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I enjoyed these last few posts :up:
I especially was impressed by yours thelawon.For someone relatively inexperienced you did great in that encounter,and you did everything normal. My next patrol report will be coming in about a months time,as I expect real problems with aircraft in my new patrol zone,and I need to traverse most of the journey at no more than x32TC :zzz::timeout: |
War Patrol 16 February 26 1942, After a refit involving the replacement of my much bedraggled conning tower with a shiny new 2 mounter we sailed from Lorient with orders to join our brothers off the American East coast to partake in the slaughter April 1 1942, 02:00 Position SW of Ireland radio reports a large convoy to our SW heading in our direction, we plot a course to intercept, a chance to test out this new fangled radar this better not be a prank by assistant radio man bernard 11:30 Weather, millpond calm and sunny, Radar reports contacts to our SW, it soon becomes apparent that there are alot of contacts, I close hull down hoping to be able to send off a contact report before I dive, however the forward escort spots me and turns in my direction, 12:00 HMS Buldog a type AB becomes our first victim of the day, Rapidly followed by the other forward escort a Flower Class HMCS Rimouski, my first Canadians, I'm mobed by 3 more escorts, all small corvets, but manage to put an eel into the bows of a liberty class merchant tho she proceeds undetered, pick up one of the escorts, a black swan, before dettonating my last available eel under a Chattam Troop Ship, with 3 escorts closing on my position I dive deep and run silent towards the rear of the convoy, 13:30 with the convoy passed I surface and commence reloading, I set off in persuit aiming to refil from externals before re-engaging, 14:00 I spy a small escort at extream range, and decide to let my deck gunners have a pop before submerging, they fire off 2 rounds and score a hit with the 2nd, leading to massive secondaries, I dive to PD and approach she's sinking but I don't get a credit :( However 2 more small escorts approach, the first a black swan is dispatched relativly easily, the 2nd a flower the eel explodes behind her, however she slows to a stop, a 2nd eel finishes her off. Now down to minimum torps I again chase NE after the convoy picking them up on radar and closing, finaly I get off my contact report to base, only to be told that there is no help available, Radar is now painting in excess of 20 merchants in 5 rows, with no escorts in site, I close to within 4000 yrds of tail end charlie a coastal freighter and my gun crew brings her down, I close again to the next target another freigher and engage her with the gun, but she shoots back, thern a couple of liberty ships and an ore carrier join in too It's getting a bit hot so I dive, but so does the 2nd freighter, I now steer for the flank of the convoy and once out of range aim to race ahead, whilst completing the loading of the externals, maintaining flank speed I bump along just outside of range of the ocnvoy occasionaly exchanging shots with a merchant wen I get too close, 16:00 I note that I have not had an engagement for over 1/2 an hour I dive for a hydrophone sweep to find the convoy has changed course to the east, I adjust and set off to get around them 19:00 Satisfied I am in position ahead of the convoy I submerge and pick up the hydrophone contact heading stright for me, with an abundance of targets I am for the nearest big ships, bringing down 3 Liberty Cargo's in a short space of time, with magnetic under the keel shots, 2 of them exploding with massive secondaries after 1 shot each, te 3rd requiring 2 Some quick reloading and an Ore Carrier, a Large Cargo and a Granvile quickly follow, the granvile being an admited fluke after an eel missed my primary target (the large cargo) and hit the ship in the next column I also took a chunk out of an empire frighter, which slowed to a stop but showed no sign of sinking, with all eels expended I closed on her aiming to let the rest of the convoy move away before surfacing to finish her off, However the last escort black swan now appeared on the sceen so I WENt deep beneith the crippled empire and waited 2 hours for her to go away, I surfaced 50m off the empire, took out her deck gun which could not depress enough to hit me, before backing off and putting 2 shells into her guts, which did for her, She sank in moments, and suddenly we were surrounded by life rafts, we were preparing to head off after passing out soem emergency rations when Splash, the black swan was back, and despite us being surrounded by half drowned allied merchies she was firing on us, my deck gun crew returned, and well trained boys that they are scored hits with the 2nd 3rd and 4th shots which caused large secondaries and stopped her main guns firing on us, with machine gun tracer dancing around us and the poor civies we kept firing and another 3 shots had her heading to davey jones. With all eels and most of the deck gun ammo expended and the reuply subs not yet on station I decided that proceeding to America was pointles, so tured around and headed for Brest, We faced no incidents on the return leg and made port on the 3rd entering the u-boat pens with our pennants streaming Just shy of 60,000 tonnes, not a bad days work |
Thanks Riley. Everything I learned was either from the massive GWX manual, or from these forums. And I suppose a couple things (like turning into the baffles and running) from Das Boot as well.
