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THEBERBSTER 03-02-15 03:27 PM

Hi vdr

That's interesting.

I remember making changes previously with the mod enabled and then having to make the changes again in the nav map as they had not taken affect.

Will check it out.


vdr1981 03-02-15 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2292976)
Hi vdr

That's interesting.

I remember making changes previously with the mod enabled and then having to make the changes again in the nav map as they had not taken affect.

Will check it out.


That may be the case, I also had problems with destroyed marks, I just couldn't get rid of them. But everything else seems to work fine. It's also important to edit one tab at the time and then save and reload the file, otherwise changes wont be saved from some reason...

THEBERBSTER 03-02-15 07:52 PM

Hi vdr

With regards to your last post it looks like I will have to try again then.

I disabled the binoculars cross hairs and it made no difference.

I enabled the Nomograph to true so it would appear when the game loads and you go to the nav map.

It made a fleeting appearance and then disappeared.

Will try again tonight.


ParaB 03-03-15 07:15 AM

I've run into a bit of a problem with this mod. Installed everything (except real navigation) via JSGME and ran the TDW generic patcher.

But no matter what options I use ingame I can't seem get map updates (icons) on my ingame map.

Any ideas?

EDIT: problem fixed. Forgot to edit map options.


milky 03-03-15 07:37 AM

Noticed that my objectives arent updated as i sink ships. What do i do? :(

Husksubsky 03-03-15 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by milky (Post 2293220)
Noticed that my objectives arent updated as i sink ships. What do i do? :(

Almost everyone have this problem. (well not my mom for example but all who play sh5).
The berbster have a tutorial. He gave me link just look on page 84. Theres also a thread for it. I have stopped trying, but will use Berbsters go around.
Hers the thread,but nobody has a solution.
the go around
Ive tried several reinstalls, and almost all suggestions to make it work as intended but no joy. I got another exe snapshot from VDR1981 and that solution has worked for some but not for me. (just disabling some advanced options. (thx anyway VDR :) )
We all are sure this has something to do with ubisoft/DRM/ Uplay/savegamessync.It also appears in stock game.
I never had the problem until it appeared less than a yr ago
If you look around the tutorialand the thread , u ll find different suggestions. I might have done something not correct,but nothing worked so far. Even if I go offline and disable cloud sync, I still get message savegames are synced with cloud when starting game..
I just saved my game and are about to try the go around for the first time

EDIT: Just finished manual go around and it works like a charm. needed some mins to familiarize, but then it was easy. I put both tonnage and ships at CRT. is the tonnage there totally disregarded? I think maybe I get new ship faster.. or medals or..:)..
Notised that "has completed " is false. guess that change after enddate. All my killings where recorded at careerprogress file even before my adjust.

pumpnut 03-03-15 04:13 PM

christ this looks so hard......I am totally put there an easier way? :hmmm:

THEBERBSTER 03-03-15 06:43 PM

Hi Guys

My understanding is that vdr removed the tonnage bar in his latest patch 4.

This is the hyperlink to my Tutorial on Post #188 of how to input your own tonnage and ships sunk.

Post #188 At Last A Tonnage Bar That Works Every Time


Husksubsky 03-03-15 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2293486)
Hi Guys

My understanding is that vdr removed the tonnage bar in his latest patch 4.

This is the hyperlink to my Tutorial on Post #188 of how to input your own tonnage and ships sunk.

Post #188 At Last A Tonnage Bar That Works Every Time


But he also put a mod to put it back in:hmm2:
Post 1201 page 81 no idea how to link wih this f.... notethingy

Husksubsky 03-03-15 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by pumpnut (Post 2293427)
christ this looks so hard......I am totally put there an easier way? :hmmm:

No no its easy .take time to look at theberbsters link and follow instruction. Its simply to change two numbers under current (crt) tonnage and ships sunk. Actually only one of them. Might fiddle a bit to find ur patrol, berbsters info is general. Baltic operation is bottom on my "campaign.cfg." prob on yours too.:yeah:just use notepad
I might have made things look complicated by linking to all maybe this and maybe that regarding the tonnagebar/missioncomplete problem. All you need is that last link of theberbster.

THEBERBSTER 03-04-15 07:00 AM

It is only 1 change in the CRT.

Ships or Tonnage.

Just update after exiting the game when you have sunk something.

You never have to worry about the tonnage bar again as you control it.


milky 03-04-15 10:29 PM

So is the Tonnage bar removal on purpose or a bug? How do i complete the campaign without the Tonnage bar?

If it's on purpose, what purpose did it serve to remove it?

THEBERBSTER 03-05-15 05:50 AM

Hi milky

Quote > So is the Tonnage bar removal on purpose or a bug?

The tonnage bar not filling has been a problem for many of us over the past year.

