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elder_gutknecht 11-09-15 02:06 PM

Thanks to vdr1981 for yellow text in Main.cfg developing
Easy to pass, reinstall
Have you try to increase the tc in main.cfg to high levels?
And a silly question, when you are submerged i understand that hydrophone works better with silent

Tonci87 11-09-15 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by elder_gutknecht (Post 2356874)
Thanks to vdr1981 for yellow text in Main.cfg developing
Easy to pass, reinstall
Have you try to increase the tc in main.cfg to high levels?
And a silly question, when you are submerged i understand that hydrophone works better with silent

The more noise your engines produce the harder it will be for your Hydrophone to hear something.

elder_gutknecht 11-09-15 02:21 PM


elder_gutknecht 11-09-15 03:09 PM

A question for vdr1981
I extract the patch 12 in the mod folder as you sugested, but inside the patch 12 folder i have found a MOD and a TDW generic patchs
Something to do or i don't move any of this folder?
Again appears a corrupted screen i really don't know if my computer it's too slow, dualcore 2'6 2gb ram and gt9600 oc 512

gap 11-09-15 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356828)
Gap, Sjizzle, anyone...
Has ever anyone tried to "transform" coastal defenses into unmovable sea units so that they could be "parked" just of the shoreline and do their job?:hmm2:

Yep, in the past I had the same idea as you but never really experimented with it. The two main problems are that the dummy sea units would still be reported by watch crew as "ship sighted" and, more important, ME doesn't allow sea units to be placed on or near land. We could bypass the latter issue by editing fake artillerie's position manually, but then I am not sure what would happen in game. Maybe coastal defenses would "sink" under the terrain (a possible workaround to this would be using TDW's patch), or they would collide with the terrain, bursting into flames before we could even spot them (again, we could remedy this side-effect by making the new units undestructible).
I think Trevally and sober have placed hundred of different unit types on the SH5 map; maybe they can offer some precious suggestions. :hmm2:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356828)
What was the actual problem with coastal guns? IIRC, TDW tried to fix them but he eventually gave up, right?:hmmm:


Originally Posted by Trevally. (Post 2356857)
The guns could be placed fine - the issue was in them not tracking or firing

Exactly that. As of now SH5's coastal defences are just a piece of junk, except for their capability of detecting and reporting enemy units which was fixed by TDW, I think. They can even be equipped with hydrophone sensors, acting as antisubmarine loops :yep:

vdr1981 11-09-15 04:44 PM

Yep, unit_CostalDefense controller if completely FUBAR in SH5...:hmm2: It doesn't work at all...

I had some encouraging results with imported SH4 large bunker, transformed into static floating gun emplacement, but issues suggested by Gap are also there...



Originally Posted by gap (Post 2356907)
...except for their capability of detecting and reporting enemy units which was fixed by TDW, I think. They can even be equipped with hydrophone sensors, acting as antisubmarine loops :yep:

I remember those "stories"...:hmm2:
How can one actually observe these claims in action, because simple adding coastal gun in ME definitely doesn't do the trick?:hmm2:

gap 11-09-15 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356915)
Yep, unit_CostalDefense controller if completely FUBAR in SH5...:hmm2: It doesn't work at all...



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356915)
I had some encouraging results with imported SH4 large bunker, transformed into static floating gun emplacement, but issues suggested by Gap are also there...

I should have a GR2-format small bunker, my original work, somewhere in one of my HDs. IIRC, it was ready for use in game as visual detection outpost or as indicator loop. Dunno why I never realeased it. :hmmm:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356915)
I remember those "stories"...:hmm2:
How can one actually observe these claims in action, because simple adding coastal gun in ME definitely doesn't do the trick?:hmm2:

If memory serves me well, there is a patch to be enabled for coastal defenses to actually detect and report anything. Once you have enabled it, I think you can check land unit's detection circles on the mini-map (with low-realism game settings indeed) the way we do for aircraft and ship sensors. Talking more specifically about magnetic loops, the main discussion started with this post by TDW. Make sure to read also the following posts. There might also be other posts on the same topic sparse in the same thread, but for a start I think you can get an idea from the post(s) I just pointed.

Hope it helps :salute:

vdr1981 11-10-15 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2356929)

If memory serves me well, there is a patch to be enabled for coastal defenses to actually detect and report anything. Once you have enabled it, I think you can check land unit's detection circles on the mini-map (with low-realism game settings indeed) the way we do for aircraft and ship sensors. Talking more specifically about magnetic loops, the main discussion started with this post by TDW. Make sure to read also the following posts. There might also be other posts on the same topic sparse in the same thread, but for a start I think you can get an idea from the post(s) I just pointed.

Hope it helps :salute:

Thanks for the link Gap!
It seems that this is some sort of unofficial patch which is not implemented in any official version. I think I'll just skip it because I cant risk any incompatibility ...

vdr1981 11-10-15 10:45 AM

Gap, can you upload that GR2 bunker for me so could play littlebit with it?:hmm2:
I hope it has some extra nodes(or they are called bones or... whatever) so I could add few more sensors to it, like search light and hydrophone sensors ?:hmm2:


Boooom! :O:

gap 11-10-15 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356997)
Thanks for the link Gap!
It seems that this is some sort of unofficial patch which is not implemented in any official version. I think I'll just skip it because I cant risk any incompatibility ...

