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GoldenRivet 12-26-10 08:52 AM

Just launched SH3 via SH3 Commander.... I have orders to take command of the 5th Flotilla.

Looks like the career is over.

U-36 will continue to sail however under a new commander.

Gerald 12-26-10 08:56 AM

Career seems to go fast here, the probable successor to Dönitz, :DL

Missing Name 12-26-10 10:52 AM

I got out of the pesky DD situation! I let her ram me. I lost almost everything on the control tower, but she exploded and broke in two. I guess I had weakened her more than I thought.

The next patrol, I shot down a Wellington. The last torpedo was less than five minutes from being fully loaded into the internal compartments, so I didn't want to dive. I almost got the Kingfisher that tried to come to the rescue, but after a bit, she retreated, smoking heavily.

I love that FlaKvierling 20mm, but I'm not making a habit out of this deck emplacement.

Gerald 12-26-10 11:09 AM

I rarely dive down when I see a Kingfisher they are slow and sluggish and can not tolerate as many rounds, :yep:

unterseemann 12-27-10 05:32 PM

After his fifth patrol with U-151, Rudolf Eickmeyer took command of U-1193 a type VIIC uboot.

Patrol 6:

30JUL44 23h19 Left La Rochelle

07AUG44 BE75 14h13 Caught on surface by enemy airplane. Minor damages while emergency dive. Flooding controlled rapidly and boat levelled at -55m. Hydrophon check in case of enemy warships nearby. No warships but we heard a faint noise in the distance.
16h00 Surface the boat. No airplanes but as we managed to follow the underwater contact lookouts had no difficulties to find a nice tanker
17h01 Submerged attack. 2 TIII fired with a 30 seconds interval
17h03 1 hit amidships followed by massive explosions
17h05 Ship sunk. No life boats seen.
M/V British Ambassador. 10.228 tons

21AUG44 AJ29 South of greenland
5h30 Convoy detected with hydrophon. Stormy weather, poor visibility
9h02 Surface the boat ( stupid move...), immediately under fire by escorts in heavy fog, crash dive, levelled at -140m. first depth charges quite off. Decision to come back to periscop depth and to fire 2 gnat to the convoy.

9h09 Torpedoes fired and we dove again after 1 min of silence ( to avoid our own acoustic torpedoes).
9h12 Torpedo impact! Soon followed by sinking noises
9h17 Ship sunk. no clue about the type nor the tonnage...

9h50 Cat and mouse play with escorts ( i played it at 1x, totally nerve-wrecking...). at least 7 escorts on the hydrophon. Depth -203m. Bolds useless so far, pings and depth charges continue...

9h52 Damage report! Flooding! Blow ballast in emergency! Luckily we managed to repair fastly and the flooding is under control. Boat is now at -152m and hull seems to hold the pressure. I think we got damaged by hedgehogs

10h03 It seems that the last bold we launched is effective, depth charges explode behind us now

10h50 Despite some pings it seems that enemy escorts lost contact with us and can't regain

11h30 We slowly raised to -100m, escorts and convoy are now leaving the place

15h00 Surface the boat, damage inspection report medium damages to the pressure hull. We won't attack this convoy another time. We are lucky to be still alive and we can thank the storm... Drinks and food for everybody on board

12h00: Our base is no longer La Rochelle but Bergen in Norway. Fuel should be ok

10SEP44 21h18 Docked at Bergen

43 days at sea
2 ships sunk ( intel confirmed our second sinking, a 12.000 tons tanker!!)
22.380 tons (carreer total 78.052 tons, 14 ships sunk)
H.I 71.30%

Kptlt Rudolf Eickmeyer will make a last patrol with U-1193 before commissioning a new type of uboot...

Jimbuna 12-27-10 08:36 PM


Missing Name 12-28-10 10:38 AM

Capt. Ohne Eienen Namen, U-127 (Types IXB, IXC)
December 1, 1939 - December 6, 1943 (30 completed patrols)
169 Merchants sunk (1,100,759 GRT), including several neutrals
96 Warships sunk (453,429 GRT), including 48 destroyers
1 aircraft destroyed

Fate: Located and sunk by convoy defenses, 100km west of Gibraltar. No survivors.


