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U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battles SC-19/20 completed
++++ KTB - U 112 - continued from 1 Feb. 1505h - 1602 - Sundown. 2039 - Fuel 88.1cbm (50%). 2147 - Qu.4355AM 2208 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: At 0748h torpedoed 1 steamer 6322ts loaded with airplanes from convoy 1650/28/30 in Qu.1894AM. Last position of convoy 1650/28/30 at 1115h was Qu.1896AM, on course 88°, speed 7kn, 5 escorts. From 1323h to 1404h destroyed convoy 0820/1 with deck gun, 6 steamers and 1 corvette 32346ts, all in Qu.2922AM top center, have taken 2 officers from corvette prisoner. Convoys 1650/28, 1650/30 and 0820/1, are part of convoys SC-19/20 disbursed. Have 88cbm and 10 rounds 10.5cm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 10000m, >1000mb. - RST - 2253 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Return to base acc. Op.-Order. Commencing return voyage. Placing 5 crew members on each bridge watch, augmenting with Mechanics (T). RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
Captain of U-21, a Type II/A in November 1939. Have had a few successful patrols. Of course in this little tub I only get a few torps but I think I am punching above my weight class. Have the IC 1st and 2nd class.
Look forward to getting a message from BdU that a Type VII is ready for me. :) |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On return voyage
++++ KTB - U 112 Sunday, 2 February 1941 - Southeast of Rockall Bank 0205 - Qu.4655AM 0625 - Qu.4955AM - Early morning dawn. 0816 - Sunrise. 1045 - Qu.7355AM - Porcupine Bank. 1200 - Qu.7385AM - Days Run: 316.4sm - ↗(24h) 82.3cbm (8.1cbm/24h). 9400Ah. 10x10.5cm. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h. 1501 - Qu.7655AM - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about KM successes for the month of January 1941. 1628 - Sundown. 1920 - Qu.7955AM 2340 - Qu.3355BE - Continuing return voyage. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On return voyage
++++ Monday, 3 February 1941 - Western Approaches 0400 - Qu.3655BE 0640 - Morning Dawn. 0700 - Diving for trial dive according Standing B.d.U.-Op.-Oder No. 507. 0720 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. 0731 - Surfaced. 0757 - Sunrise. 1130 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Will be at point Lore, 4.2., 1100h. - RST - 1200 - Qu.1727BF - Days Run: 310.1sm - ↗308.2sm (23h 29') - ↘1.9sm (31') 72.6cbm (9.7cbm/24h). 9100Ah. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h. 1224 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Transit from point Lore on path Herz to point Luci-2. Call in when 24h from Luci-2. 1325 - Qu.1755BF - to be continued - |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Encounter with a lone steamer
++++ - continued from 3 Feb. 1325h - 1335 - Boat operating on ship contact report 1330/3 in Qu.1773BF, on course ENE, speed 7-9kn. 1400 - Qu.1758BF - Smoke Plume bearing 10°. Ship is identified as a Large Motor Merchant, on course 70°, speed 8kn. 1420 - At E=3000, "Weapons Free!". After scoring hits with the last 10 SpG and 1 LkG of the 10.5cm gun, the steamer continues. Manned the 3.7cm-Flak. After 4 ZlG rounds and 14 PbG rounds, the steamer return fire with a gun mounted on the forecastle. 1428 - "ALARM!". Boat continues to sink and can only be brought back from T=30 to S-Tiefe with E-Motors running at 185RPM. 1435 - S-Tiefe. Now, the steamer is identified as a Parcel-Merchant of 3019ts. 1455 - Surfaced. Approaching the steamer at angle 180°, as the deck gun is mounted on the forecastle. The boat has to approach with enough of an angle, to be able to bring the 3.7cm-Flak to bear. 1512 - "Weapons Free!" at 1000m. The steamer is returning fire, with what appears to be another deck gun mounted on the after section of the ship. As before, the shots fall way short. 