Though not extensively tested, both patches should be official and working :hmm2:

...from the download page in TDW's patches' thread:


Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith (Post 1621039)
Starting with v1.0.152.0 added a new patch to the SHSim.act file: Artillery (coastal defenses) and anti-aircraft units able to acquire and track contacts

Starting with v1.0.156.0:
- added a new patch to SHSim.exe: Coastal defense sub loops - Allows coastal defenses to detect subs that are submerged and/or in heavy fog


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357009)
Gap, can you upload that GR2 bunker for me so could play littlebit with it?:hmm2:

Sure. Just give me the time to look for the files :up:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357009)
I hope it has some extra nodes(or they are called bones or... whatever) so could add few more sensors to it, like search light and hydrophone sensors ?:hmm2:

IIRC, it got plenty of equipment bones, and even a couple of sentries moving around it and scanning the (open :O:) horizon every so often :03:



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2356997)
Boooom! :O:

did it work?!!


just noticed it is floating...

gap 11-10-15 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357016)
Sure. Just give me the time to look for the files :up:

Here they are:

Keep in mind that those are my working files, and that there was still some work to do on them, mostly final touches and eye candies. The model got three extra bonees: one "crew" bone, two sensors (hydrophone and visual sensor), and one search light. Also included cfg, sim and zon files with appropriate controllers. You need to add the sns file though and set it conveniently for the unit to use sensors/searchlight.
If need be, don't hesitate asking for my assistance and let us know how it works in game :salute:

vdr1981 11-10-15 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357016)
Though not extensively tested, both patches should be official and working :hmm2:

...from the download page in TDW's patches' thread:

Ouch,My bad , sry...But if so, I dont think the patch has any effect on SH5 CD units...:hmmm: No detection zones, nothing...


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357016)
did it work?!!


just noticed it is floating...

Yes, the unit must be placed few meters of the shore, otherwise it will not be able to use deck gun, I don't know why... Other sensors works fine, it seams.
There is no rocking on waves however, because of specific settings in unit ship controller (very high drag values and mass).

If I had some kind of "platform" in a form of env object, floating problem could be masked completely...:hmm2:

And yes, they are floating few meters of shore , but now, when I equipped them with hydrophone, sonar, search light sensors and even starshells node, I must say that they are really, REALLY angry...:haha:

gap 11-10-15 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357040)
Ouch,My bad , sry...But if so, I dont think the patch has any effect on SH5 CD units...:hmmm: No detection zones, nothing...

It looks like coastal defenses are a largely unfinished feature :nope:. It is possible that, unlike sea, air and submarine units, land units' detection circles are not shown on the map, but if you read the posts by TDW introducting the CD patches, he tested them and they should work. Try setting a test mission with an enemy plane and an enemy costal bunker equipped with long-range sensors, and place your sub well within bunker's detection range, but far from the plane, which should move away from your position. If you enable IRAI, both coastal defense patches, and the "radio" patch (just in case), the aircraft should turn on you as soon as the bunker detects you. If it doesn't, definitely something is wrong. :hmm2:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357040)
Yes, the unit must be placed few meters of the shore, otherwise it will not be able to use deck gun, I don't know why... Other sensors works fine, it seams.

Maybe because the game thinks that your weird artillery-ships are being serviced on drydocks, if you place them too close to land. :O:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357040)
There is no rocking on waves however, because of specific settings in unit ship controller (very high drag values and mass).



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357040)
If I had some kind of "platform" in a form of env object, floating problem could be masked completely...:hmm2:

yep, dummy concrete piers/platforms or sandbanks could be a nice solution. I can provide them, no problem. As you are suggesting, we can import them in game as terrain objects or, even better, we can make them sea units. Coastal artillery, converted into regular gun equipment, could be linked to the new "platform-ships" through equipment bones and eqp files, the way we do with ships and aircraft. This way, the same platform could be used for different types of guns, as far as they fit in size with the platform. :know:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357040)
And yes, they are floating few meters of shore , but now, when I equipped them with hydrophone, sonar, search light sensors and even starshells node, I must say that they are really, REALLY angry...:haha:


You are probably looking for a line of Maunsell Forts defending every port

Jeff Grooves, aka privateer, has modelled them nicely for SHIII/GWX. IIRC correctly, they are set precisely as sea units. Maybe we can ask him for permission to use them for SH5 :)

vdr1981 11-10-15 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357060)
It looks like coastal defenses are a largely unfinished feature :nope:. It is possible that, unlike sea, air and submarine units, land units' detection circles are not shown on the map, but if you read the posts by TDW introducting the CD patches, he tested them and they should work. Try setting a test mission with an enemy plane and an enemy costal bunker equipped with long-range sensors, and place your sub well within bunker's detection range, but far from the plane, which should move away from your position. If you enable IRAI, both coastal defense patches, and the "radio" patch (just in case), the aircraft should turn on you as soon as the bunker detects you. If it doesn't, definitely something is wrong. :hmm2:

Rgr that...Even if it does work, I'm not so enthusiastic about it because I wand CD which can actually shoot with something , not only to listen...:D
I will test this anyway because I have always been wondering does this feature actually work and could it be put on a good use...


