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Trool323 03-22-18 11:18 PM

can you play this with 1.1 instead of 1.2? I refuse to make a uplay login and password.

hauangua 03-23-18 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Rosco74 (Post 2546529)
Hi Captains,
I just reinstalled my pc with Windows 10. Just to be sure before I make mistakes, is DirectX 9c still required with this Windows 10?


With TWoS is necessary DirectX9 And it is included in TWoS download


hauangua 03-23-18 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Trool323 (Post 2546530)
can you play this with 1.1 instead of 1.2? I refuse to make a uplay login and password.

You can play TWoS just if your SH5.exe is update 1.2 version

Trool323 03-23-18 01:38 AM

So I have windows 10 and directx 10 already. it wont let me install 9c. So now what do I do?

hauangua 03-23-18 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Trool323 (Post 2546537)
So I have windows 10 and directx 10 already. it wont let me install 9c. So now what do I do?

When you install TWoS you will be offered to install direct X9 you have to accept and everything will work ... even in Windows10

however if you have problems you can look here:

Here's the fix.

Make sure you run the installer as administrator.!!

But I repeat if you follow the installation instructions you will not have any problem
With Windows 10

Rosco74 03-23-18 01:50 PM

Ok I hope it won't screw up my DirectX 12 :-)
Thanks guyz

vdr1981 03-24-18 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rosco74 (Post 2546600)
Ok I hope it won't screw up my DirectX 12 :-)
Thanks guyz

I really can't see any reason why something like that could happen. Dx installers do not work in that way and they will add only missing components.

hauangua 03-24-18 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2546649)
I really can't see any reason why something like that could happen. Dx installers do not work in that way and they will add only missing components.

Vecko you're absolutely right
and to reassure those who still have doubts this is the microsoft answer about Direct X9c and the recent versions of windows:

underscore and bold added for those who posted later and seem to have missed the main points and download links.

This DX9 error is common with games that require Direct Play to be activated, so there is really no need to stuff

around reinstalling DirectX . I had Direct Play activated from day one Win10, so missed this erroneous error message. ]

DX 11.2 indicates the DX 'Feature level' your graphics card is capable of running.

- It's a common misconception that Win7/8/8.1 has only DX 11, and Win10 has only DX12.
Win7/8/8.1/10 all have of DX - 9,10 and 11.
- The following is a list of the Direct X .dll's you will have when the files are up to date.
Go to the Windows / System 32 folder, (and SysWOW64 if you have 64bit).
They are in alphabetical order and will start with d3dx9 - 24 > 43 . Then d3dx10 - 33 > 43 & finally d3dx11 - 42 > 43.
There should also be - d3d9, d3d10 and d3d11 (among others).

These come before the D3Dcompilers-33>43+47.
- Win10 currently has only two d3d 12 files. One in System 32,and SysWOW64 .
- There are more DX files, but these are most of the graphics related Direct X .dll's

- When using a 'clean' Windows 10 (7 or 8) install it's advisable to run the DirectX Web Installer to 'update' DX.
Note that the Web Installer only installs 'missing' files and does not overwrite corrupt files as does

the full DX Redist installer.

Download here:

Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from Official Microsoft Download Center

@ People posting below who are still banging on about DX9.0c ... Read ...

- Another common misconception is that you need to install DX 9.0c to run older DX9 games. Not so.
This version has been superseded by the DX Redist (June 2010) which has all of the DX9.0c files, and more.

This installer is the best option if DirectX files are corrupted.

Download here:
Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - DirectX Redist (June 2010)

CmdrAlc 03-24-18 05:53 AM

When installing near the end of step one i get a pop-up telling me this:

"Cannot locate the file Resources\TWoS_Setup\Setup_Init.exe Check if you typed in the name correctly and try again."

How to solve? Had it happen twice now.

waldwolf1967 03-24-18 06:00 AM


I found the files zII, zUFLAK, zUndine, zVIIA, zVIIB, zVIIC, zVIIC41 in the folder Sea. But these files are incomplete clones that do not contain 3d model, sim, zon, etc !!! And in the CFG-File is also no link to an existing model for Basis to clonning!

In addition, the folders do not belong in the See folder but in the Submarine Folder. And if you want to have submarines as environment objects, you also take the type 203, as with the correctly cloned submarines (II, UFLAK, VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIIC41) into Submariene Folder.

I think you should remove the Folders zII, zUFLAK, zUndine, zVIIA, zVIIB, zVIIC, zVIIC41 and if entries in the Campaigne are on the correctly cloned submarines (II, UFLAK, VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIIC41) with type 203 change.

Basically, it seems to me as if TWoS 2-3 Großmods (GWX 3.0 Gold, NYGM_TW, War Ace Campaign 4.1) were copied together, because many entries are not used by TWoS my knowledge. Or???

