reduc. Fires and Expl
TWoS  Harbors Chimney Smoke
TWoS  Real Navigation
TWoS  Remove Sub Flags
TWoS  SM Interior_Food Stocks
TWOS restore captain's icon 1 by JCWolf

Now could this have anything to do with the Bismarck sinking the hood? Is there any game event that gets triggered at that time?
BTW, I´m near Tenerife, so nowhere near the Bismarck

The problem is solved and download links for new version 2.2.15 are in my signature. Good weekend Captains! :salute:

DicheBach 09-07-19 03:56 PM

Wow this mod :) AMAZING! :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

When I launch KSD Commander, I can see it is connecting to my save file directory, but the "login" window on the upper right; is that to the Uplay servers? My username and pw for Uplay account don't seem to work. I get some kind of error right as the app launches about maximum characters exceeded, so maybe that accounts for it?

Capt Codetrucker 09-07-19 04:25 PM

German "SUB SYSTEM" Labels To English?
[Deleted dupe]

fitzcarraldo 09-07-19 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by DicheBach (Post 2626198)
Wow this mod :) AMAZING! :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

When I launch KSD Commander, I can see it is connecting to my save file directory, but the "login" window on the upper right; is that to the Uplay servers? My username and pw for Uplay account don't seem to work. I get some kind of error right as the app launches about maximum characters exceeded, so maybe that accounts for it?

That login is for KSD server, no longer available. In KSD settings, put out the option for automatic connection. All offline functions of KSD work well without connection. Uplay connects independently.

Good hunt!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

melis 09-08-19 01:55 AM

Welcome! Someone can tell me why after the first mission in the bay of Gdansk, there is no way to choose the next mission after returning?

DicheBach 09-08-19 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2626213)
That login is for KSD server, no longer available. In KSD settings, put out the option for automatic connection. All offline functions of KSD work well without connection. Uplay connects independently.

Good hunt!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:


Is there a particular document among those provided, or something online (maybe a Youtuber series?) that walks through using the various "ship recognition" sheets as well as the book? I see there are all these nifty filtering functions and I would think there is a filter for nationality that somehow depends on those loose sheets?

ADDIT: found some good videos:

Not sure if any of those cover any of the special features in the recognition manual though.

So uh, the Harbour Pilot . . . any standard reasons why he would tend to kill us all!? :)

I just now started a New Campaign with Real Navigation, activated the Memel Harbor Pilot and started walking around my ship. Next thing I know (minute or two later), I hear banging and clanking and the camera starts going wonky and pretty soon taking damage . . . taking flooding . . . game over!

I think in that "ThaineFurrows" video (number 1 in that playlist) where he walks through using the harbor pilot he alternated between map view and external view the whole time. Is walking around inside the ship a bad idea while harbor pilot is running?

Or is the malfunction likely some other cause?

ADDIT2: must be walking around inside the ship. He is doing just fine with the skipper camera either on the bridge or flying around Kiel harbor :)

Wow, this game (with this mod) is SO GOOD! Shame Ubisoft had it so messed up in vanilla that they (and maybe no other major studio) will never take another crack at this genre. The tech has obviously got to the point where you could probably even do something like this in VR, and THAT would be so cool . . .

DicheBach 09-09-19 08:09 AM

Higher Magnification Optics
Is there an easy way to get better magnification on the optics?

I love playing these things with high realism settings, and that "Real Navigation" thing is brilliant.

Except for one thing: I find the imposition of "realistic" magnification levels to be ridiculous. So, ideal for me would be: I play the game on maximum hard-core do your own trig realism, BUT with optics that are jacked up with max magnifications that are 2x or 3x more than what they presently offer.

When I have to get to ~1000 m on a bright sunny clear day to see that flag on that freighter is Finnish something is just not right . . .

vdr1981 09-09-19 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by DicheBach (Post 2626428)
Is there an easy way to get better magnification on the optics?

I love playing these things with high realism settings, and that "Real Navigation" thing is brilliant.

Except for one thing: I find the imposition of "realistic" magnification levels to be ridiculous. So, ideal for me would be: I play the game on maximum hard-core do your own trig realism, BUT with optics that are jacked up with max magnifications that are 2x or 3x more than what they presently offer.

When I have to get to ~1000 m on a bright sunny clear day to see that flag on that freighter is Finnish something is just not right . . .

Periscope and binoculars magnification are set according to real historical data. You can boost this in file but this will probably mess up stadimeter and manual range calculations as well...Use binoculars (B key) for maximum magnification.

Capt Codetrucker 09-09-19 01:04 PM

Hi Vecko (or anyone?),

Is there a way to change the German labels under...

>> Crew Management >> SUB SYSTEMS English? I can't read German.

Standing by,

PS - Vecko - I don't mean to sound like the proverbial "broken record," but as a developer myself I have a keen perspective on the investment required to put something together like TWoS. Kudos and thank you for your work.

Tonci87 09-09-19 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Capt Codetrucker (Post 2626469)
Hi Vecko (or anyone?),

Is there a way to change the German labels under...

>> Crew Management >> SUB SYSTEMS English? I can't read German.

Standing by,

PS - Vecko - I don't mean to sound like the proverbial "broken record," but as a developer myself I have a keen perspective on the investment required to put something together like TWoS. Kudos and thank you for your work.

That is a discussion we had a few times already in this thread. Unfortunately it is not possible, since it would not be as straightforward as one would think, and the work would have to be repeated every time something gets changed in those files. Fortunately you do not need to know German to understand the meaning of the Names. The Parts are also very well explained in the information text.

And if you still have questions about a specific part, then you can ask in this thread here.

Capt Codetrucker 09-09-19 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2626471)
That is a discussion we had a few times already in this thread. Unfortunately it is not possible, since it would not be as straightforward as one would think, and the work would have to be repeated every time something gets changed in those files. Fortunately you do not need to know German to understand the meaning of the Names. The Parts are also very well explained in the information text.

And if you still have questions about a specific part, then you can ask in this thread here.

Hi Tonic,

Thank you for your reply. FYI - I ALWAYS do forum searches before asking a question. I didn't find anything useful, so I posted. Maybe I'm not using the search correctly, but being an I.T. professional in my career I would think I could handle it, but I digress.

I anticipated that might be the case. It would have been necessary to include this "switch" in the original development of a mod. FWIW, I have actually signed up to try and take German lessons, so this (hopefully) won't be an issue in the future.

Take care.

DicheBach 09-09-19 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2626438)
Periscope and binoculars magnification are set according to real historical data. You can boost this in file but this will probably mess up stadimeter and manual range calculations as well...Use binoculars (B key) for maximum magnification.

Okay thanks.

One thing that I'm not sure about: if the real historical scopes provided 6x magnification, does a "6x magnification" on a computer monitor actually simulate that to any reasonable extent? My guess is: no. Why? Because of many factors which can be summed up as: computer games can only represent reality, they cannot replicate it.

Not to sound like a whiney bitch but, just to put this concept out there: for something like this, a "better" rubric might be:
A. At what range under ideal lighting conditions could a typical 20/20 vision captain identify a target with a scope at maximum magnification?

B. It should also be possible to do that in the game; which may well mean that the "magnification" applied to the camera for in-game optics needs to be much higher than the actual historical magnification.

Again, not to sound whiney or unappreciative! Your mod compilation is fantastic. Just to toss that idea out :)

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