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Lanzfeld 10-15-18 01:09 AM

Is there a list or file in game where I can see the specific dates when certain neutrals become hostile ?

I assume if you’re using the lighted ship mod then the date that neutrals become hostile the ships are no longer lit ......

But if you’re not using this mod how can you tell when neutral nations become hostile?

Cybermat47 10-15-18 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2572607)
Is there a list or file in game where I can see the specific dates when certain neutrals become hostile ?

I assume if you’re using the lighted ship mod then the date that neutrals become hostile the ships are no longer lit ......

But if you’re not using this mod how can you tell when neutral nations become hostile?

Here you go:

Note that American ships will be hostile to you before they officially join WWII, as part of the neutrality patrol.

Fifi 10-15-18 05:33 AM

One more question... :ping:

Is there a way to get TC1 on each contact report of the capt log?
Because they are not showing up in the regular message box...where i get TC1!

Those contact message are quite important when patrolling in the middle of nowhere, to eventually calculate an interception path.
And i often miss them at their time start :hmmm:

Thanks for any tip

Cybermat47 10-15-18 05:42 AM

For anyone who wants to play with a focus on historical accuracy, I've put a guide together:

Of course, if you want to play with less of a focus on historical accuracy and more on just having fun, no worries - everyone should be able to play the way they want :Kaleun_Cheers:

Lanzfeld 10-15-18 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2572631)
One more question... :ping:

Is there a way to get TC1 on each contact report of the capt log?
Because they are not showing up in the regular message box...where i get TC1!

Those contact message are quite important when patrolling in the middle of nowhere, to eventually calculate an interception path.
And i often miss them at their time start :hmmm:

Thanks for any tip

I have the same issue. Very good question.

vdr1981 10-15-18 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2572631)
One more question... :ping:

Is there a way to get TC1 on each contact report of the capt log?
Because they are not showing up in the regular message box...where i get TC1!

Those contact message are quite important when patrolling in the middle of nowhere, to eventually calculate an interception path.
And i often miss them at their time start :hmmm:

Thanks for any tip

That option is enabled by default...

You can further increase your range filter...

Sjizzle 10-15-18 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572572)
Of course not. Flotilla objectives are date controlled since eternity...:salute:

Thomas Bergersen: Freedom Fighters

This can be seen in ingame credits page as well...:yep:

so u have fixed the crap tonnage bar bug ? damn that's nice :D:Kaleun_Cheers::Kaleun_Applaud:

Fifi 10-15-18 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572641)
That option is enabled by default...

You can further increase your range filter...

:hmmm: That’s exactly what i did. I have the box checked, and i have increased the range to 1000...
My last contact messages in capt log, the first one i missed it because no TC1, and the second one i got TC1 and it was even repeated in message box!
So it seems still not very effective.

But that would be very nice to get all our contacts repeated in message box :yep:
I don’t know why some are not, and very few are...

vdr1981 10-15-18 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2572653)
:hmmm: That’s exactly what i did. I have the box checked, and i have increased the range to 1000...
My last contact messages in capt log, the first one i missed it because no TC1, and the second one i got TC1 and it was even repeated in message box!
So it seems still not very effective.

But that would be very nice to get all our contacts repeated in message box :yep:
I don’t know why some are not, and very few are...

I'm not quite sure why would you need to be noted about convoy which is 1000+ km away from your position?:hmmm:

If you really want to be noted about all the traffic in the world then increase range filter to some some crazy value like 10000km, but I don't see any point of it...:yep:

Lanzfeld 10-15-18 11:12 AM

I think his point is.....

It doesn’t work.

I tested as well. I doesn’t work.

Oh well.

vdr1981 10-15-18 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2572655)
I think his point is.....

It doesn’t work.

I tested as well. I doesn’t work.

Oh well.

You are confusing me guys, what doesn't work? Range filters for contact reports? We are talking about TWoS only here, right? :hmmm:

Fifi 10-15-18 11:34 AM

Vecko, i don’t want all the world traffic :haha:

Of course 1000km is a bit to far for any interception.
The purpose was for testing if i could get some contacts that give me TC1.
The range contact is working good!

Since the start of test, on 3 contacts reported in capt log, 2 dropped TC1 and 1 not...
The 2 that gave TC1 were repeated in message box, and i love it.

I don’t think it’s broken, just not 100% effective :)

Lanzfeld 10-15-18 11:35 AM

Yes sorry for the confusion.
It seems that the range on contact reports doesn’t always work for me.
I will get a report inside the range and NOT go to 1x.

TWOS only.

And for what it’s worth I’m not a big fan of the new torpedo heating mechanic. This should be done automatically.

vdr1981 10-15-18 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2572660)
Vecko, i don’t want all the world traffic :haha:

Of course 1000km is a bit to far for any interception.
The purpose was for testing if i could get some contacts that give me TC1.

Since the start of test, on 3 contacts reported in capt log, 2 dropped TC1 and 1 not...
The 2 that gave TC1 were repeated in message box, and i love it.

I don’t think it’s broken, just not 100% effective :)

I don't see how is that possible...That one contact from Cpt log which wasn't repeated in the message box has to be outside of currently set range filter. I never had any kind of different behavior or problems with it. This applies of course only if you haven't messed up something with user options settings ect...

vdr1981 10-15-18 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2572661)
Yes sorry for the confusion.
It seems that the range on contact reports doesn’t always work for me.
I will get a report inside the range and NOT go to 1x.

TWOS only.

Are you talking about "ghost" contacts which could sometimes appear in your navigation map as marks but not in your Captains log?


And for what it’s worth I’m not a big fan of the new torpedo heating mechanic. This should be done automatically.
They are already preheated in some way. According to some sources, a "cold" TII electric torpedo would have range sometimes less than 2km. In game you'll have 4...Preheated would have around 5...

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