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gap 06-16-15 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2321384)
Not so good news I'm afraid Gap...:nope:

First try, without reloading:
Black Pit, Starting date September 20th 13:00h
Initial wind 2 m/s

First weather change, September 22nd 08:40h
Wind 4 m/s

Second weather change, September 24th 07:50h
Wind 0 m/s

Second try, loaded save, grid BE56:
Date: Sep 23rd 09:00h, Initial wind 7 m/s

First weather change: Sep 25th 04:10h
Wind 15 m/s

It seems that in the campaign weather change intervals are completely ignored, while there is a still chance that wind speed limits are taken into account...
But after reload, it's even worse...:huh: :nope:

mmm... I am not even sure about wind speed in campaign matching weather cfg settings. As I told you, the game tends to pull many similar weather conditions in a row. You getting consistently low winds before saving/reloading may depend on the game generating a low wind (2 m/s) when you first started the new campaign. It being within the espected range could be a mere cohincidence. Next generated winds were also within the 0-5 m/s range because of the said routine making weather conditions not to change abruptly. When you saved/reloaded the game, you stopped that routine, whence the 7 m/s wind speed reported subsequently.
At this point I am afraid our only hope is TDW, or someone else with his skills, looking into the game code and fixing it up. :dead:

gap 06-16-15 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2321407) Ship Capsize & Listing Effects 1.0_by vdr1981 in action....

Anazing! :yeah:

Equilax 06-16-15 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2321318)
Yes, that's because you started campaign before hotfix3, right?
This is classic example of stuck tonnage bar bug, but luckally it is over now...:)
You only have to change any of "IsCompleted=false" to "IsCompleted=true" lines in Campaign.cfg (from your last gamesave before 6/1/40) file and your problem will be solved...Happy times are waiting!:up:

Also make sure to enable latest patch and hotfix before you enter Happy Times...

It work :yeah: thank you vdr1981!

gap 06-16-15 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2321376)
The invisible prop/screw is powering this along at the original speed of 5 knots


Still going at 5 knots


No prop/screw yet still able to cover quite a distance.
I had to stay with it for quite a while until it eventually sank.

Might be an error in ship's sim file. Probably propeller's subset isn't referenced correctly in the Unit Ship controller. Was that an "Uekel" type ship?

vdr1981 06-16-15 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2321581)
Might be an error in ship's sim file. Probably propeller's subset isn't referenced correctly in the Unit Ship controller. Was that an "Uekel" type ship?

It's not that extreme after all...I tested this few times by destroying only ship's propellers with deck gun and in a few minutes they come to almost full stop, even if engine room zone is not damaged at all ...

THEBERBSTER 06-16-15 05:24 PM

Hi gap

Yes a Uekel.


THEBERBSTER 06-16-15 05:40 PM

Had a few ctd's coming out from Kiel going down the canal.

With the harbour pilot TC2 when ctd.

Without the harbour pilot TC4 to TC8 max.
No real navigation . no waypoints . just rudder and compass.

Had a ctd in AN41 270 degrees at TC128 lining up my approach to the main entrance.

Currently 60 km from Scapa did a manual save to close game.
Need more real time for this objective as I will not be able to make any further manual saves until I clear Scapa again.


vdr1981 06-16-15 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2321673)
Had a few ctd's coming out from Kiel going down the canal.


It happens sometimes but only after first deployment from Keil. Later on canal transitions ar more or less smooth...It seems that game spawn something at that date which sometimes makes game to CTD...
What have you actually did to pass the canal ?
Also, try to disable Increased rendering distance patch...
Do you use hotfix 4? Which date was when your game CTD in canal?

THE_MASK 06-16-15 08:59 PM

Has it something to do with running out of memory ? I had a ctd entering Kiel from the Baltic . Tried a few times but same ctd . Usually just after you here the watch crew start to say smoke spotted . I uninstall a few non essential mods and never had a problem since . My new half size tree mod actually reduces the GR2 mesh sizes by half so that is worth a look . I just went to scapa again and am near all the mines . Running at over 50 fps and saved and reloaded numerous times . TC256 at one spot near the mines gives me around 25fps with occasional drop to 12fps . 1TC is always over 50fps . All the mines were places at the minimum 300 meter spacing .

THEBERBSTER 06-17-15 04:56 AM

Hi vecko

I was using the Hotfix 4 Patch in the Baltic
I was quite surprised to get the ctd's in Kiel as the Baltic is where I have had ctd's in previous times, completely ok.

The date was 29th September 1939 I left Kiel at 20.30 with harbour pilot on board the first time.
Patrol Area AN5588
Ctd a little after the first U bend.
Ctd after 1 in game save (AIG).
What I should have done when ctd is reloaded the 16.14 game save and carried on without the harbour pilot.

I started again without the harbour pilot this time Breaking the Fortress was showing and my patrol area had changed to AN7932.

