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XenonSurf 05-30-19 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612136)
I have a problem with the periscope depth. The submarine does not remain stable at the depth that I order. So it is not possible to get the periscope out water.
I have the update 2.9 the wolfes of steel.:hmmm:
what do you recommend me to do?

What you mean is probably that the scope will not stabilize your view. That's realistic :)
With very high waves and a torquing submarine, you are adviced to use the attack scope which has a longer elevation out of the water, and you can set this precisely for not being too high or too low. The observation scope may reach its limit with high waves. And in all cases (even with the UZO) the view is not stabilized by default.

If this disturbs you, then you can set to have stabilized view in the Game Options before you leave bunker in a campaign, or in the Options from the main menu for Historical Missions.

Current version of TWoS is 2.2.12 btw.

vdr1981 05-31-19 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612136)
I have a problem with the periscope depth. The submarine does not remain stable at the depth that I order. So it is not possible to get the periscope out water.
I have the update 2.9 the wolfes of steel.:hmmm:
what do you recommend me to do?

You should ask that in Environmental 15 mod thread...

jorca2 05-31-19 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2612173)
You should ask that in Environmental 15 mod thread...

thanks guys! the problem is in the lack of stability and in the depth to which the "depth of periscope" leads me, which in lugsr of being about 13 meters oscillates between 17-18-19-20 with which it is impossible to see anything with the periscope of observation or with the attack.
Neither does the submarine respond when you order it to submerge to a certain depth. I will try the game options as you say

hauangua 05-31-19 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612178)
thanks guys! the problem is in the lack of stability and in the depth to which the "depth of periscope" leads me, which in lugsr of being about 13 meters oscillates between 17-18-19-20 with which it is impossible to see anything with the periscope of observation or with the attack.
Neither does the submarine respond when you order it to submerge to a certain depth. I will try the game options as you say

Which your mod list?
You added external mod?

jorca2 05-31-19 05:05 AM

in instalation order: The wolfes of steel V 2.2.9
Twos Real navigation
Twos encrypted Bdu orders
Twos UI cmd-Auto Target ID
Environment 15MOD
reboot`s water drips 1.1
Bstankog`s radio channels final

XenonSurf 05-31-19 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612182)
in instalation order: The wolfes of steel V 2.2.9
Twos Real navigation
Twos encrypted Bdu orders
Twos UI cmd-Auto Target ID
Environment 15MOD
reboot`s water drips 1.1
Bstankog`s radio channels final

Environment 15MOD is only shown to be used with TWoS 2.1.2, see the thread. Veko said 1 year ago already it's NOT compatible with TWoS, so for sure it will not be compatible with the current version nor with 2.2.9, the mod thread doesn't show any update . You must know which soup you mix up, or you may harm your stomac :)

TWoS uses DynEnv 2.9 (or later) environment mod.

hauangua 05-31-19 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612182)
in instalation order: The wolfes of steel V 2.2.9
Twos Real navigation
Twos encrypted Bdu orders
Twos UI cmd-Auto Target ID
Environment 15MOD
reboot`s water drips 1.1
Bstankog`s radio channels final

Read here :

jorca2 05-31-19 05:43 AM

ohhhhhh so was that ?? I will immediately remove it from the list and prove that the depth problem has been solved.
Thank you very much for the reply!!!:Kaleun_Cheers:

jorca2 05-31-19 09:14 AM

perfect, solved the problem of periscope depth. now it keeps me the depth in 11 meters. what I have seen strange now is that when ordering immersion the hatch remains open, it is not closed by the last sailors to enter the submarine

vdr1981 05-31-19 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612239)
perfect, solved the problem of periscope depth. now it keeps me the depth in 11 meters. what I have seen strange now is that when ordering immersion the hatch remains open, it is not closed by the last sailors to enter the submarine

The hatch closes it self the moment you use dive command...

hauangua 05-31-19 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by jorca2 (Post 2612239)
perfect, solved the problem of periscope depth. now it keeps me the depth in 11 meters. what I have seen strange now is that when ordering immersion the hatch remains open, it is not closed by the last sailors to enter the submarine

1- you go inside u-boat going down the ladder

2-Now you can use dive command,and the hatch will close.

jorca2 05-31-19 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2612248)
1- you go inside u-boat going down the ladder

2-Now you can use dive command,and the hatch will close.

Perfect thanks!!!!!

Hawkeyed 05-31-19 06:31 PM

Is there any fix for not working mouse wheel in Enigma wheels which supposed to rotate the letters?

I have no idea why it doesn't work - the mouse wheel works perfectly in all other aspects of the TWoS.

hauangua 05-31-19 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Hawkeyed (Post 2612320)
Is there any fix for not working mouse wheel in Enigma wheels which supposed to rotate the letters?

I have no idea why it doesn't work - the mouse wheel works perfectly in all other aspects of the TWoS.

Strange your problem..
Please post your complete Mod list,thanks

Hawkeyed 06-01-19 03:41 AM

I have just TWoS installation.
Nothing else.

My mod list in JSGME is empty.

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