At least I have not found any hint so far on multi-install.

Then I found a very small Bug in the NSS_Uboat7c41F.eqp:

[Equipment 9]
NodeName = A01
Link Name = NULL
Start Date = 19400101
EndDate = 19451231

[Equipment 11]
NodeName = A01
Link Name = Vierling_Soclu, data \ Objects \ Guns \ Vierling
Start Date = 19400101
EndDate = 19451231

The same node is driven twice at the same date. I think the entry [Equipment 9] can be deleted and then you can renumber all the rest entries.

Perhaps in addition to the great intro video and the unnecessary in all files program code is a cause for the longer start of the game. Which is not really bad, because mainly the mod does not crash or has strange behavior as it did at the beginning with GWX 1.0. There, the submerged submarines could not hold the depth and / or the depth readings were incorrect. At that time, for example, you had ordered a depth of 80, and in fact it was 90 meters, for example, to go to the boat ... well, no matter ....... long ago with such small problems.

wish everyone a nice weekend

vdr1981 03-24-18 06:30 AM

@ waldwolf1967

1. Z subs are only recognition manual entries, , don't remove them (other).

2. Long initial loading time is caused by significantly increased nations roster folder, nothing else...

Trool323 03-24-18 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Rosco74 (Post 2546600)
Ok I hope it won't screw up my DirectX 12 :-)
Thanks guyz

I can confirm that you DO NOT need directx9 to run this. I'm using directx 12 and it works fine for me. Is it possible to change the time compression like in sh3,4 with this mod? x64 for land proxy is killing me. Also I'll take my chances with 4096.

CmdrAlc 03-24-18 07:51 AM

So got it to work. But now I cannot select any mission. Even when saving and reloading when I enter the bunker.

What I also find strange is that when i start a new campaign, I am not asked if I would like to start the tutorial mission or not (wich seems to be the soluton to SKIP it to get the missions to work when you start a new campaign for the 2nd time).

How can I solve this? It's really frustrating and I hve started, saved, reloaded for numerous times now allready. Any hints are welcome.

EDIT: uninstalled and am again downloading teh game from Uplay. Wll start the tutorial and a new campaign and will see if i get it to work before i start installing the mod.

Trool323 03-24-18 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by CmdrAlc (Post 2546677)
How can I solve this? It's really frustrating and I hve started, saved, reloaded for numerous times now allready. Any hints are welcome.

The missions are selectable by date with TWOS. You cant start the costal mission until September the 4th. At the start of the game the only mission is the polish one. Your best to start a patrol without orders then end it right after. Then you will move to October and be able to start the rest of the missions.

CmdrAlc 03-24-18 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Trool323 (Post 2546687)
The missions are selectable by date with TWOS. You cant start the costal mission until September the 4th. At the start of the game the only mission is the polish one. Your best to start a patrol without orders then end it right after. Then you will move to October and be able to start the rest of the missions.

Thanks for your answer, the game date was 31 of august so if indeed it needs to be at least 4th of september, it's normal then, altho the vid did told about the coastal mission. Anyway, reinstall of base game is almost finished. Will start a tutorial there, and a campaign to make sure it is working there for sure, then reinstall the mod as well.

Do I have to restart a campaign or will I be able to load an allready started campaign with the mod?

Trool323 03-24-18 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by CmdrAlc (Post 2546688)
Do I have to restart a campaign or will I be able to load an allready started campaign with the mod?

I think you have to start a new game but dont hold me to that as I never tried that.

Muckenberg 03-24-18 10:40 AM

I recently read that one of the captains had a problem (crash of the game) in one of the basic single missions. Can this issue also affect multiplayer missions? If so, why would you need to create multiplayer missions for TWoS?
I ask that we always have a crash with a colleague when we launch a torpedo at basic multiplayer missions

waldwolf1967 03-24-18 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2546667)
@ waldwolf1967

1. Z subs are only recognition manual entries, , don't remove them (other).

2. Long initial loading time is caused by significantly increased nations roster folder, nothing else...

Thank you for that info! Had not thought that 10-12 countries cause more such a load time ....... GWX had then just over 50 entries. The New Funnel-Smoke Mod I should have finished in the next few days .....

CmdrAlc 03-24-18 05:54 PM

So i reinstalled it all, and without the mod it works as it is supposed to do.

But without the mod, it tries to launch it and it says that the files are corrupted.
And then it checks all files to restore them if needed. Any idea how this can happen? Seems like the mod isn't working for me (or I do something wrong, probably the last one).

If more info is needed, i can give tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.

Aktungbby 03-24-18 06:13 PM

welcome aboard!

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