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Leandros 08-27-13 05:07 PM

Obleu z.S. Hansen - 10th patrol U-65 (Type IXB) Sep 9th 1941 - Lorient
1 Attachment(s)
Departed Lorient 090715.

See captain's log. Proceeded to patrol area with a swing towards Gibraltar. Continued southwards. Very little traffic. None in the designated patrol area. Return voyage with another swing towards Gibraltar. Bad weather with strong winds, heavy rain and visibility 350-450 meters. Detected a large convoy on an easterly course, destination Gibraltar. Weather still bad, low visibility. Was jumped twice by escorts in the bad weather. Obviously radar-equipped. Crash-dived but had both guns destroyed. Never able to make the convoy due to the heavy escort. After a slugging match withdrew with 21% HI. Returned Lorient. Arrived 262055.

Zaunkønig tests quite satisfactory. When used properly approx. 75% success rate. However, they seem to develop an attitude problem in the Commander in that it is too "easy" to accept a duel with the escorts, at the same time taking up space for anti-merchant torps. It is a principal question that has to be decided upon whether one boat in a pack should primarily be assigned to anti-escort duty or if the same number of torps should be distributed among all the boats, giving all the chance of better self-defense.

Anyway, if several boats are operating in the vicinity of each other with the ZK's they can create the danger of "friendly fire". Before introduced into general use there is a need for proper regulations and procedures.

Leandros 08-29-13 01:28 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Obleu z.S. Hansen - 12th patrol U-65 (Type IXB) Feb. 8th 1942 - Lorient.

Left Lorient 080442, assigned patrol area CA76.

Patrol 11 was quite successful, the last test of the Torpedo Type XI. Main results were achieved in the NE corner of AM64, the narrowest part of the Northern Channel. Improved tactics and better loading of the torps gave results. FLAK guns had obviously been sabotaged as reloading of both took more than a minute. See status report.

Present position: Western part of CA91. Daylight is coming, we are submerging now to cover the last stretch to our assigned patrol area tomorrow night. Fuel remaining - approx. 60%. Everybody is excited.

The crossing was not without incidents. Hit on a small convoy just after entering the Atlantic, 3 merchants escorted by a "4-stacker". Lured him on and sunk him with a forward 400-meters TI deflection shot . The 3 merchants sunk by torpedo and deck gun after some fancy side-stepping.

Halfway we dumped into a merchant in bad visiblity, he damaged both our FLAK guns before we were able to dive. Lost him in the bad visibility. All damage repaired by our excellent repair crew.

Hals und Beinbruch!

sublynx 08-30-13 02:20 PM

U 71 patrol 2

Leandros 08-31-13 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 2107349)
Obleu z.S. Hansen - 12th patrol U-65 (Type IXB) Feb. 8th 1942 - Lorient.

Left Lorient 080442, assigned patrol area CA76.

Patrol 11 was quite successful, the last test of the Torpedo Type XI. Main results were achieved in the NE corner of AM64, the narrowest part of the Northern Channel. Improved tactics and better loading of the torps gave results. FLAK guns had obviously been sabotaged as reloading of both took more than a minute. See status report.

Present position: Western part of CA91. Daylight is coming, we are submerging now to cover the last stretch to our assigned patrol area tomorrow night. Fuel remaining - approx. 60%. Everybody is excited.

The crossing was not without incidents. Hit on a small convoy just after entering the Atlantic, 3 merchants escorted by a "4-stacker". Lured him on and sunk him with a forward 400-meters TI deflection shot . The 3 merchants sunk by torpedo and deck gun after some fancy side-stepping.

Halfway we dumped into a merchant in bad visiblity, he damaged both our FLAK guns before we were able to dive. Lost him in the bad visibility. All damage repaired by our excellent repair crew.

Hals und Beinbruch!

Position: South of Halifax. Damaged by CTD aircraft (...:wah:....) Unrepairable damage. Mission aborted. Returning to Lorient surfaced.

