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ijnfleetadmiral 08-15-11 10:38 PM

Patrol 13 of U-47

Number 13 certainly proved to be unlucky for us...the seas were continually rough, making it certain that the deck gun crew was just along for the ride, at least SIX torpedoes malfunctioned and either didn't detonate or ran too deep, and ship sightings were practically nil. After firing all but the final remaining stern torpedo (the one in external reserve) KL Hossel gave up (although he used much more coarser language to announce it) and we returned home, having sunk only three ships for a measly 11,714 tons, thereby bringing our combined total to 281,195 tons. En route home, KL Hossel spent most of his off-duty time thinking up grotesque ways for the SS to publicly execute Herr Churchill once Britain surrenders.

On return to port, KL Hossel was again ordered to Berlin, where he was presented with the Diamonds to his Knight's Cross by the Fuhrer. When the Fuhrer asked him if he thought there was anything the U-boat service desperately needed, KL Hossel replied, "Ja, mein Fuhrer...better torpedoes."

Ship #1: Coastal Freighter

Ship #2: Empire-Type Freighter

Ship #3: Passenger-Cargo Ship

VONHARRIS 08-16-11 12:33 AM

U-109 IXB Patrol No10
03 May 1941
07:47 hours U-109 left Lorient for grid EH95

07 May 1941
Grid CG27
02:08 hours Ship seen
02:20 hours Positive ID: Coastal freighter
02:28 hours Dived to PD - ship possibly armed
02:39 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
02:41 hours Impact
02:45 hours Surfaced - ship listing heavily - masts touch the water
02:46 hours Opened fire with the deck gun
02:47 hours Ship sunk - SS Adroity - 9 105mm rounds used

Grid CG51
10:35 hours Ship seen
10:36 hours Dived to PD
11:11 hours Positive ID: Medium merchant 01 - armed
11:17 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
11:18 hours Periscope spotted - ship took evasive actions - impact aft
11:23 hours Surfaced - ship seemed to be sinking by the stern
11:24 hours Opened fire - ship sunk - SS City of Hereford - 6 105 rouns used

11:28 hours Aircraft seen - engaged as external torpedo was brought in
11:32 hours PBY retreated - minor damages - no casualties

Grid CG54
18:07 hours Ship seen
18:25 hours Positive ID: Small merchant - unarmed
18:40 hours Opened fire
18:42 hours Ship sunk - SS Saint Enogat - 14 105mm rounds used

08 May 1941
Grid CG57
00:18 hours Ship seen
00:25 hours Positive ID: Coastal freighter - unarmed
00:44 hours Opened fire
00:47 hours Ship sunk - SS Finlandia - 20 105mm rounds

27 May 1941
Grid ET37
00:28 hours Ship seen
00:39 hours Warship - lone destroyer - dived to PD
00:49 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
00:52 hours Impact - ship sunk - HMCS Assiniboine (C&D classes)

29 May 1941
Grid ET31
12:29 hours Ship seen - warship
12:30 hours Dived to PD - multiple sound contacts - convoy
13:19 hours 4 TI (bow) fired at 3 targets
13:22 hours 2 impacts
13:33 hours 2 TI (stern) fired at 2 targets - diving to 100m
13:36 hours Impacts - pinging - depth 32m
13:37 hours Depth charges.
13:39 hours Depth 45m - pinging
13:40 hours Depth 50m - DCs - shaking no damages
13:43 hours Depth 60m - Pinging
13:44 hours Depth 68m - DCs
13:55 hours Depth 91m - sinking sounds - SS Allerton (Ore Carrier)
13:59 hours Depth 100m
14:10 hours Depth 110m - DCs away
14:27 hours Depth 140m - no pinging - sound contacts of ships moving away
20:00 hours Surfaced in 9 m/s winds and clear skies

14 June 1941
Grid DJ16
09:24 hours Ship seen
09:30 hours Dived to PD
10:00 hours Positive ID: Heavy merchant 01 + medium merchant 01 both armed
10:04 hours 2 TI(bow) fired
10:05 hours Impacts
10:06 hours 2 TI(bow) fired - impacts - ship sunk - SS Hainaut (Medium Merchant 01)
10:22 hours 1 TI(stern) fired - impact
10:23 hours 1 TI(stern) fired - impact - ship sunk - SS Glenstrae (Heavy Merchant 01)

15 June 1941
Grid DJ21
07:11 hours Failed attempt to intercept convoy

16 June 1941
Grid CG97
01:27 hours Ship seen - convoy
01:54 hours Surface attack - 4 TI(bow) fired at 3 targets
01:55 hours Dived to PD
01:59 hours Impact
02;00 hours 2 TI(stern) fired - diving to 100m
02:04 hours Sinking sounds - HMS Flamborough Head F 88 (Convoy repair ship)
06:20 hours Surfaced

20 June 1941
14:38 hours U-109 docked at Lorient
49 days at sea
9 ships sunk
41229 tons
95% hull integrity
no casualties

vonHarris was decorated with the Golden Oak leaves for his Knights Cross with oak leaves swords and diamonds.
He also refused a transfer to training post.

sublynx 08-16-11 12:46 AM

U-331, patrol 1 finally finished

Miltiades 08-16-11 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water (Post 1728657)
Nice assortment of bling there, congrats! :up:

Too quick to give away if you ask me.

