While that is true it is easily overcome by setting the speed after you give the telegraph order.
Click on the square under the telegraph to change the dial and remember both engines can and will run at different speeds if so ordered. Use both hands separately when you like. What I do find annoying of the sh3 dials is that at times when you give a dive command or depth command the engines go to all stop. That is why I now give dive and speed commands at the same time. Vecko, about my question to have an automated flag near port and no flag at sea for the U boat, is that possible to do? |
Also, "snorkel depth" (13.5m) is more suited for attack periscope, that's why I always use it during the attack... :yep: Quote:
This is from Quick Start Manual... Quote:
Okay, thanks for that info. Do not think I overmodded since the actual speed when checking does not really change so it must be a telegraph dial glitch or something in the sh3 UI.
Twos 2.2.7,is running fairly stable here. I am convinced any ctd is due to my 2.33 dual core and Nvidia 720 and my RAM. Happens only when in very busy engagements with many ships and sporadically. Game freeze when giving several crew commands while moving about the sub at high speed et cetera. Should all change with my new rig which is fairly massive. problems became worse though with the rusted glory mod. |
Thanks for the quick response Vecko...
So, if I understand correctly, you are trying to say that it would be more realistic actually to leave flags as they were before, right?
Regarding warships..."yes". Although I have not seen every or even many warships in the game yet (I'm still practicing and getting used to operating things), from what I have seen in various utube videos and screenshots from yourself and other players, as well as comments here from others, I would say the placement is correct as before...at the main peak. The reduced size by itself produces a much much better representation of what you would see (and be able to see and identify) at sea in the real world. You are aware that you can fine tune attack periscope height with PgUp and PgDown keys? And yes, you can adjust pre-selected depths in submarines cfg file. Those settings will only effect depths for your GUI commands. Also, "snorkel depth" (13.5m) is more suited for attack periscope, that's why I always use it during the attack... :yep: Yes again...I did exactly that, but was wondering if I could change the default periscope depth without affecting anything else. Then I would fully extend the scope initially and adjust my depth to raise it higher if needed or use the PgDn or single down-arrow button to lower it a bit if needed...more "realistic" method from my real-world experience. IIRC, snorkel depth for the VIIC was 12m, so I would also adjust that...but maybe I'm just "picky". :) The same will happen with stock SH5 UI style. It's a side effect from one of the TDW patches (Gen. Patcher, SHsim.act, Electric engine ratios) which is responsible for realistic speed and RPM outputs while submerged. This is from Quick Start Manual... Well, then I think I'll stick with the SH5 Enhanced HUD instead... That been said, your max submerged speed of 4 knots doesn't sound right at all. :hmmm: All U-boats in game, except U-FLaK, have maximum underwater speed (with full batteries) 7-8 knots, depending of currently equipped conning tower... Hhhmmm...I wonder if maybe I was just being too impatient and forgetting that there are time delays built in to prevent "jackrabbit" acceleration. I was focused on the lack of correct response on the EOT and might have simply made too many changes too fast. Thank you again Vecko...many thanks. |
We can ask the watch officer to raise flag, or lower it! (By pressing a hot key) It just make it appear or hide... i wish it could be feasible in SH5 :D Maybe one day! |
Does anyone else have escorts following them at 15 knots when shadowing a convoy?
And if so, is this a glitch, or is the escort using radar or huff-duff? |
Just a thought for future update...
Maybe you could add as TWOS additional mod the Mighty Fine Crew Alt faces (with beard or not) for those who are tired of stock faces... I think it’s fully TWOS compatible, i use them currently without any issue :03: |
It is great to see input by submariners on here. About that periscope. Yes you can put it full out and adjust depth with the sub to either let it be just above the surface. 1meter or less. I have done that a few times. However adjusting depth takes time. And it makes noise. So at the moment i go to periscope depth and just fiddle with the height by slowly clicking on it. I often am just on the border of water and surface and can still lock.
@vdr1981 I’ve been doing some research on the G7e TII torpedo, and I’ve found that it’s inaccurate in SH5 at the moment, even with TWoS. Currently, it has a speed of 28 knots, and a range of 3000m. However, I’ve found that this performance was only found in the torpedo when it was launched “cold”. When properly pre-heated, it had a range of 5000m at 30 knots.
The sources I use for this from are uboat.net (https://uboat.net/technical/torpedoes.htm), navweaps.com (http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WTGER_WWII.php), and the work of the GWX team. If you want to include this mod in the next version of TWoS, feel free to :Kaleun_Salute: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/down...o=file&id=5388 |
I’ve seen we can have this active option for the torpedo man, even though i’ve Never used it yet... Meaning are you sure we don’t have already this speed/range when the pre-heat order is given? :hmmm: |
EDIT: Yep, the pre-heat option is greyed out and can't be used, regardless of morale. https://i.imgur.com/6HkEnjw.jpg Besides, it would be pretty silly for a u-boat captain to have to spot an enemy ship, go down the ladder into the control room, walk through the radio room and crew bunks to the torpedo room, tell the torpedo petty officer to pre-heat the torpedoes, then walk back through the crew bunks and radio room to the control room, climb the ladder to the conning tower, and then start making torpedo calculations. |
For sure it would be crazy to run all over the sub to give this order! :haha:
Yes it’s greyed, but i thought it was when giving points in the crew tab that we could get the pre-heat option avalaible...on other hand, i don’t know what means Os (beside the option) My bad if not :salute: |
The Pre-heat and Overcharge abilities can still be activated using F11 and F12 when there is enough morale. ( the 0s is the cooldown timer for the ability = zero seconds ) |
http://www.uboataces.com/torpedo-tiii.shtml Note that that all crew abilities to extend torpedo range have been disabled via TDW generic patcher. I may enable them again but that would require some testing. We should be very careful with torpedo bonuses because they can interfere with and screw up TDC calculations. We don't want that , do we? |
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