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vdr1981 02-10-15 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by test_m4a1 (Post 2286386)
My JSGME has only 2 mods inside - like on the list:

The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 2

First im enabling 1.03 - then patch 2

Then im opening generic patcher, starting .exe choosing language - then "open" and choosing folder of SH5 - clicking OK - then i have this error...

Should i first enable 1.03 then use generic patcher - then enable patch 2 and again generic patcher or can use generic patcher once after this 2 mods?

Did you patched the game to v1.2.0 ?

meeexc 02-11-15 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2286256)
Check out readme file for this mod

Disabled Unrealistic Commands_(ini files)_v1.0

Okay thanks, is there any possibility to reactivate this features? I don't get it from the readme.

EDIT: After some time i know that the command should be in the page layout.ini but i realy dont get how you disabled the command. *g* I rly dont know something about the game structure so it will take me hours to find the right file and line to change. Would you be so kind and help me? After some changes i get the symbol back but after i lock the target the symbol stays grey and i can't click it.

vdr1981 02-11-15 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by meeexc (Post 2286450)
Okay thanks, is there any possibility to reactivate this features? I don't get it from the readme.

EDIT: After some time i know that the command should be in the page layout.ini but i realy dont get how you disabled the command. *g* I rly dont know something about the game structure so it will take me hours to find the right file and line to change. Would you be so kind and help me? After some changes i get the symbol back but after i lock the target the symbol stays grey and i can't click it.

Maybe I'll create in the future something like "rookie add on" or similar...Until then, use that recognition manual. There aren't to many ships to be recognized in SH5, unfortunately. Also, auto rec. function will recognize ship 20km away which is serious game breaker IMO...

meeexc 02-11-15 06:26 AM

Yes, i'm with you, using this function 20 km is rly game breakting!
I haven't played SH5 for a long time yet and was handicaped in ship recognition so would like to use the function to be sure. I thought it would be done quick by myself but i think i have to change some scripts also ... thats to much work for me for only one function. So everything is right and i'll play it like it is now ;-)

Square7 02-11-15 06:34 AM

Accept new Mission without returnung to Kiel?
I am really enjoying this mod pack, its just soo good really. I am having so much fun playing it and learning more about it.

But I run into a problem: At first after finishing the Poland Mission I had to time accelerate 2 days or so until the british coast mission was available, is this how it should be? So I started a new patrol and while I was on my way to the british east coast the special mission "Breaking the Fortress" became available (but I did not recieve a radio message as far as I know). So I wantet to try it but was not sure whetther it will count because I could not accept the mission, it turned out: It did not count.

So my question is: Is there any way to accept new missions without being forced to return to Kiel? It just takes so long every time... I was used to resupplieng in Helgoland most of the times.

Another thing I've noticed: Since the special mission was available I am not able to see misison objective markers on the map anymore (e.g.: center of patrol area).

Note: I am using the full download version of Dragon's Addon to WoS (+the German text mod), which is a bit old I think (WoS V. 1.02 Patch 5) but I wasnt able to get Real Navigation running with the newer Version and Dragons Addon.

Square7 02-11-15 06:40 AM

Reactivation auto Recognition

Originally Posted by meeexc (Post 2286450)
Okay thanks, is there any possibility to reactivate this features? I don't get it from the readme.

You could try Dragon's Addon ( if you like the other changes he did. It is kind of a rookie version of WoS. At the beginning I really liked the "Das Boot" movie dialogs in the game, but I am thinking about deactivating this because its really repetitive after some time.

test_m4a1 02-11-15 07:48 AM

vdr1981 - Im not stupid, game is patched to 1.2.0 :))

Funny thing is that i have deleted all game, documents etc. i made again fresh copy and after enabling all modst there ARE NOT this errors anymore while i did everything to the step the same. :-?

vdr1981 - Should i first enable 1.03 then use generic patcher - then enable patch 2 and again generic patcher OR can use generic patcher once after enabling this 2 mods?

vdr1981 02-11-15 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by test_m4a1 (Post 2286514)
vdr1981 - Im not stupid, game is patched to 1.2.0 :))

Funny thing is that i have deleted all game, documents etc. i made again fresh copy and after enabling all modst there ARE NOT this errors anymore while i did everything to the step the same. :-?

vdr1981 - Should i first enable 1.03 then use generic patcher - then enable patch 2 and again generic patcher OR can use generic patcher once after enabling this 2 mods?