1517 - Boat has to dive again from armed steamer. Running off on general course, T=20. 1548 - Surfaced. As there seems to be no possibility to sink the armed steamer with the 3.7cm-Flak, running off on general course. 1636 - Sundown. 1901 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: U 107 (Hessler, son-in-law of B.d.U.) reporting convoy OB-279 in Qu.AL0264. U 123, 52, 103 and 96, are ordered to operate on this convoy. 1934 - Incoming F.T.1930/3: From B.d.U.: Inbound ship in Qu.4136BF, on course NE, speed 7-9kn and Outbound convoy in Qu.4163BF, on course SW, speed 5kn. 2353 - Qu.4255BF - Boat continues on return voyage. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Enemy air cover in the Bay of Biscay
++++ - KTB - U 112 Tuesday, 4 February 1941 - Bay of Biscay During the night, U 43 (Lüth) in Lorient, has been flooded for some unidentified reason in the Diesel and Electric Engine compartments and will not be operational for the next 3 months. 0033 - Incoming F.T.: From U-107: Sunk from convoy OB-279, 1 steamer 4683ts and from convoy OB-280, 1 ship 5051ts. - Hessler - 0600 - Morning Dawn - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Will be at point Luci-2 on 5.2., 0600h - RST - 0654 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Escort will be point Luci-2, 5.2., 0600h. 0735 - Sunrise. 1200 - Qu.5178BF - Days Run: 309.9sm - ↗306.7sm (23h 02') - ↘3.2sm (58') 61.6cbm (11cbm/24h). 8900Ah. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h. 1330 - Point Lore, on approach path Herz. 1515 - Qu.5186BF - "ALARM!", from 3 fighter airplanes approaching from 320°true, E=5000, water depth is 170m! Cmdr.: "The airplanes are flying at first on course SW and turn towards the boat very late, strafing the boat with on-board weapons, flying over the boat from stern to bow - slight damage on the forward upper deck. The M.G.-2cm-C/30 fires at the airplanes as they fly off on course east. During the diving process, at T=20, bombs behind the boat. On A-20, no damages." 1535 - Surfaced. 1623 - Sundown. 1801 - Norddeich Radio reporting on attacks of the channel harbors by the RAF. 2115 - Fly-over by airplane in complete darkness, direct approach! Boat continues return voyage on approach path Herz. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Returned to base
++++ KTB - U 112 Wednesday, 5 February 1941 - Bay of Biscay 0330 - German VIIC boat on course NW crossing our bow. Recognition signal given - confirmed. 0420 - French fishing vessels bearing 280°, inbound Lorient. 0545 - Beginning Early Morning Dawn. 0600 - Point Luci-2. No escort in sight. 0602 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Standing Luci-2. - RST - 0700 - Taken on escort on point Luci-1. One Me-110 is protecting the harbour entrance. 0720 - Sunrise. 0750 - Released escort. Coming into port. 0820 - Making fast and mooring boat at Isère. Handing over of two prisoners of war to the Military Police. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Back in base
++++ KTB - U 112 Thursday, 6 February 1941 - Lorient Clearing out of boat. Placing boat in dry dock for Shipyard Overhaul. Routine work by the crew throughout. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - War patrol summary
++++ KTB - U 112 Friday, 7 February 1941 - Lorient The totals of this 4th war patrol with U 112 and 12th war patrol overall are: Traveled surfaced: 3669,4sm - 14 days, 2h, 38min. Traveled submerged: 171,1sm - 3 days, 12h, 47min. Traveled total: 3840,5sm - 17 days, 15h, 25min. Total of 15 ships for 109826ts sunk! Of that from Op. against convoys SC19/20: - 1 Aircraft Carrier of 26518ts, 1 Heavy Cruiser of 13300ts and 1 Corvette of 950ts sunk. - 1 Tanker of 8229ts and 9 cargo ships of 47343ts sunk. - 3 cargo ships of together 20726ts torpedoed. Independently travelling ships: 1 Tanker of 8286ts and 1 