JazzJR 08-16-11 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1728749)

Your War diary gets more and more realistic everytime :D
Now you just have to write it in german. :03::salute:

sublynx 08-16-11 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by JazzJR (Post 1728898)
Your War diary gets more and more realistic everytime :D
Now you just have to write it in german. :03::salute:

I did. This is just a translation the Royal Navy made after Dönitz's archives were transferred to London. :DL (Actually I'm desperately going through my German textbooks and dictionaries, trying to remember wie es eigentlich war geschrieben und versprochen... Hang on, I'll get there eventually :O:)

JazzJR 08-16-11 08:12 AM

Well i have to google some words in english to write some senteces but i think, the most people can read what i want to say. :DL

ijnfleetadmiral 08-16-11 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1728877)
Too quick to give away if you ask me.

I'm starting to agree...I got the Oak Leaves and the Oak Leaves with Swords in the same patrol recently, and then one patrol later, I got the Diamonds! Wish I could figure out how to hand out promotions that quick...I could use some more stripes on my sleeve! :D


Miltiades 08-16-11 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1729202)
I'm starting to agree...I got the Oak Leaves and the Oak Leaves with Swords in the same patrol recently, and then one patrol later, I got the Diamonds! Wish I could figure out how to hand out promotions that quick...I could use some more stripes on my sleeve! :D


I could use some women on my ship instead of medals, maybe a crew full of women.:D
Except the navigator..... :rotfl2:

JK :O:

GoDeep 08-16-11 03:13 PM

Currently, I am in hot pursuit of a convoy in grid square BE39, December 30, 1940. My boys want to be home for New Year's but sadly that's not going to happen. Not as long as we have torpedoes, anyway.
My first attack on this convoy bagged me a mid size freighter and I damaged a tanker too. Last I checked, she was listing by the stern but still managed to keep up with the convoy. In the rear of the convoy was an aux. cruiser and I have my mind set on that now.

I'm gaining on the convoy and there's still about 8 hours of darkness left... :arrgh!:

JazzJR 08-16-11 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1729266)
I could use some women on my ship instead of medals, maybe a crew full of women.:D
Except the navigator..... :rotfl2:

JK :O:

You don't really want that, do you??

Miltiades 08-16-11 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by JazzJR (Post 1729284)
You don't really want that, do you??

Hey I'm still the captain! :DL

JazzJR 08-16-11 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1729291)
Hey I'm still the captain! :DL

Yep thats why you will have a pink submarine when you wake up. :DL

Miltiades 08-16-11 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by JazzJR (Post 1729305)
Yep thats why you will have a pink submarine when you wake up. :DL


At least I'm inside with the women, and I will blindfold myself whenever I leave or enter the ship.

Fish In The Water 08-16-11 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by GoDeep (Post 1729271)
In the rear of the convoy was an aux. cruiser and I have my mind set on that now.

I'm gaining on the convoy and there's still about 8 hours of darkness left...

Take 'er down and good hunting! :arrgh!:

Miltiades 08-16-11 05:00 PM

Really frustating now , for the 3 time in a row the weather is appalling and I keep missing the interception on convoys

ijnfleetadmiral 08-16-11 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Miltiades (Post 1729345)
Really frustating now , for the 3 time in a row the weather is appalling and I keep missing the interception on convoys

Know the feeling well, Herr Kaleun!


Miltiades 08-16-11 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1729410)
Know the feeling well, Herr Kaleun!


Great my current campaign got messed up by SH3 Commander.
Now I got to start over again, only I wonder when and where.
Don't feel like waiting a month in 1939.

ijnfleetadmiral 08-16-11 06:17 PM

Patrol 14 of U-47

We were assigned further south than ever before...grid DT26. The boys were a bit put-out at having to spend Christmas and New Year's at sea, but we made up for it by sinking a Passenger-Cargo off Spain about 2 days out. Our Christmas present came when we attacked a convoy off SW Spain. It was comprised of various small ships, and KL Hossel was eyeing a Small Tanker on the far side (tankers are more valuable than freighters, in the Kaleun's esteemed opinion), when we sighted an Auxiliary Cruiser at the back of the convoy, and much closer, I might add! Four torpedoes fired, then down to 67 meters to wait out any depth-charges. Four hits, the target sinks, and the convoy hurries on to avoid further attacks. No DCs forthcoming. A Merry Christmas indeed!

Returned to port just after the New Year, having sunk just two ships, but racked up 15,938 tons, bringing our total to 297,133 tons. KL Hossel was flown back to Berlin to meet with the Fuhrer, who congratulated him on being the second U-boat skipper to receive the Golden Oak Leaves. (Von Harris was the first.)

Ship #1: Passenger-Cargo Ship

Ship #2: Auxiliary Cruiser

Miltiades 08-16-11 06:19 PM

Auxiliary cruiser are tasty targets. :O:
How many torpedoes did it take for this one?

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