No, enable the main mod, then patch, and then use TDW patcher application. Say if it works now...

meeexc 02-11-15 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Square7 (Post 2286494)
You could try Dragon's Addon ( if you like the other changes he did. It is kind of a rookie version of WoS. At the beginning I really liked the "Das Boot" movie dialogs in the game, but I am thinking about deactivating this because its really repetitive after some time.

Thank you drew my attention to it. I'll give it a try and see if it works better for me.
Thanks a lot guys, for ur work. I made my first modding exp some years ago, so i know that it taks a LOT of time to do this. Great =)

Aktungbby 02-11-15 08:47 AM

welcome aboard!
Square7! :Kaleun_Salute:

bobbyr 02-11-15 09:10 AM

Hey guys since this post of mine got lost 'under the waves' (no pun intended :)) I'd like to remind you of it. Still searching for help. If you got any advice or tips please let me know. SH 3 and 4 tutorials don't work for the Wolves of Steel, it's too different.



Originally Posted by bobbyr (Post 2283524)
Hi, huge fan of this mod, from the 3 mega mods for SH5 it's my favourite.

However, I'd like to learn how to properly play the Wolves of Steel.

Background info:

I'm completely new to SH 5, only played some of the tutorials included in this mod and 2-3 hours of gameplay (until I reach Danzig Bay in the first campaign mission).

I played SH 4 U-Boat missions for a long time, when it hit the market till about 2010, then I stopped playing SH till late last year. I previously always played with a lot of AI help (around 50% realism), but I got sick and tired of it and I decided to start a proper Silent Hunter career from now on 100% realism + real navigation. It's much more fun so far already.

However, I'm struggling a lot with tracking enemies, pursuing/ shadowing them, setting up for an attack and actually attacking. I just don't know how to do it.

I've learned how to use real navigation though to track my course and follow courses I want and reach designated areas so that's a plus. (I watched tutorials).

Apart from that though I'm having problems and I feel somewhat helpless, I don't know how to pursuit / intercept enemy ships and how to engage them.

I've watched a lot of stoianm's tutorials and they are great, but a lot of significant things in his mods differ from the Wolves of Steel, so I can't really apply them to the Wolves of Steel.

I know that vdr1981 has made a few tutorials, but I think they only start once the enym ship is close and in sight and they are 480p (I can not read text in that resolution on my big screen) and there is no commentary.

Any advice would be appreciated how I can learn how to play this mod with 100 % realism and real navigation.
Like I wrote, I've figuered out the part how to get my boat to locations I want to go, but I really need to learn what to do from basically the point where a new contact gets reported to me (via hydro or visual id), how I should pursuit / hunt / shadow it, engagement, TDC setup and escaping.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Jimbuna 02-11-15 09:22 AM

Welcome Aboard Square7 :sunny:

Square7 02-12-15 10:48 AM

Thank you for welcoming me!

So finally it just seems like I got most things like I want them, I am using the up to date version of WoS now withoug Dragons Addon, because it is just not compatible. I managed to make most changes on my own.

I have to shout out a nother thank you here to all the people who contributed in developing these awesome mods. I am a part-time programmer myself and it took me for ever to get things running so I can not even imagine how much time and effort it took to develope this stuff :up:

But it seems like I have one last problem (well actually there are still some things left but this one really bothers me right now):

After completing the mission objective in poland (destroying the task force) the game freezes (and never returns) when I try to open the logbook. If I do not open it I can go on playing but loading saves which have been created afterwards results in a game freeze too. Does anybody have any idea what this could be about?

I made a complete fresh install can I still try to continue my career which I started a few days ago? (In bunker of course). Because the other thing is: I still do not get the mission objective "destroy a battleship" for breaking the fortress. This is what it looks like when I try to accept the mission:

Maybe some advise?

vdr1981 02-12-15 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Square7 (Post 2286861)
I managed to make most changes on my own.

Would you care to elaborate your changes, just to make sure that you haven't messed up something?


Originally Posted by Square7 (Post 2286861)
I made a complete fresh install can I still try to continue my career which I started a few days ago? (In bunker of course).

I don't like to do that, game saves are very comlex in SH5 and very buggy also. Slightest change in some sim or cfg file can cause strange behaviors and ctd. It's always better to start fresh new campaign and make sure to check my game stability tips in 2nd post.

Trevally. 02-12-15 11:13 AM

@ Square7

Re: Operation P
It looks like you have already clicked the request mission as that small icon beside the "3" in the third picture looks like the icon for that.

If you check your capt log - it may give you the coords to ScapFlow
If it does - then this mission has been accepted.

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