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Aktungbby 05-12-15 01:16 AM

welcome back!
Soviet_Warlord!:salute: after a two year silent run.

dmlavan 05-12-15 04:52 AM

After years away from SH games I've finally picked up SH5 and installed it. For Wolves of Steel, after I have completed a campaign and want to start a new one with a new captain, do I have to uninstall the mods, start a new campaign in SH5 vanilla, and then reinstall the mods once I've started the tutorial again? Thanks!

kevinsue 05-12-15 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by dmlavan (Post 2313367)
After years away from SH games I've finally picked up SH5 and installed it. For Wolves of Steel, after I have completed a campaign and want to start a new one with a new captain, do I have to uninstall the mods, start a new campaign in SH5 vanilla, and then reinstall the mods once I've started the tutorial again? Thanks!

If you already have already completed a campaign with "TWoS" installed, make a copy of "C:\Users\Documents\SH5\data\cfg\CareerHistory.cfg file then delete the entire "C:\Users\Documents\SH5" folder. Also delete any SH5 save games in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher.

Start Silent Hunter 5 and when in the main game screen exit and then open the new "C:\Users\Documents\SH5\data\cfg" folder and paste your saved "CareerHistory.cfg" file into the folder.

Make the manual edits to the C:\Users\Kevin\Documents\SH5\data\cfg\main.cfg file as per the "TWoS" installation instructions. Now you are back to square one so you can start your campaign from the beginning without having to do the initial tutorial.

All of the Player settings...Realism, Graphics and Sound are now default so don't forget to reset those before you commit to your first mission.

Claudia 05-12-15 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2313163)
So you wont to add 20.000 m to default 40.000m rendering distance...

First you need to convert 20000 to hex code, I use Float/Hex conversion tool TDW gave me...
20000 converted to hex is 469C4000

Hi Vecko, I don't understand this. 20000 converted to hex is 4E20 :hmmm:

Claudia 05-12-15 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2313258)
Where do I change the line ?

You must edit TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_168_0\ Patches\SH5\TDW_SH5_Patches.s5p and change Code14.

Then u have to patch or re-patch sh5.exe (disable and enable Increase render distance)

Note that GenericPatcher.exe uses the .s5p files to take the hex values for each patch.


Aktungbby 05-12-15 09:41 AM

welcome back!
dmlavan!:salute: After a six year silent run!

finchOU 05-12-15 10:50 AM

Looked around and couldn't find an answer to this question.

With TWOS enabled, can you use TDW's User Options File Editor App?

Pre TWOS, it was said you needed to disable TDW's NEW UI mod via JSGME, open the User Options File App....apply changes, then re enable and you were good to go (I can't remember if you needed to be in port or not).

Now...with TWOS, there is only one hug MOD to enable via JSGME so I can't just cherry pick the TDW NEW UI mod out of it to edit....hence my first question.

I've had issues with the editor seems some stuff gets changed and some stuff doesn't? Anyone else have problems with this?

gap 05-12-15 01:45 PM

@ finchOU
I think I can answer your question on behalf of Vecko.

Talking about TWoS and TDW's options editor, unless I am very much mistaken, nothing has changed compared to when you enabled NewUIs as a single mod. You can either:

a) Enable TWoS firts and edit then UI options by making the editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained directly into the Silent Hunter 5\data path, or...

b) Edit UI options making the option editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained in the Silent Hunter 5\MODS\TWoS\data folder, and then enable the mega mod.

The difference between the two methods, is that by using the first one you will need to re-edit your options whenever you disable/re-enable TWoS, whereas if you use the second method your changes will be retained, no matter how many times you disable/re-enable the mega mod. :salute:

THE_MASK 05-12-15 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2313455)
@ finchOU
I think I can answer your question on behalf of Vecko.

Talking about TWoS and TDW's options editor, unless I am very much mistaken, nothing has changed compared to when you enabled NewUIs as a single mod. You can either:

a) Enable TWoS firts and edit then UI options by making the editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained directly into the Silent Hunter 5\data path, or...

b) Edit UI options making the option editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained in the Silent Hunter 5\MODS\TWoS\data folder, and then enable the mega mod.

The difference between the two methods, is that by using the first one you will need to re-edit your options whenever you disable/re-enable TWoS, whereas if you use the second method your changes will be retained, no matter how many times you disable/re-enable the mega mod. :salute:

Regarding TWOS , I think Vecko wants people to use the options editor while NewUis is not enabled afaik .

gap 05-12-15 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2313488)
Regarding TWOS , I think Vecko wants people to use the options editor while NewUis is not enabled afaik .

Using it after TWoS is enabled should be the same, as soon as one follows my instructions. But I agree that doing it before enabling the mod is preferable, for the reason I said in my previous post. :03:

finchOU 05-12-15 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2313455)
b) Edit UI options making the option editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained in the Silent Hunter 5\MODS\TWoS\data folder, and then enable the mega mod.

So the path: SH5/MODS/TWoS/Data/Menu/Menu.text??


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2313488)
Regarding TWOS , I think Vecko wants people to use the options editor while NewUis is not enabled afaik .