To finish the first convoy attack of U-49, we made it out alive. A couple more DC runs after our last post, but nowhere near close to the ship. Escorts eventually gave up and returned to the convoy. We're left to regroup and prepare for the second round attack. With a BB notch on the belt, I might add! |
We were able to penetrate the screen submerged. Due to extremely rough seas, the convoy is crawling along at 1.5 knots. Never seen that before. Everything still happened pretty quick inside the convoy though. Shot 2 eels at a troopship and 2 eels at a ore carrier. Missed the troopship (damn this manual targeting :damn: ) but got the ore carrier. No retaliation from the escorts-they must be too seasick:doh:. Due to clearing my firing point after shooting, we got behind the convoy and we are currently working around for another go and are debating on trying to slip in submerged while it is still light out for another submerged attack or waiting for darkness to try to slip through the escorts in the heavy seas. :) |
U-107's 22nd Mission
Hi thought it might be a good idea to go to the Canary Island and look for some single merchants, no such luck. Now I'l going down the coastline of Africa to Freetown in hopes of finding some merchants there.
Am I wasting my time. It's July 1944. Rob |
Making it out of Biscay was an achievement TBH
Should still be convoys |
Just for that I am patrolling as far from Freetown as I can get... like.... Galveston Texas!! :arrgh!: |
oops... forgot my patrol report... ahem..
From: U-765 To: Bdu AM4665 7 Feb 1941 Local time: 1807hrs Intercepted medium size British convoy. Expended 2 eels into Fiji class. Have been ghosting convoy waiting for the bastard to sink now for 8 1/2 hrs. :damn: Attempting 2nd attack run. Hopefully will report back in later. Nothing Follows :salute: |
Mike....ya crazy bugga :DL |
The weather is bad. medium rain, heavy fog as I'm going down the coastline. Have about 40 hours to go yet before reaching Freetown. So, if there is DD traffic there, wish me luck. Rob:salute: |
Awarding my crew with several crates of Becks after racking up a great tonnage of 21,000 tonnes and infiltrating Gibraltar harbour and sinking a Tribal class.
Shame some will be leaving to join other boats. |
getting ready to leave the port for a new patrol!
U 5..sunk a few seconds ago.
I found a small convoy in AM 75. http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/688...nter215.th.jpg I hit the BlackSwan that came snoopin around,but he played dead..and got me as I came up. http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/208...nter224.th.jpghttp://img57.imageshack.us/img57/758...nter226.th.jpg:damn: |
Status Report
From: U64
To: BdU Location: AM92 Time: 09:00AM, 15 April 1940 Name: Status Report BdU Total patrol tonnage so far: 52,250 tons. 7 torpedoes remaining. Sighted verly large convoy at 3:00AM, grid AM92, heading SW, speed 8 knots. Mostly small merchants with light escort of 4 Hunt Class. Sank 2 Empire Freighters, one Ore Carrier and one pursuing Hunt Class. Premature detonation of magnetic fuse on one torpedo. Advise all boats, heavy light patrol craft screen around Irish sea. No aircraft. Weather excelent. Will atempt another pass. Ende. |
From: U64
To: BdU Location: AM87 Time: 08:00AM, 19 April 1940 Name: Status Report BdU Total patrol tonnage so far: 61,700 tons. 3 torpedoes remaining. Tell Churchill his convoy lost 2 more Medium Cargo ships. Under heavy attack on the way out. Advise all boats to stay out of sight of irish ships. Fair weather, 50% fuel, heading home. Ende. End of patrol Note(6 may 1940): 7'th patrol 89,597 tons, for a total of 422437 (386537/35900) tons. 103 days at sea.promoted to Oberleutnant Z.S. and awarded Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and swords :arrgh!:. |
Early Jan. 1942, off the Long Island Sound. Last 2 days sank 3 C2s, a Liberty Ship and Small Merchant.
I feel like a fox in a hen house. BP |
8 August 1940 BF19 57000 tons, 3 torpedos left, continuing to patrol. |
Just on our way to patrol AL95 just south of Greenland.
Current career is U-96 as Henrich Lehmann, using realistic patrol areas for the dates. We intercepted a convoy and fired a salvo of four torps off at a large tanker, in the middle of getting numerous reports of convoys. We'd just caught the convoy run this morning. We heard bulkheads breaking up, but Bdu didn't credit us the kill as we didn't see him get hit or go down. We continued the journey north, with no problems. We found another large convoy in the extreme north atlantic. Another three torps salvo fired off, no hits. This time the Royal navy wanted us dead. Two hours of DC charges from a Flower Class Corvette and a Southampton class put the willies up my men. A mixture of novice sailors and old sea dogs. Fear was rife. We escaped with our lives, with all torps left in the aft tube. Let's go see what we can hunt near Greenland. |
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