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THEBERBSTER 02-27-18 06:27 PM

Hi Ashikaga
Add this mod.
Change Days In Bunker > Enable JSGME

vdr1981 02-27-18 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ashikaga (Post 2543311)
With KSD commander being down, how or where can I change my dates in the Bunker between patrols and repairs ?


You only can not see other people stats and use chat room. Everything else is pretty much the same. You can see your stats and medals and compare it to the real U-boat aces profiles which Warham has implemented, read newspapers, set your days in bunker ect...

Ashikaga 02-27-18 09:12 PM

Thank you Peter for that mod.

Vecko, I thought one had to start the game via ksd to implement dates in bunker. And when one cannot login the game also does not start from ksd. Constant server error.

Will install the mod.

HW3 02-28-18 01:16 AM

I can't even log in to KSD Commander, it just sits there and does nothing no matter how long I wait.

excel4004 02-28-18 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2543320)
You only can not see other people stats and use chat room. Everything else is pretty much the same. You can see your stats and medals and compare it to the real U-boat aces profiles which Warham has implemented, read newspapers, set your days in bunker ect...

No, nothing works anymore. :o

skin-nl 02-28-18 01:14 PM

Same here :yep:

vdr1981 02-28-18 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2543419)
No, nothing works anymore. :o

You can not see even your own profile after "Server connection error" have been displayed? :hmm2:

excel4004 02-28-18 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2543457)
You can not see even your own profile after "Server connection error" have been displayed? :hmm2:

..yeah you are right. Thats thats the last thing which still works.

Any chance/way to get this fantastic tool online back again!?:hmmm:

vdr1981 02-28-18 05:30 PM

As I have promised, fixed stock historical missions and few more things...

TWoS v2.2.2 changelog:
- Edited "Campaign Advance Verifier Testing" output message: removed "save game if necessary" note.
- Added back original SV interior various book and posters visible inside the player submarine.
- Realistic Kriegsmarine grid map visible in the conning tower and command room and fixed incorrectly orientated KM grid map in the command room.
- Fixed all stock historical missions: edited unit class entries for full compatibility with TWoS.
- Added external cargo for merchants in all historical missions and adjusted internal cargo per ships type.
- Revised and adjusted units placement and groups composition in all stock historical missions.
- Added more realistic and better looking crew hats and uniform parts from various mods for SH5 (credits to Pascal and Naights).
- Further adjusted colors and reduced saturation of imported uniform parts.
- Fixed incorrectly placed docked ships in Kiel harbor which could sometime cause damage due to coast proximity and shallow waters.
- Added couple of Junkers Ju 88 bombers overflowing Kiel harbor, for better immersion.
- Added Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Web Installer) to the main TWoS package which will be offered during the megamod installation.
- DirectX 9.0c installer from the main TWoS package is replaced with web installer in order to reduce overall archive size.
- Updated FAQ and Gameplay tips documentation.
- Updated TWoS credits page. Latest outstanding TWoS supporters/donors: Thomas "excel4004" Pentenrieder, Luca "Hauangua" Guastalli and Kenneth Jorgensen - Thank You very much Captains!

Download TWoS v2.2.x to v2.2.2 Update

Download TWoS v2.2.2 Full Standalone installer

Happy Hunting Captains!

vdr1981 02-28-18 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2543460)
..yeah you are right. Thats thats the last thing which still works.

Any chance/way to get this fantastic tool online back again!?:hmmm:

I'll have to contact Warham somehow...:hmmm:

Can you guys read newspapers in the bar or use settings tab? Launching the game with KSD commander works normally for me as well.
I still use it to tweak my days in bunker despite the "offline" status...:yep:

Ashikaga 02-28-18 06:50 PM

Your new version sounds super Vecko. Will install it after my present mission ends. Wish you could teach me how to mod haha. Would love to learn how to tweak some aspects of the interior with the dining room. Mainly a collision factor annoys me which makes it seem you become a midget when in the kitchen looking at the cook before entering the machine room, and a slightly lower seating point in the dining space.

The accurate KM map is a big visual improvement ! Wish we could have that as our Navigation map in game ;)
Miss my old Command Aces Of the Deep fold up map somehow hahahaha.

About KSD. Can read my stats can read newspapers can edit days in bunker. Cannot login or start the game from within ksd. Server error message.

Oh by the way, those are JU-188's.....

In use from 1943 onwards.

this is a JU-88:

(My own bird in Cliffs of Dover with the Team Fusion Mod)


fitzcarraldo 03-01-18 07:44 AM

Thanks for the new update!

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

NOTE: Installed 2.2.2 I noted, using RUSTED GLORY MOD, the maps didnīt change orientation. Without RG mod, the maps are correct (only 2.2.2 and addon mods)

A problem with Rusted Glory (not an addon for TWoS, but compatible).


ThePrody 03-01-18 10:20 AM

Guys, a quick question, i havent updated the game in the past months since i played mostly SH3, my mods list is :
TWOS 2.0.0
TWOS 2.0.9e update

Now, i find this 2.2.2 version for download, can i just update the game from 2.0.0 to 2.2.2 ?

fitzcarraldo 03-01-18 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by ThePrody (Post 2543544)
Guys, a quick question, i havent updated the game in the past months since i played mostly SH3, my mods list is :
TWOS 2.0.0
TWOS 2.0.9e update

Now, i find this 2.2.2 version for download, can i just update the game from 2.0.0 to 2.2.2 ?

This is for 2.2.0
You need to actualize all. Uninstall and install SH5 and then TWoS 2.2.2. No more updates for 2.0


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

ThePrody 03-01-18 10:50 AM

oh, i see , thank you .

fitzcarraldo 03-01-18 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by ThePrody (Post 2543550)
oh, i see , thank you .

It's easy.. Don't worry.

Good hunt!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

ThePrody 03-01-18 10:57 AM

:) , well, i remember there were plenty of steps when i did the initial install, i'm not so eager to repeat that especially since the game works pretty well in its current version, maybe i'll wait a bit more :Kaleun_Cheers:

hauangua 03-01-18 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by ThePrody (Post 2543552)
:) , well, i remember there were plenty of steps when i did the initial install, i'm not so eager to repeat that especially since the game works pretty well in its current version, maybe i'll wait a bit more :Kaleun_Cheers:

Hi ThePrody
Really easy install now
Vecko has facilitated installation of new version TWoS
my advice is ... try it!

excel4004 03-01-18 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2543465)
I'll have to contact Warham somehow...:hmmm:

Can you guys read newspapers in the bar or use settings tab? Launching the game with KSD commander works normally for me as well.
I still use it to tweak my days in bunker despite the "offline" status...:yep:

i can read newspaper in the bar and use setting tab. But as you know, all is offline.

Awesome update Vecko, much appreciated! Installing this one after returning to port in some days. :yeah:


mikaelanderlund 03-01-18 02:51 PM

Everything works well. I'm using Windows 10 on my new computer and the installation worked very well and without any problem. Thank you for a great job! :salute: Mikael

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