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THE_MASK 04-14-16 04:49 PM

Try these waves and see if you have a more user friendly deck gun experience .

fitzcarraldo 04-14-16 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2397487)
Try these waves and see if you have a more user friendly deck gun experience .

Can we use it in TWoS? Really I don´t want to touch very much of the delicate mod list...

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

EDIT: I´m using now your mod in the end of TWoS list. It seems works, and the mouvement of the waves is very nice. I like it. I can´t say what is the exact wind speed - I have a wrong 15m wind from the weather report, but it seems a 5m wind. I observed the mod overwrites an hydrophones cfg file of Rusty Glory. Is it good or bad?


THE_MASK 04-14-16 06:28 PM

That was meant for vdr1981 to try . Anyone can try it . It will be overwring the documents folder , don't worry about it . Just enable last .

Sjizzle 04-15-16 02:39 PM

offtopic finally home for 2 days i hope that i will have time to upload and edit does tutorial videos :D

vdr1981 04-15-16 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2397487)
Try these waves and see if you have a more user friendly deck gun experience .

Thanks Sober...


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2397652)
offtopic finally home for 2 days i hope that i will have time to upload and edit does tutorial videos :D


Cthulhus 04-15-16 06:37 PM

SH5_Playable U-FlaK_0.1

THANKS everyone for the AMAZING and STABLE Mega mod ! That change my life ! Abandonned that game few years ago due its instability.

My question : I saw on the mod list "SH5_Playable U-FlaK_0.1". I guess that the new boat will be available.

But it a bit special sub. When the BDU give us a new sub, we don't know which model it will be.

So, how does it work for the U-FlaK ? Just should I save before?

When this boat will be available on the game?

Thanks !

vdr1981 04-16-16 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Cthulhus (Post 2397676)

When this boat will be available on the game?

Thanks !


Check U-FlaK documentation and search the net for more...

Cthulhus 04-17-16 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2397769)

Check U-FlaK documentation and search the net for more...

Thanks !

siege00 04-18-16 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2397652)
offtopic finally home for 2 days i hope that i will have time to upload and edit does tutorial videos :D

Hope to see your vids Sjizzle! Will you post here after they are uploaded?

Major Grubert 04-18-16 01:06 PM

Installing Wolves of Steel.
In case anybody, like myself, gets bogged down in the written instructions regarding the installation of the Wolves Mod here is a very good How To video on YouTube. It's in regard to version 1.03 but the principle still holds good for 1.05 - certainly worked for me. :yeah:

Excellent Mod, BTW :subsim:

Disclaimer: I have no investment in the video nor do I know the guy who made it.

Aktungbby 04-18-16 01:08 PM

Welcome aboard!
Major Grubert! :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 04-18-16 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Major Grubert (Post 2398174)
In case anybody, like myself, gets bogged down in the written instructions regarding the installation of the Wolves Mod here is a very good How To video on YouTube. It's in regard to version 1.03 but the principle still holds good for 1.05 - certainly worked for me. :yeah:

Excellent Mod, BTW :subsim:

Disclaimer: I have no investment in the video nor do I know the guy who made it.

Khm , khm...that video is linked in the first post for months now...:03:

THEBERBSTER 04-18-16 01:48 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Major Grubert
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loukylouk 04-18-16 08:09 PM

I searched the internet and threads but I cant seem to figure out how to get a fistful of emblems working with this great mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!

Major Grubert 04-19-16 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2398183)
Khm , khm...that video is linked in the first post for months now...:03:

Really? Bugger, completely missed it. Doesn't bode well for my Kaleun career, does it? :oops:

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