merchant of 5200ts sunk and 1 merchant of 3019ts damaged with the deck gun. Torpedo hits: 18 (15 ships sunk and 4 damaged) Torpedo misses: 1 when the convoy was turning away. Torpedo failures: - 1 Ato (Pi-G7H) hit but failed to ignite, - 1 Ato understeered in calm sea and - 1 Eto understeered in heavy sea. Crash Dives: 4 - 2 from airplanes in the Bay of Biscay, - 1 from convoy escorts and - 1 from an armed merchant. Depth Charges: In all, 54 Wabos were dropped on the boat, inflicting no damage, 6-8 Wabos per drop, depth of about 130m. Pressure hull damage: 89.58% (Accumulated: 32.78%) + 11 days (Sunday, 16 February 1941). Honour points: 1318.56 (Accumulated: 20758.47). RST |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Awards and Promotions
++++ KTB - U 112 Saturday, 8 February 1941 - Lorient Awards & Promotions: Upon arrival in Lorient, I was awarded with the Oak Leaves to the Knights Cross! The XO, Ob.Ltnt.z.S Emmo MARBACH, was awarded with the Knight Cross. A well deserved award! 4 Firemen 1cl., were promoted to Machinist’s Mate 2cl. 2 Coxwain's, were promoted to Boatswain's mates 2cl. Both Radiomen 3cl., were promoted to Radioman 2cl. The Torpedoman’s Mate 3cl., was promoted to Torpedoman’s Mate 2cl. A Fireman 2cl., was promoted to Fireman 1cl. A Seaman 2cl., was promoted to Seaman 1cl. Both Warrant Maschinist-D, the Machinist’s Mate 2cl.-CR, the No.1 Seaman, a Seaman 2cl. and a Seaman 1cl., were awarded with the E.K.I. A Coxwain, a Coxwain (AA) and a Seaman 2cl.(Cook), were awarded with the E.K.II. 13 crew members were awarded with the U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen in Bronze. The crew is given leave of 3 weeks in two shifts. Fourth war patrol with U 112 and twelfth war patrol overall completed. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - B.d.U. Assessment
++++ KTB - U 112 Sunday, 9 February 1941 - Lorient B.d.U. Assessment: Another stellar war patrol by this seasoned commander and boat. The sinking of now the third aircraft carrier and a heavy cruiser, will inflict no doubt a heavy setback in the war efforts of the enemy and is of great strategic importance. His award with the Oak Leaves to the Knights Cross, was a mere consequence of his distinguished valour in battle. The vast experience of the commander will now best be utilized to bring up the new generation of Uboat commanders, as the command of the distinguished boat will be relinquished into the very capable hands of its XO, who himself was awarded with the Knights Cross after this war patrol. Karl Dönitz Vizeadmiral & B.d.U. |
February 1940. Going into my 7th or 8th patrol in U-21 (Type IIa). Have been very lucky. Sunk at least 1 ship on every patrol and 4th overall in tonnage. Have the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves after last patrol. Look forward to getting a bigger boat soon! :salute:
Received new orders
Preparing for transfer to 24th Flotilla (Training Flotilla) - Memel (Korvkpt. Hannes Weingärtner). |
Preparing for new command
+++++ Monday, 17 February 1941 - Kiel Currently, no Uboat Training possible due to heavy ice in the Baltic Sea. Remain on standby until further notice. +++++ |
Well... I recently experienced some "technical difficulties", as the laptop I was using to play Silent Hunter III started having some hardware issues... So... I purchased and upgrade! MSI GE66 Raider, with an I7-10750H, 32GB of Memory, and a Geforce RTX 3070. Just transferred the backup of my Modded install of Silent Hunter III, as well as my Career files, and all seems to be working. Oh and sadly... No, the new hardware doesn't help SH3's load times... with all my installed mods the game still takes ~12m to load - and that's at the "best of times" aka Max Performance mode. It's smooth as silk when in-game though... :03: WolfyBrandon |
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