So in the 8 step process to install TWoS on page one says to enable first (step 5) then Genertic Patcher (step 6), Then the Edit the Options File.

This makes me think I can edit it whenever it's enabled??? I'm so confused now. lol

Gap...I guess did option A. I guess my question is can I just disable the MOD (while in the bunker), Try option B. Re-enable and hope it works?

I'm about one step away from clean install and another career down the drain. :/\\!!

Thanks for your help guys.

kevinsue 05-12-15 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2313455)
@ finchOU
I think I can answer your question on behalf of Vecko.

Talking about TWoS and TDW's options editor, unless I am very much mistaken, nothing has changed compared to when you enabled NewUIs as a single mod. You can either:

a) Enable TWoS firts and edit then UI options by making the editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained directly into the Silent Hunter 5\data path, or...

b) Edit UI options making the option editor to point to the copy of TDW's option file contained in the Silent Hunter 5\MODS\TWoS\data folder, and then enable the mega mod.

The difference between the two methods, is that by using the first one you will need to re-edit your options whenever you disable/re-enable TWoS, whereas if you use the second method your changes will be retained, no matter how many times you disable/re-enable the mega mod. :salute:

Just a personal variation (or blend) of the above methods.....I find the UI options are an evolving plethora of choice. Vdr has included the UI setup in the main "TWoS" mod that is an excellent starting point for players, basically a "one size fits all".

As you progress your career and gain more experience, you start "getting a feel" for which of the various UI functions you want included and how they behave, and adjusting with the Options File Editor Viewer accordingly.

At some point you reach the "sweet spot" where the UI is set up exactly how you want it. (you know you're at the "sweet spot" because you stop fiddling with things in the Options File Editor Viewer every time you exit the game :haha:)

At this point, you make a copy of C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\Scripts\Menu\ and use it to overwrite the same file: C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.03\data\Scripts\Menu\ This will retain all of your UI tweaks if for some reason you have to reinstall "TWoS" main mod again.

The only caveat is that when the "Snorkel" becomes historically available in the later campaigns, a "vanilla" may have to be used to have the Submarine tab available to select the snorkel. The snorkel option has to be the first selection saved otherwise the Submarine tab in the Options File Editor Viewer becomes unavailable. After the snorkel option is saved, you can then reapply and save all of your previous options.

B-flat? 05-13-15 07:24 PM

Starting Campaign for first Time in TWoS
Quick question, I completed all the step to load TWoS (steps 1 -8). I am starting new campaign, completed upgrade/load out of sub, do you start your first mission with out picking mission? I don't see any place to pick mission. :hmm2:

finchOU 05-13-15 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by B-flat? (Post 2313769)
Quick question, I completed all the step to load TWoS (steps 1 -8). I am starting new campaign, completed upgrade/load out of sub, do you start your first mission with out picking mission? I don't see any place to pick mission. :hmm2: did save/reload after you first got to the bunker after restarting a new career and skipped the tutorial?

There should be a mission to pick from.....if I recall. I think I had this same thing happen...but after I saved and reloaded it fixed it self.

B-flat? 05-14-15 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by finchOU (Post 2313783) did save/reload after you first got to the bunker after restarting a new career and skipped the tutorial?

There should be a mission to pick from.....if I recall. I think I had this same thing happen...but after I saved and reloaded it fixed it self.

My fixed it self after I posted for help, funny how that works, now to get some good hunting in.:arrgh!:

Lumpe96 05-14-15 09:41 AM

Hello everybody!

Im new here, and i would really appreciate if u guys could help me.
Something's not working properly when im trying to patch. I get this message for example: "C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\CameraManager.act is different version than expected!"

I am getting to the menu succesfully, but when i am trying to launch a new campain i manage to get to the loading screen, and after a while the game crashes.

I am playing the game through Uplay, and i am not sure if i've got the game patched to v1.2.0. Is there any way for me to find out what version of the game i have?


Aktungbby 05-14-15 10:21 AM

welcome aboard!
Lumpe96!:Kaleun_Salute:hang tough! help will arrive shortly!

adrians69 05-14-15 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpe96 (Post 2313855)
Hello everybody!

Im new here, and i would really appreciate if u guys could help me.
Something's not working properly when im trying to patch. I get this message for example: "C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\CameraManager.act is different version than expected!"

I am getting to the menu succesfully, but when i am trying to launch a new campain i manage to get to the loading screen, and after a while the game crashes.

I am playing the game through Uplay, and i am not sure if i've got the game patched to v1.2.0. Is there any way for me to find out what version of the game i have?


Welcome aboard!! When you load into the main menu, the version you have is located there. If the autopatcher has not updated your game to 1.2, go into your SH5 install folder and locate the gu.exe file in Ubisoft/Silent Hunter 5/Support, run that and the game should update. That is more than likely what is causing your problem.


THEBERBSTER 05-14-15 02:50 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Lumpe96 :subsim:
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Just hover the mouse over the SH5.exe icon and you will see the file version currently installed.

Jimbuna 05-15-15 05:52 AM

Welcome to SubSim Lumpe96 :sunny:

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