Dronston 09-02-13 05:46 AM

In patrol 8 I encountered 3 unescorted small merchants and did not want to waste torpedoes on them. The one at the back was a neutral, first 2 British. So I sneaked up behind them with the neutral providing cover from their cannons. The neutral got hit by its "friends" several times. I could now and then swerve to take shots with the deck gun, eventually sinking the 2nd ship. Now I left the cover of the neutral and pursuit the first merchant but with the neutral behind me. I took some damage but nothing too serious. The neutral was sunk by the British merchant, hey not my fault :haha: Obviously I also sunk the British merchant.

Leandros 09-03-13 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dronston (Post 2108946)
In patrol 8 I encountered 3 unescorted small merchants and did not want to waste torpedoes on them. The one at the back was a neutral, first 2 British. So I sneaked up behind them with the neutral providing cover from their cannons. The neutral got hit by its "friends" several times. I could now and then swerve to take shots with the deck gun, eventually sinking the 2nd ship. Now I left the cover of the neutral and pursuit the first merchant but with the neutral behind me. I took some damage but nothing too serious. The neutral was sunk by the British merchant, hey not my fault :haha: Obviously I also sunk the British merchant.

Good show!


flag4 09-03-13 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 2107349)
Obleu z.S. Hansen - 12th patrol U-65 (Type IXB) Feb. 8th 1942 - Lorient.

Left Lorient 080442, assigned patrol area CA76.

Patrol 11 was quite successful, the last test of the Torpedo Type XI. Main results were achieved in the NE corner of AM64, the narrowest part of the Northern Channel. Improved tactics and better loading of the torps gave results. FLAK guns had obviously been sabotaged as reloading of both took more than a minute. See status report.

Present position: Western part of CA91. Daylight is coming, we are submerging now to cover the last stretch to our assigned patrol area tomorrow night. Fuel remaining - approx. 60%. Everybody is excited.

The crossing was not without incidents. Hit on a small convoy just after entering the Atlantic, 3 merchants escorted by a "4-stacker". Lured him on and sunk him with a forward 400-meters TI deflection shot . The 3 merchants sunk by torpedo and deck gun after some fancy side-stepping.

Halfway we dumped into a merchant in bad visiblity, he damaged both our FLAK guns before we were able to dive. Lost him in the bad visibility. All damage repaired by our excellent repair crew.

Hals und Beinbruch!

like the 'bad weather crossing' photo.:up:

sublynx 09-08-13 02:19 PM

U 71 patrol 3

Laufen zum Ziel 09-08-13 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 2111790)

Very nice KTB.

sublynx 09-09-13 12:46 AM

Thanks Laufen zum Ziel :salute:

This was an especially interesting patrol for me as this was the first time that I got the order to keep reporting on the convoy in hope of a wolfpack attack.

Now I just need to fix my weather so that it actually changes during the patrol :oops:

Laufen zum Ziel 09-09-13 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 2111995)
Thanks Laufen zum Ziel :salute:

This was an especially interesting patrol for me as this was the first time that I got the order to keep reporting on the convoy in hope of a wolfpack attack.

Now I just need to fix my weather so that it actually changes during the patrol :oops:

The North Atlantic can be a nasty mistress:haha:

the dark knight 09-13-13 02:19 PM

Started a new campaign after finishing my original career with a IXD2, so time for a new game! Type VIIb, Williamshaven home base, grid square AN68.

