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Swat 11-12-14 08:24 PM

Right.... still in phase of testing things and how it all behaves, but it's looking really good so far.... Made couple of changes in according to my favours and tried the 1st mission several times already (Danzig raid). 1st surprise was an encounter of friendly Stukas flying right above me, actually few times, felt like the invasion of Poland has truly begun.

Hydrophone guy works ok, however sometimes his reports are quite acurate, sometimes bit sporadic.... Can't still figure out why he tells me there's no contact when we're in periscope depth with engines off and the merchant is app. 4.000 m away from us approaching at 60 degrees for example (I'm fully aware of blind sectors in front and behind the sub, however it shouldn't happen with engines off, am I right?). Yet when I take control of the hydro I can hear it clearly. Anyway... it works, I can live with that.

Had tonnage bar bug few times, it seems this bug come and goes totally randomly, might be a hassle to find out what causes this. However this seems to be the major gamebreaker at the moment - I believe not only for me.

Finally - was on my way back from Danzig bay when the watch officer reported smoke on the horizon. Two polish destroyers at 18 km. Thought when I hit full speed I'll avoid them having visual contact with me. Wasnt't playng 'sharp' campaign so I thought I'll try out what they can withstand. At 7 km distance (about 10:30 am, clear skies) they opened fire. Before I managed to submerge the sub was mess, down we went and never made it back on surface. In other words I never was so happy to get sunk by a destroyer as this time. Truly shows there has been an immense work invested into this sim. With SH3+GWX I always knew what to expect from a destroyer even at longer distances, but with SH5 it has always been kind of uncertain - not any more. They are as bad ass as they're supposed to be and that is good for sure.

All in all a huge achievement by all the modders out there, I already dare to say SH5 has become the most atmospheric and the most immersive subsim out there. Some polishing here and there and it'll be a game for a lifetime.

Otherwise no ctds whatsoever (touch wood), WoS megamod seems to be rock solid so far so great job vdr. Don't know what's the general feeling guys, but in my opinion WoS could be a great platform to go from to a standalone megamod with separate installer one day.

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication.

test_m4a1 11-15-14 02:57 PM

I would want to ask You guys one question - why sometimes tonnage bar is filling up and sometimes it doesnt? Its random thing after sinking, lottery :/

Echolot 11-15-14 05:32 PM


why sometimes tonnage bar is filling up and sometimes it doesnt?
Please read here post 97 and 99.

Echolot 11-15-14 05:33 PM



Let's say I want to play WoS on a 21:9 monitor (2560x1080) does anyone know which values I need to edit (in via goblin editor) to get the correct FOV? Here is all the information I got until now.

Please help :subsim:

Thank you and good hunting.


test_m4a1 11-15-14 05:46 PM

Echolot :yeah: :sunny:

Openeyes 11-16-14 04:39 AM

Hello, recently returend to SH5 and enyoing your modpack!

One question though, i would prefer to play without IRAI for a while, do you guys think it would be a good idea to manually remove the files associated with IRAI(comparing to the files included in IRAI and induvidually removing them before activating WoS)? Or would this give me all kinds of trouble?

Basically are the files for IRAI unaltered or have other mods been incorporated into them/depending on them for this modpack?

Other ideas to disable IRAI welcome, preferably with the ability to reenable it at a later stage.

Swat 11-16-14 02:54 PM

I dare to say the game will be useless without IRAI. Ships and planes not attacking you so there'll be nothing to worry about and lots of other stuff. Keep IRAI there and go ahead if I may suggest....

Hartmann 11-16-14 07:37 PM

Yes, IRAI is a must have in SH5

Openeyes 11-17-14 09:07 AM

The reason im asking how to disable ARAI is for the purpose of my second attemt for a 100% realism setting ironman playtrough, and my only experiance with SH5 is for my identical earlier attemt witch didnt last to long, and some practice missions to learn the manual TDC.

So this playthrough i would like to get past the happy times atleast, and as i understand IRAI makes the planes a menace from the start? I would like to avoid that.

So thankful as i am for your answers i wonder, do you recommend me using IRAI for the challange(as i think i am giving myself already) or because without it ships/planes are almost bugged?

Amongst other i read this post in the IRAI thread:

And i came to the conclousion that i should probably disable ARAI until at least 1941 in the campaign, and even after that probably tweak the ARAI settings. Would you disagree?

Short version: if i insist, could i manually remove ARAI from this modpack or would it give me chrashes/loss of featuers or anything else? Thanks

Grzesiek4421 11-17-14 12:53 PM

Eh, I get acces denied on main mod download, any ideas? :C

Aktungbby 11-17-14 01:15 PM

welcome aboard!

Jimbuna 11-17-14 02:22 PM

Welcome :sunny:

Grzesiek4421 11-18-14 01:38 PM

Ahoy! New rat on the deck. I got through the downloading part, but somehow, when I unpack the main mod, it gives me 2 erros, any ideas, gentleman?

Openeyes 11-20-14 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Grzesiek4421 (Post 2262197)
Ahoy! New rat on the deck. I got through the downloading part, but somehow, when I unpack the main mod, it gives me 2 erros, any ideas, gentleman?

I just downloaded and extracted without having any trouble. Im using 7zip.

Shulcz 11-21-14 06:53 AM

Bug or gameplay element? I found the Polish ships in the Kiel Canal. September 1939 :har:

test_m4a1 11-21-14 06:54 AM

I thought we have solved problem of tonnage bar but it seems that we still have it....

Is it only me to have this problem? Are You guys playing without this annyoing bug in WoS?

reignofdeath 11-21-14 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by test_m4a1 (Post 2262967)
I thought we have solved problem of tonnage bar but it seems that we still have it....

Is it only me to have this problem? Are You guys playing without this annyoing bug in WoS?

We are unfortunately.

It plagues even the stock game and its so darn annoying. Finally I feel SH5 is in a really good state to play, except for this, makes me want to go back and play Sh3 GWX.

test_m4a1 11-21-14 11:37 AM

I think i know what You mean, i feel the same.

If no one knows the solution, im going to play SH4 OM cause i cant stand this game anymore :nope:

I dont know if in stock game situation was the same but when i was playing Fifi's Modlist there WASNT such situation like here. Why ( ? )

Grzesiek4421 11-24-14 12:16 PM

Noob question inbound: Can you enable auto-identification in this mod?

Erik M 11-26-14 05:13 AM

Startup difficult
Hello gentlemen of this fine community.

Didnt play sh5 much for the obvious reasons, played a lot of sh3 and sh4, but decided with the release of this mod to gave it another try. Followed the instructions, clean install, al 6 steps went fine, playing offline, new career, etc.

Now for my problems: On startup after loading, the bunker comes up briefly, says something in German, then goes black and stays black until I ctrl-alt-del and escape a few times, then I can see and move around in the bunker.
Passing this hurdle I move out of the canal, try a few automation tutorials but when I start the automation shortcuts tutorial I get a CTD.
If I skip the tutorials it works fine for a while, but moving time compression beyond 64 also causes CTD.

Even the solution to one of these 3 issues would be great!

Anyone any ideas?



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