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Aktungbby 10-21-16 01:32 PM

Welcome aboard!
allandidonifajardo! :Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 10-21-16 02:23 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > allandidonifajardo
The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question) (Do not post your problems here if you have added additional mods to TWOS make a new thread)

fitzcarraldo 10-21-16 03:18 PM

Many thanks Vecko for the new 1.06!

I read about about an expansion "3" but I don´t see it for download. :06: No published yet?

With the 1.06 and expansion 2, all OK, starting in "Happy Times".

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 10-21-16 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2437273)
Because of my revision of all imported dat objects , this megamod version should bi significantly more stable than anything before. You'll noticed that American airplane rooster now misses several airplane types (I used British planes to fill the gap) but also I've added several new merchant types from SH4/SH3...

Some environmental units are still problematic (mines and buoys) so make sure to save the game when approaching or leaving the areas where these units can be encountered, just like before ( all in game ports, coastal waters, narrow straights ect...). Further more, one full game restart in mentioned areas should decrease any possible CTD chances practically to 0...

Note that the test version should be savegame compatible but any changes will be visible only after fresh Campaign start or advancement to the next campaign chapter...If everything is OK with this one I think we are ready for new official TWoS v 1.06...


TWoS 1.06 - release candidate version 3 changelog:

- Added several new merchant types (Check TWoS: New Merchant Fleet mission)
- Added few different ship variation of already present ships in the game.
- Fixed LoD setting for all imported ships.
- Added animated crew for imported ships.
- SH5 wake trail for all imported ships
- Fixed "New Merchant Fleet" historical mission.
- Added Rec manual Additional Informations for several more merchant ships (more stuff to read during long and boring patrols :)).
- Reorganized air/sea units roster and appearance intervals in order to assure the highest possible level of game stability.
- In game appearance of certain ship types moved for later war years, like Landing Ships, newly added Harris class Attack Transport, Liberty ships ect...
- Adjusted Campaign files in order to meet new changes.
- Adjusted player's new sub offers date intervals in order to avoid CTD resulting "collisions" between certain submarine types and some problematic sea units (VIIC available after early 1941, U-FLaK early 1943, VIIC41 mid 1943)
- Removed faulty submarine paints/coating upgrade packs and edited description for some (ex. player will be noted if paint is applied only to conning tower or if upgrade only works with certain tower type ect). Edited point costs.
- Few tweaks in cfg files responsible for AI detection abilities.
- "Silent running/state" ability is now available on surface too in order to compensate a bit for increased hearing abilities of escorts when sub is surfaced.
- Fixed game freeze when R2 node radars (rotating) is destroyed while rotation is active.
- Revised non-scripted campaign agents report in order to decrease expressed possibility of upcoming event and to simulate counterintelligence operations but at the same time to give player rough picture of current sea traffic state (ex. "Agents report, Convoy HX1, possible departure from...")

- Fixed occasional duplicated words in radio message files.
- Crash dive command set to 150m.
- Removed old Generic patcher files from Aplications folder (not to create confusion with valid files).
- Added water surface reflections for all imported ships and removed unused textures.
- Updated/added mod's, gen.patcher and OFEV instructions to the appropriate folders.
- Two new merchant types
- Slightly decreased bosun's CO2 built up bonuses.
- Fixed CO2 gauge in control room to show correct values.
- Few tweaks in Menu.txt file regarding crew contact reports.
- Revised gameplay realism percentage values depending of used optional addons.
- Added Silentmichal's interior mod 1.2.4 (The Beast's No Food and Fixes version), removed Library folder in order to get rid of some error messages on game exit...

The Wolves of Steel 1.06 - Subsim Community SH5 Expansion Pack_RC3



Torpedo 10-22-16 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2442119)

Hi Vecko!
The mod "silent michael's interior mod 1.2.4 - No Food and Fixes" has this problem:
three light bulbs near the table are off. :wah:
I hope that the problem is solved in Expansion Pack RC3. :up:


vdr1981 10-22-16 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2442132)
Hi Vecko!
The mod "silent michael's interior mod 1.2.4 - No Food and Fixes" has this problem:
three light bulbs near the table are off. :wah:
I hope that the problem is solved in Expansion Pack RC3. :up:


I didn't see any... Screenshot?

Jimbuna 10-22-16 09:41 AM

Welcome to SubSim allandidonifajardo :Kaleun_Salute:

mariokartjkl 10-22-16 11:14 AM

hello everyone sorry for the question i used to play sh3 in a old pc years ago. I've reinstalled sh5 now on steam and in this moment I'm downloading wolves of steel 1.06 RC3 how do I install it?

the installation is the same that is explained on the first post of this thread???
are there some modification because I'm installing on steam??

thank you very much

Torpedo 10-22-16 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2442168)
I didn't see any... Screenshot?

With The Wolves of Steel 1.06 RC2 and silentmichal's interior mod 1.2.4 - No Food and Fixes


vdr1981 10-22-16 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2442233)
With The Wolves of Steel 1.06 RC2 and silentmichal's interior mod 1.2.4 - No Food and Fixes


mikaelanderlund 10-22-16 03:52 PM

Vecko, many thanks for the new 1.06!

Norden :salute:

fitzcarraldo 10-22-16 07:08 PM

Vecko: Many thanks for the RC3. Yesterday I installed the RC2 and today RC3, so started a new campaign in the Mediterranean. All OK, now cruising to the dangerous waters. Normally I used low TC.

Seeing the Museum, only I have problems in the German roster, when starts the view of Uboats. After the Hospital ship, the Museum CTD.

All others rosters and nations, working OK, without CTDs. First time I could see many ships in SH5 without crashing.

But: is there a problem with the german AI Uboats? The Museum crashed with them.

Silentmichal interiors Beast version is working very well in Mediterranean. The normal version crashed the game in this scenery.

Awesome work!

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Torpedo 10-23-16 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2442235)

Hi Vecko!
I just installed TWOS RC3 and the bulbs are out. I have the nVidia GTX 970 graphics card with the latest drivers and I know that this card was having problems so I installed the mod "nVidia missing lights" but the result is the same.
It is possible that others have the same problems with the nVidia graphics card?
To test I installed the mod "silentmichal's interior mod 1.2.3" and the bulbs are on. I do not know what to think.
This is the image with RC3. Do you think I can use one of the mods "silentmichal's interior 1.3 or 1.4" or these mods are incompatible with TWOS?

Tnx! Torpedo

vdr1981 10-23-16 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2442299)

Seeing the Museum, only I have problems in the German roster, when starts the view of Uboats. After the Hospital ship, the Museum CTD.

It's AI Type II sub , which is known that can cause CTDs. That's why it is not used in the campaign...:yep:

vdr1981 10-23-16 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2442339)
Do you think I can use one of the mods "silentmichal's interior 1.3 or 1.4" or these mods are incompatible with TWOS?

No, I don't think that would be a good idea...Nvidia card here too, a "bit" older though with older drivers (8800GT).

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