My type VII, U47 had a successful day today! It is end of september/ early october 1939 in my current career. Frustrated that nothing but neutral shipping has been in my grid square and not to mention that square is a waste of a Type VII, I decide to head up to hunt off the north coast of Scotland. As I was passing just off the west coast of Scapa Flow submerged on September 20th or so, I was contemplating sneaking into the base just as the real U-47 did, when my hydrophones operator indicated he had a fast moving contact headed our general direction. Fearing it could be a destroyer, I set all my torpedoes accordingly. I turned south, and headed tword the sound source raised the periscope and was surprised and excited to see what was on the surface. It was HMS Hood! And she had a friend along with her, the HMS Nelson! They both were steaming east heading for the channel between Hoy island and the Scottish mainland to Scapa Flow and were about 2500M right in front of me in perfect position. :D (lucky me!) I fired 2 torpedoes at each and waited for what seemed like an eternity for impacts and reloads. The first two hit the HMS Hood, one in the engine compartment, and the other where her propeller shafts meet the hull. I turn my attention to the impacts on HMS Nelson next. Two impacts, both in the engine room. Nelson keeps steaming on however, while Hood comes to a grinding halt. I had already turned my U-boat around and fired another torpedo into Nelson from my stern tube. This one jams the rudder hard to port and HMS Nelson starts to make a large circle. I turn the sub around again and my first tube is reloaded. I fire one more torpedo into Nelson amidships and she starts to capsize. Now I turn my attention to the HMS Hood. I wait for tubes 2 and 3 to reload, and fire them at Hood's B turret prematurely explodes, :wah: the other impacts and a huge explosion rips the Hood in half. (magazine explosion?) I look back to the Nelson, who is on my starboard side and see she is going down very slowly. I am about to put her out of her misery when destroyers show up and start hunting me. I dive and crawl along the sea floor to the west. I hear explosions after 15 minuets or so that did not sound like depth charges. I come to the surface after shaking the destroyers off, raise my periscope and see Nelson is gone! I decided to return to port at this point since my torpedo's are running low and the seas are too choppy to use my deck gun.

sitting in port now, lots of medals to give to the crew. Hope the next patrol goes this well. Will probably grab a IXB u-boat next. I like my type IX's more, and now I have the renown for one.

sublynx 09-17-13 02:42 PM

U 71 patrol 4

contains a description of a convoy attack using H.sie's wolfpack mod - however the pack did not materialize ("out of fuel")

Rammstein0991 09-18-13 01:07 AM

Patrol Log.
Kptlt. Egon Roth.

As I am writing this My boat U-99 is steaming ahead standard south of Ireland through grid BF16 on our way to our preferred hunting grounds of AM51 and AM52, as I write this a freshly killed British merchantman lay sunken behind us as we slip off into the night. The choice to patrol through the northern Irish waters was a practical one due to the large amount of British shipping moving through here (Ironically to avoid risking being attacked in the "English" channel). Strangely enough much of the shipping there consists of lone merchantmen, sometimes in a pair but most often alone.

I cannot deny that U-99 is a good boat with a good crew, but, being a type VII as it is, the range and torpedo count hampers us to a frustrating degree. But that may soon change.

During the award ceremony for my last German cross I found myself the recipient of the unexpected honor of having my medal presented by "Uncle Karl" himself, this was for my latest patrol in the AM grid which totalled no less than 54,000 tons of enemy shipping (including one Tribal class destroyer), after the presentation ceremony Donitz and I spoke and he then asked me if there was anything he could do for us in light of our service to Germany, and I DID have one thing I wanted. I mentioned to him about my...reservations about the limitations of the Type VII in regards to endurance and firepower and how my crew and I were unhappy with how this limited our ability to patrol. Donitz nodded, told me he sympathized with our predicament and then went on about his business and I mine.

Two days later, as I sat in my office at the pens of Lorient I received a phonecall ordering me to the commandants office, once there I was approached by one of Donitz's officers from BdU who informed me that pending the results of U-99's next patrol I could become eligible for one of the new (and larger) ocean going type IX boats, and that if I performed well enough on this last mission then I would be ordered back to Willhelmshaven to assume command of my new boat with orders to sail her back to Lorient to resume duties once there.

I can only hope our past success over the last year will continue on this patrol, with luck perhaps I can convince BdU to allow me to transfer my crew with me, without them I wouldn't have had the successes I have, I look out for the boys under me.

================================================== ======
Hope that didnt suck TOO bad, lol :D

sublynx 09-20-13 03:43 PM

U 71 patrol 5

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