Capt. Kurt Tödlich, U-127 (Type IXB)
December 1, 1939 -

VONHARRIS 12-28-10 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Missing Name (Post 1561933)
Capt. Ohne Eienen Namen, U-127 (Types IXB, IXC)
December 1, 1939 - December 6, 1943 (30 completed patrols)
169 Merchants sunk (1,100,759 GRT), including several neutrals
96 Warships sunk (453,429 GRT), including 48 destroyers
1 aircraft destroyed

Fate: Located and sunk by convoy defenses, 100km west of Gibraltar. No survivors.


Capt. Kurt Tödlich, U-127 (Type IXB)
December 1, 1939 -

The U-boot Waffe has lost a valuable asset (U-127) and a great commander. The loss is heavy
May you rest in peace in the cold waters of the Atlantic! :salute:

VONHARRIS 12-28-10 03:03 PM

U-30 VIIB 5th patrol
U-30 VIIB type commander : Heinrich Ritter
5th patrol Dec 3 1939 - Dec 19 1939

1 . SS Aeneas (coastal freighter) 1869 tons

2 . MV Fulton (tugboat) 1129 tons

3. Speeding to intecept the next target

4. SS Brynhild (small freighter) 2229 tons

5. SS Adherence (coastal ferighter) 1872 tons

6. under attack

7. SS City of Carlisle (large merchant) 10616 tons

8. MV Corheath (coastal tanker) 1240 tons

9 . SS Reijnst (passenger/cargo) 2245 tons

10. MV Ocean Victor (fishing boat) 83 tons

11 . SS Philoctetes (ore carrier) 8084 tons

12. SS Santa Monica II (medium cargo) 5081 tons

13. SS Adm Courbet (coastal freighter) 1875 tons

14. SS Golden Gate (medium cargo) 5083 tons

15 SS Golden Gate splits in half after coup de grace

Total tonnage :41406 tons
Upon return to Wilhelmhaven Heinrich Ritter was offered the command of U-110 IXB type boat
(I couldn't resist. I have decided to complete this career with the VII B-C types)

Arnold 12-28-10 07:51 PM

29 SEPT 39, 2nd patrol. U-53 has reached our patrol area in the Western area of the English channel with 60% of fuel reserves remaining. Several hours were wasted chasing phantom sound reports in heavy seas and thick fog. Hopefully, our weather will turn for the better.
I've instucted the navigator to plot a seach pattern in our patrol area. Considering the foul weather, I intend to remain submerged, in an attempt to pick up sound contacts. I intend to surface once a day, to re-charge the batteries while stopped, in order to conserve fuel. Our journey continues...

VONHARRIS 12-29-10 02:38 PM

U-110 1st patrol (6th total for commander Ritter)
U-110 had an exceptional patrol

2nd page

3rd page

Sinking of the HMS Hood
U-110 was patrolling at grid AM53 heading north when an incoming message informed H. Ritter about a TF sailng south at high speed.
An interception course was plotted and indeed U-110 met the TF.
She was at periscope depth when heavy screws were heard at bearing 310 - 330 closing in fast.
U - 110 turned left and set up an ambush for the enemy warships. The night was moonless and the seas not that rough. Visual contact was made briefly at range 5000m and the HMS HOOD and a Revenge class BB were indentified. There was time only for one salvo : 3 TIs fast impact at the HMS HOOD 1 TI fast impact at the Revenge.
U-110 fired her eels and dove to 70m starting her escape way. There was no time for visual comfimation of any hits.
3 explosions were heard. In fact H. Ritter didn't know what he had hit.
U-110 continued at silent running and dove deeper to 85m.
After 1 hour (game time) sinking noises were heard.
Upon return H.Ritter and his crew were informed that their victim was the HMS HOOD. The BdU couldn't confirm if they have damaged the Revenge class BB as well.

Gargamel 12-31-10 01:52 AM
That Makes 3! 1 Resolution and both the Nelson and Rodney! I won't update the sig till after the patrol is done. But this career is where I'm getting the material for my story from, so be ready for lots of action!! And to be frankly Honest, I had gotten the "arcade" style games out of me and am playing a fairly serious DiD career here. I have just been over lucky with target selection!! 2 Convoys completely wiped out, and a Full task force worth of warships.