I do not know enough about the workings of SH5 to say if it is a bug.

Highly unlikely as bugs are usually already there and SH5 was working ok without any problems for years.

Mostly likely a Uplay problem, possibly from an update?

I first noticed it happening around the same time I was getting windows error messages that started to appear when trying to log on to Uplay.

Might just be a coincidence.

Quote > How do i complete the campaign without the Tonnage bar?

The tonnage bar has no impact on completing Missions and Campaigns.

Missions/Campaigns are date controlled and come on and drop off as the dates change.

Quote > If it's on purpose, what purpose did it serve to remove it?

Removing it makes sense and vdr should be commended for finding a way to do it.

He also made it possible to put it back on to TWOS for those who still want to use it.

The tonnage bar is an irritation when sometimes it works and other times does not work.

It would also appear that some ships sunk count and others do not.

These ships are still counted in the Captain’s Log so why not on the tonnage bar?

The tonnage bar can be manually changed for those who still want to use it and keep an accurate record for any ship sunk.


Husksubsky 03-05-15 12:17 PM

I understand this as tonnage is not needed for completing stuff either. We must differ between actual tonnage and tonnage bar right?

Baltic was ammountships, but the next along british coast completes with tonnage right? and if I don t complete it and don t get enough medalthingys filled the hole coastal waters might end as failure. (what impact that has on new boat etc I don t know).

I agree however with removing the bar and I m gonna cheat like no tomorrow.
was I supposed to not sink a british battleship east of scapa just to take merchant close to Narvik?
I almost made it but was some hours late (rearming) and got the hole coastal operation as failure. This couple yrs ago

Sorry for the word stuff. we have mission objectives, campaigns and..patrols? I got missionobjectives as green and completed, but had to use ur excellent tutorial to get..whatever completed and get that little medal filled under coastalwaters banner up in left corner on map

EDIT:British Eatern coast was the name an d we have to sink 70 000 tons. Can we call this Macroobjective? missionobjectives not to be mixed with those 70 000 tons. To get campagin succdeed, I understand we need a certain ammount of Macroobjectives completed. And to get that Macroobjective completed we still need the tons (by sinking or typing) . We need the tons , but not the Tonnage bar, am I right?

THEBERBSTER 03-05-15 08:25 PM

Hi Husksubsky.

The objective will tell you whether you need tonnage, number of ships, battleship or something else.

This is what should move the tonnage bar.

I get mixed up between missions and patrols.

May be someone will explain the difference if there is one?


THEBERBSTER 03-05-15 08:27 PM

Hi vdr

I made one change in the OFEV to the clock from 8 to 1024 and made no difference.

It still opened on 8.


Surfrider67 03-06-15 07:30 AM

Hi all again,i was here years ago in name Surfrider ,i forget password and that email :wah:,so i made new profile.
So thanks for this Mod combination. Just try it for short time period ,but before i start to really play it i wan't to ask if there is anyway to enable waypoint tool in Tai map ?

natwil 03-06-15 11:55 AM

depth under keel problem
Hey guys, im a total noob at this, still figuering out how to avoid the destroyers. I figured i should try to go deep. But when i ask for depth under keel it gives me the totally wrong meters. when i check on the external view its usely still a long way to the sea floor . any solution to this or am i doing something wrong?

THEBERBSTER 03-06-15 04:27 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Surfrider67 & natwil :subsim:

You Will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:

Hyperlinked Step By Step Tutorials & How To Do It > SH5 <>SH4 <>SH3 :salute:

Download Links Are also Included For > SH5 <> SH4 <> SH3 :yep:

New To Silent Hunter Then My Thread Will Help To Get You Started. :ping:

Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community :yeah:

Having Tonnage Bar Problems Then Go To My Tutorial Post #188 :/\\!!

Husksubsky 03-06-15 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2294222)
Hi Husksubsky.

The objective will tell you whether you need tonnage, number of ships, battleship or something else.

This is what should move the tonnage bar.

I get mixed up between missions and patrols.

May be someone will explain the difference if there is one?


Hi back Theberbster:salute:
In Captains log the game state mission objective wich might be to patrol an area, put a spy or something. This might be what navmapfeatures call strategic Objectives..( I have no red cross for my missionobjective to confirm that ATM.) The same navmapfeature call the 70 000 tons (l looked that up in the campaign.cfg file) for Macro Objective and we do need tons or filemanipulation to fulfill it. Macro objectives also get called campaign objective and we need them to succeed in campaign. so when you wrote

"The tonnage bar has no impact on completing Missions and Campaigns.

Missions/Campaigns are date controlled and come on and drop off as the dates change."

I got slightly confused. Although I understand that a VISIBLE tonnage bar is not needed to fulfill macro/campaign objectives.
Regards Tom

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