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357060)
Jeff Grooves, aka privateer, has modelled them nicely for SHIII/GWX. IIRC correctly, they are set precisely as sea units. Maybe we can ask him for permission to use them for SH5 :)

That's to high...I need some kind of shallow concrete platform (like concrete pier of some sort), not 1 m higher than sea level, which will "connect" bunker with coastline. This could look OK although will require a bit more work in ME...

gap 11-10-15 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357073)
Rgr that...Even if it does work, I'm not so enthusiastic about it because I wand CD which can actually shoot with something , not only to listen...:D
I will test this anyway because I have always been wondering does this feature actually work and could it be put on a good use...

Well, just imagine placing those coastal bunkers all around Britain's coast line, not only near ports. If you get too close to the shore, they detect you and call in the nearest airbase for an air raid. That's exactly what they were meant for. Cool, don't you think :cool:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357073)
I need some kind of shallow concrete platform (like concrete pier of some sort), not 1 m higher than sea level, which will "connect" bunker with coastline. This could look OK although will require a bit more work in ME...

Well, if you are into it, I can rip a pier or two from any of the stock port models, and make it into a new unit to be equipped with artillery. How long should be the leg of the pier for it to reach land, while the main unit is at safety distance from the coast? :hmm2:

vdr1981 11-10-15 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357087)
Well, just imagine placing those coastal bunkers all around Britain's coast line, not only near ports. If you get too close to the shore, they detect you and call in the nearest airbase for an air raid. That's exactly what they were meant for. Cool, don't you think :cool:

Weeeell, I guess so... Given the fact that almost all destroyers near coast line will probably be stuck and with well known "efficiency" of SH5 planes ...Why not, it's better than nothing, I guess...:hmm2:


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2357087)
Well, if you are into it, I can rip a pier or two from any of the stock port models, and make it into a new unit to be equipped with artillery. How long should be the leg of the pier for it to reach land, while the main unit is at safety distance from the coast? :hmm2:

No, the pier has to be unit for it self, more exactly sea unit which shouldn't have any collision spheres and which will "meld" with the coastline.

If you create artillery and pier as one unit/object, the game will probably again detect coast proximity and block the gun, from some reason...

The pear should be something like 60-70m long and if possible wider in the base than on it's top (that's where bunker will be placed).


OR maybe round shaped concrete platform with radius of 60 m , that would be even better I think...

Cyborg322 11-10-15 03:42 PM

Could you use the model from for example the Iron Front mod for Arma or similar ? it looks the part

gap 11-10-15 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357088)
Weeeell, I guess so... Given the fact that almost all destroyers near coast line will probably be stuck and with well known "efficiency" of SH5 planes ...Why not, it's better than nothing, I guess...:hmm2:

If coupled with your RSD, I don't think SH5 aircraft are much worse than real WWII aircraft. U-boats were small targets, and most attacks ended with a miss. There are even reports of planes having to fly so low (in order to increase the probability of hitting their target) that they ended crashing into the water or damaging themselves with the detonation of their own bombs. We rarely take this sort of odd accidents when judging AI, but we must admit that SH5 simulates them pretty well. :D In any case our metal cylinder is too fragile for us to try our luck, which in general is exactly the main factor that real ASW was based on.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2357088)
No, the pier has to be unit for it self, more exactly sea unit which shouldn't have any collision spheres and which will "meld" with the coastline.

If you create artillery and pier as one unit/object, the game will probably again detect coast proximity and block the gun, from some reason...

The pear should be something like 60-70m long and if possible wider in the base than on it's top (that's where bunker will be placed).


OR maybe round shaped concrete platform with radius of 60 m , that would be even better I think...

I tell you my idea: a sea unit shaped as a squared or circular platform, with a number of equipment bones/nodes used for the linking of artillery guns through eqp file. Collisionable object controller added to the new unit, with collision spheres all around it but not damage boxes, so that other units can collide with it (would be weird seeing other ships to sail though our piers), but the platform itself won't take damage from collision/enemy fire. Guns on top of the platform will have both spheres and boxes though, so to make them subject to bombs/big guns damage. Pier connecting the platform to the shore optional, to be stored in another file in the library folder and linked to the main unit through eqp file. The pier should only have collision spheres near its top, except for its distal end (where it is supposed to connect with land) which will have no spheres at all. Would it work?

gap 11-10-15 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2357112)
Could you use the model from for example the Iron Front mod for Arma or similar ? it looks the part

Thank you Cyborg, can you point me to that mod, and how do I extract the 3d model from it?

Tonci87 11-10-15 04:08 PM

Well technically Iron Front isn´t a Mod, but a standalone game. There is a mod that allows you to use Iron Front assets in Arma 3 if you own both. And I´m not sure what model he is talking about...

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