Game loaded from bunker save (AEB) 14.43
Patrol area AN5588
Autosave in game (AIG) 16.14
ctd before next AIG due @16.39

Game loaded from bunker save (AEB) 14.43
Patrol area AN7932
AIG 18.06
AIG 18.31
AIG 18.56
AIG 19.21
ctd before next due AIG @ 19.46
Reloaded AIG 19.21
AIG 20.27
AIG 21.12
AIG 21.37
AIG 22.03
ctd @ 22.15
Reloaded AIG 22.03
Manual save 22.27
Reload manual save from main menu
Manual save 22.49 60 km from Scapa

Some parts of the game were paused between saves.

I have a Nvidia Geforce GTX770 4gb gpu.
I will check my TC 1 for fps
I will disable the Increased distance rendering patch in the GFP.


vdr1981 06-17-15 07:01 AM

Using any additional mods Theberbster?:hmmm:

Did you enabled/disabled some SHsim.act patches after campaign start by any chance?

psykopatsak 06-17-15 07:29 AM

During a patrol outside the Thames, I noticed when attempting a crash dive from airplanes, that the crash dive is REALLY SLOW. Like more than ten seconds of chillin' and doing nothing. Much faster to just order periscope depth, ahead flank and then a new set depth.

Is there something wrong here with my install?

vdr1981 06-17-15 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by psykopatsak (Post 2321788)
During a patrol outside the Thames, I noticed when attempting a crash dive from airplanes, that the crash dive is REALLY SLOW. Like more than ten seconds of chillin' and doing nothing. Much faster to just order periscope depth, ahead flank and then a new set depth.

Is there something wrong here with my install?

CD delay simulates crew entering submarine and without it sub will CD unrealistically fast... You can tweak this time with Options File Editor/Viewer...

THEBERBSTER 06-17-15 08:16 AM

[D:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS]

The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5_HotFix 4
The Wolves of Steel - 16x9 Resolution Patch
DeckGun Friendly Waves_Test
sobers 7A_B deck crew moved for Shaefer SH5
Overlay for TAI and Navigation maps by Shmal
The Wolves of Steel - Wind & Smoke addon
Clock by Shmal

No additional changes made.
Shmal's mods only change .dds files

THEBERBSTER 06-17-15 08:18 AM

The Options File Editor Viewer default setting in the Crash Dive tab is 25 seconds.

vdr1981 06-17-15 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2321806)
[D:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS]

The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5_HotFix 4
The Wolves of Steel - 16x9 Resolution Patch
DeckGun Friendly Waves_Test
sobers 7A_B deck crew moved for Shaefer SH5
Overlay for TAI and Navigation maps by Shmal
The Wolves of Steel - Wind & Smoke addon
Clock by Shmal

No additional changes made.
Shmal's mods only change .dds files

Not sure what to say because just recently I passed Coastal Waters and Happy Times with a single but totally unrelated CTD, even with this old PC of mine...:hmmm:

I only know that the most important things for relatively stable gameplay (this stands for any modlist) are these two :

- Occasional save and complete restart of the game between the actions during long patrols is highly recommended! Always make a gamesave in the bunker and restart the game before you start new patrol.
- Game save with complete restart of the game at the beginning and especially at the end of each patrol (approx. 100-200 Km from home port) is highly recommended. This will improve game stability and further reduce number of random CTD's.

Also , I'm really not sure anymore how to formulate or what to wright in my tips for stable gamepley anymore because, no matter what I wrote , many people will still do "their way" and fail to recognize what SH5 engine actually doesn't like.

psykopatsak 06-17-15 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2321798)
CD delay simulates crew entering submarine and without it sub will CD unrealistically fast... You can tweak this time with Options File Editor/Viewer...

So then the problem is that the delay is not simulated for periscope depth manouvres, or other dives?

vdr1981 06-17-15 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by psykopatsak (Post 2321822)
So then the problem is that the delay is not simulated for periscope depth manouvres, or other dives?

No...Other commands are OK without delay.

THEBERBSTER 06-17-15 10:20 AM

Hi vecko
Quote > - Occasional save and complete restart of the game between the actions during long patrols is highly recommended! Always make a gamesave in the bunker and restart the game before you start new patrol.

Did a manual save 200 km from Kiel (following your instructions)
When you end the patrol (Baltic) you are placed automatically in the bunker.
Used the Esc key and over wrote the Autosave Enter Base (AEB)
Exited the game as I did not have enough time to start the new patrol.
Loaded the game later and used the updated AEB and requested the mission.


Eragon333 06-17-15 11:20 AM

I have a problem.
I did all like in the instruction but when I go into the game there are buttons which I can't click.
Also when I open a new game there is a black screen with the GUI.

Does anybody know where is the mistake?

Thank you :)

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