The very southwest corner of AN11 is awesome for warship hunting. Seems to be their main entry/exit point for arctic waters from Scapa.

ijnfleetadmiral 12-31-10 03:18 AM

U-2503 returned to port after sinking 11 merchants for 39,388 tons.

Current Date: 5 March 1945
KADM Kurt Hossel
Commanding Officer, U-2503 (Type XXI)
1,188,604 tons sunk

VONHARRIS 12-31-10 04:11 AM


I envy your luck!

Keep them sinking! :salute:

Tigershark624 12-31-10 07:46 AM

I just restarted a career after forgetting that upgrades of any kind before the first patrol have a tendency to keep you from getting credit for anything sunk. I added a tower insignia before I started my last career. I'm about to enter the Straits of Dover on my way to my patrol grid. It's August 2, 1939.

Gargamel 12-31-10 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1563854)
U-2503 returned to port after sinking 11 merchants for 39,388 tons.

Current Date: 5 March 1945
KADM Kurt Hossel
Commanding Officer, U-2503 (Type XXI)
1,188,604 tons sunk

Grats on making it to '45! I think....... Thank god for snorkels... surface is evil!!!

ijnfleetadmiral 01-01-11 08:38 PM


KADM Kurt Hossel

Career: 1 September 1939 - 25 May 1945

1,258,670 tons sunk

4-Year Long Service Medal
Gold U-Boat Front Clasp
U-Boat Badge with Diamonds
Iron Cross 1st & 2nd Classes
Kriegsmarine Honor Roll Clasp
German Cross in Gold
Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, & Diamonds

The following is a copy of the letter handed out to the crew of U-2503 on the date the Allies took formal possession of the U-boat.

25 May 1945


Victory has been denied us. The Aliies have triumphed over us. The Fuhrer is dead, our beloved Fatherland lies in ruins, and countless numbers of our brothers have gone on eternal patrol. But there is one small light in our dark world: we have survived.

Those of you who have been with me since 1 September 1939...when we first took U-1 out of Wilhelmshaven, what a journey we've had, eh? Then our family was enlarged when we moved to U-48, and then to U-71. We grew larger still when we moved to U-182, and it was with you fine men that I sailed to America, coming within a stone's throw of New York Harbor. If it hadn't been for that old Clemson-class destroyer, we could've gone in, popped the hatch and thumbed our noses at Manhattan itself! Remember that Tribal-class destroyer who thought he'd sink us for sure? Then the torpedo we'd fired at him was set off by his own prop-wash, blowing his stern open and sinking him not two minutes later? Ha-ha!

In June 1944, we met the last members of our family when we boarded U-2503. What a boat she is! That Cannon-class destroyer-escort was quite surprised when our torpedo detonated right under her bridge structure and set off three or four ammo lockers! Sadly, we never did get that carrier or battleship we so yearned for...we never even sighted one! Sadder still, the great liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth never graced our periscope. But we made it home safely forty-nine times, my friends...the Allies never did get us.

And now I would like to thank several of you by name. To my Weapons Officer, Korvettenkapitan Udo Hartenstein, your efficient management of our torpedo rooms enabled us to sink as many ships as we did. I thank you and all those under you. To my Assistant Engineer, Korvettenkapitan Adolf Carlewitz, and the Senior NCO of Engineering, Stabsoberbootsmann Axel Thurmann, it was your constant presence in the engine rooms that honed those men into the best engineers in the U-boat service. To the senior-most NCOs of my torpedomen, Stabsoberbootsmen Jorg Zander and Herbert Andersen, it was your encouragement and leadership that brought such efficiency in torpedo reloading.

To Stabsoberbootsmann Alexander Hartmann, Senior NCO of the Repair Crews, you and your men didn't have that much to do during the time you were aboard, but when you were needed, you were there. To Hauptgefreiters Otto Grau and Adolf Bahn, your efficient managment of the radio has earned you the distinction of being the only two enlisted men aboard my U-boat to wear the Knight's Cross. Congratulations, are the best of the best.

