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Shaefer 05-15-15 08:19 AM

Did anyone experience a huge performance drop after applying patch 5 + the hotfix?
I am down 20 fps since updating...:o
It might have to do with being in a high traffic area, but I never had this low fps before. Not even with Sober`s megapack, which use more high detail textures and stuff...

alien41 05-15-15 05:15 PM

hello guys, another stupid question ...

I am in mission in british coast ( 1939) , I saw a vessel of Belgium . Looking at sharts / flags , I see that it is Allied ( AL ) . But has a date 10.05.40 - 14.08.45 . If I sink it now, I lose points ?

Husksubsky 05-15-15 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2312640)
How many of you guys can confirm CTD as soon as you start patrol from Kiel harborafter the Danzing mission? That would be your 2nd patrol...

I had it.. north of Netherlands I think. Thought that might be the radiothing. Cant remember date

THE_MASK 05-15-15 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2314015)
Did anyone experience a huge performance drop after applying patch 5 + the hotfix?
I am down 20 fps since updating...:o
It might have to do with being in a high traffic area, but I never had this low fps before. Not even with Sober`s megapack, which use more high detail textures and stuff...

My mega mod pack is a lot better now . Sorry I just had to get that in :03:

kevinsue 05-16-15 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2314015)
Did anyone experience a huge performance drop after applying patch 5 + the hotfix?
I am down 20 fps since updating...:o
It might have to do with being in a high traffic area, but I never had this low fps before. Not even with Sober`s megapack, which use more high detail textures and stuff...

Not sure what frame rate your getting but I just checked mine out.

Conditions: Medium seas, overcast, foggy with heavy rain, no AI units....external view with camera moving around the boat was about 80 fps minimum. Inside was 120+ so I would have to say about at least 100+ fps average.

Not sure what will happen with a lot of AI units close by.

Lexstock 05-16-15 04:06 AM

Hey, quick question.

This mod pack works great for me, most stable gameplay in years. So lots of love <3

But I'd prefer to have the more see-through underwater effect (I like to look at my sub with ext camera, I know it's not realistic, but it's a game). Is there a way I can change this?
For example, just active the option in JGSME after the WoS mod (basically overwritting what WoS changed). Or will this **** up my game?


THEBERBSTER 05-16-15 05:45 AM

Hi Kevin

What gpu are you using?


THE_MASK 05-16-15 06:00 AM

Any huge FPS drop would be from around heavy traffic ports and an increase in the render distance using the patcher .

kevinsue 05-16-15 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2312835)
Anyone wanna try my new, more deck gun friendly, waves settings inspired by Shaefer's adventures?:) (significantly less "jumpy" sub at lower wind speeds)

I just love these new deck gun friendly waves!:yep::haha:

kevinsue 05-16-15 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2314183)
Hi Kevin

What gpu are you using?


She's an oldie but still gets by.....GeForce GTX 580 :yep:

kevinsue 05-16-15 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2311451)
Yes I know this Sober. Maybe I did not clarify properly. I want the UI to only activate when hovering over it.
I have seen this in some of Stoianm`s videos. The UI was hidden until he moused over it, then it became visible again.

Just doing a bit of quiet study while waiting for Olaf to clear the dishes :huh: (moused out UI)

EDIT: I should have watched episode #11 first!! :oops:

InTheNavy 05-16-15 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lexstock (Post 2314168)
But I'd prefer to have the more see-through underwater effect (I like to look at my sub with ext camera, I know it's not realistic, but it's a game). Is there a way I can change this?

Hello Lexstock, you should be able to change that in gameplay options. Uncheck "no external view".

THEBERBSTER 05-16-15 12:26 PM

Hi Shaefer

If you check out the different tabs in TDW's Option File Editor Viewer many different functions can be set up by mousing in and out.

Especially look at the Hud and Dials Tabs.

You can also set up Hot Keys as well.

There are a lot of Hot Keys that can be set in the different Tabs.

Remembering what does what however might be a problem?


Husksubsky 05-17-15 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2312983)
I've downloaded the deck gun file to test how shooting deck gun works now.
But at the same time I noticed a peculiar thing - I engaged 3 French ships, firing 5 torpedoes and scoring 5 hits - all were duds, that's 5 duds in a row.
When I tried to fire deck gun at one, my crew refused to fire, and I had to this this manually. I'm still in '39 so Germany is at war with France.

Is this happening because somehow French ships are counted as neutral by game logic? Is that a game way of preventing the player sinking neutral ships and scoring negative points?

I ve always had a feelin that the duds are a bit "on or off" periodic. long time since I got 5 in a row though.

Choum 05-17-15 05:26 AM

Is it normal that some special abilities cost no point to unlock ?

The "Ability-Increase-Maximim-DivingDepth", we can unlock the 5 level without spending any reward point.

Same for 2 or 3 other abilities (only for the first level).

TSchmidt 05-17-15 07:38 AM

Is it possible to somehow reactiave the "identify ship" button in the WEBS menu?

Im all new to the mod thing, so i apologize for my ignorance :yep:

Aktungbby 05-17-15 07:39 AM

welcome aboard!

Jimbuna 05-17-15 07:52 AM

Welcome to SubSim TSchmidt :sunny:

TSchmidt 05-17-15 08:10 AM

Thank you very much :up:

Great forum this is :salute:

Lexstock 05-17-15 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by InTheNavy (Post 2314266)
Hello Lexstock, you should be able to change that in gameplay options. Uncheck "no external view".


I know, I have it unchecked. What I meant was to have more visibilty while my camera is underwater.

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