And finally I'd like to thank the man who deserves to be thanked more than anyone else: our Sonar Operator and Chief of the Boat, Stabsoberbootsmann Carl Kreutz. Kreutz, you are the master of sonar. Your alert ears have saved us more times than I can possibly count, and if I were allowed to recommend any NCO for promotion to officer, you'd be first on my list. Had regulations permitted, you'd have been an officer long ago.

And now, gentlemen, I release you from your duties. The war is over. If at all possible, return to your families and make lives for yourselves in the civilian world. And if one day Germany is allowed to have a Navy again, I would be proud to once more have any of you under my command. May Almighty God bless you all. Deutschland Uber Alles!

Your friend and comrade-in-arms,

KADM Kurt Hossel
Commanding Officer, U-2503

Varduga 01-05-11 03:06 AM

Began playing for the first time ever a week ago, and am loving it. Off on business now, and thought I brought my Alienware, im too busy to play.

Two Patrols ago, i had the good fortune of getting a wireless report that a large convoy was moving about 120km south west of my position, just off the Irish coast. I fled down, calculated their course, and set up. Another radio position telling me they'd moved further south. Once again fled further south.

1am finds me floating below the surface in a calm sea, when the sonar man (my chief warrant officer) picks up action on the hydraphone. I ease the periscope up, and I see silhouettes in the distance. I ease it back down. Wait 40 minutes.

A destroyer is making a pattern ahead of the convoy. I am tense, and he comes within 250m. Never spot me! He's like the lead doe in a herd of deer, and she wags her tail giving those in the woods the 'okay'.

The convoy closes slowly. The biggest I've ever seen.

There in the middle is a passenger liner. It HAS to be a converted troop carrier, so heavily escorted... Right? My god, but what if it isn't? No... It has to be. If not, a message must be sent: the seas are not safe for as lon as the allies support England.

I am in the middle of the convoy now. I triple check all targets. Once again, easing the periscope up. All crew, quickly and quietly from the bunks to the torpedo rooms. The best of them up front.

Five torpedoes, five targets. All torpedoes fired within ten seconds. All bets are off, now. Come on... Come on...

Fire rips through the night air. All five hit and detonated! What fascinating luck! What's more, is that two cargo ships are breaking up frm secondaries, and one is sure to not recover. Come on, reload... Reload...

The lead destroyer, 2,500 meters away is turning... 160 degrees...

Reload... Reload...

The destroyer is now 0 degrees and closing fast. 2,000 meters... 1,500 meters... 1,200 meters, and the aft tube and #1 is ready to go.

Resolve, double check, release.

Direct hits- Passenger liner sinking fast, tanker behind me going up in secondaries. Crash dive!

Tough job evading the destroyer, and its an hour before I'm able to surface.

Exhausted, i return to base where im greeted with NEGATIVE renown. Must not have been a troop ship, and now i feel sick.

Lt, U49

Missing Name 01-05-11 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1564865)

KADM Kurt Hossel

Career: 1 September 1939 - 25 May 1945

Wow. I have never even made it to 1944.

Obltn Strand 01-05-11 01:48 PM

Cool Bismarck patrol

U-150 Oberleutnant Siegmund Strand

Left at May 19th from Bergen.

2nd day received order from BdU. Intercept and report warships leaving Scapa Flow.

4th day received convoy report from Luftwaffe. Convoy located some 75 km off northern coast of Scotland. Heading west.
Decided to attack after dusk despite unfavourable conditions, high winds,sweells and no total darkness. Managed to attack two last ships of the outer column. Double shot against bigger one and single for smaller. All three hit and detonated. Sunk 5000 and 2000 tonner. Depth charged for an hour no serious damage.

5th day received order to patrol grid BE32.

7th day received orders to assist Bismarck on it's return trip.

9th day arrived to a location ordred by Bdu. Spotted two Dorsetshire class cruisers closing fast hence failed to report contact. After crashdive hydrophone readings suggested a possibility to attack. Fired two torpedoes at 1000m distance against one cruiser. Hydrophone operator heard two detonations and sinking noises. A while later lots of fast screws closing in. Spent 6 hours at silent run avoiding possible escorts.

All torpedoes used, starting a return trip, 30 000 tons sunk.

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