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Stijlloos 05-10-15 06:27 AM

My sub can't run under the water because the electric prop won't turn on.
The installation instructions are pretty confusing by the way.

vdr1981 05-10-15 06:39 AM

OK, This would be my attempt to make deck gun engagement less problematic and significantly less "jumpy" sub for wind speeds up to ~50% of maximum game's wind speed. Enable it last with JSGME anytime/anywhere...

DeckGun Friendly Waves_Test

adrians69 05-10-15 07:07 AM

I'll give it a go. DL now

vdr1981 05-10-15 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Stijlloos (Post 2312927)
My sub can't run under the water because the electric prop won't turn on.
The installation instructions are pretty confusing by the way.

What is confusing exactly ?

mobucks 05-10-15 09:32 AM

Compared to doing the entire thing yourself this supermodel package is a godsend. (I'll keep that auto-correct)

I found the instructions to be quite good! My advice is if you are confused to read the threads on the generic patcher and user options programs from TDW and also the JGME user guide. Anyone attempting to use any mod here should read that stuff or you are fighting blind!

ZygfrydDeLowe 05-10-15 12:27 PM

I've downloaded the deck gun file to test how shooting deck gun works now.
But at the same time I noticed a peculiar thing - I engaged 3 French ships, firing 5 torpedoes and scoring 5 hits - all were duds, that's 5 duds in a row.
When I tried to fire deck gun at one, my crew refused to fire, and I had to this this manually. I'm still in '39 so Germany is at war with France.

Is this happening because somehow French ships are counted as neutral by game logic? Is that a game way of preventing the player sinking neutral ships and scoring negative points?

vdr1981 05-10-15 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2312983)
But at the same time I noticed a peculiar thing - I engaged 3 French ships, firing 5 torpedoes and scoring 5 hits - all were duds, that's 5 duds in a row.

That would be early magnetic detonators in action or your torpedoes impact angle was to high for impact detonators...:yep:
...are you sure that you've activated patcher and snapshot correctly?


Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2312983)
When I tried to fire deck gun at one, my crew refused to fire, and I had to this this manually. I'm still in '39 so Germany is at war with France.

Look at your target through binoculars, press space and your crew will engage even friendly vessel...

ZygfrydDeLowe 05-10-15 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2313004)
That would be early magnetic detonators in action or your torpedoes impact angle was to high for impact detonators...:yep:
...are you sure that you've activated patcher and snapshot correctly?

Hi Vecko. I appreciate your answer, as always. I don't use magnetic pistons at all at that earl stage of the war. Patcher and snapshot were activated correctly, I have about 20 ships sunk, and finished Scapa Flow mission shortly before (5 hits at capital ships and all 5 eels exploded). It might be just extreme case of probable outcomes, but I have not had this problem attacking ship carrying British or Polish flags (I don't think I torpedoed any other nations' ship). Torpedo angle was 93*, 103* and about 100*, so I wouldn't call it too high. I have had dud's occasionally, but never 5 in a row.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2313004)
Look at your target through binoculars, press space and your crew will engage even friendly vessel...

That is why I wrote peculiar. I learned about this the hard way when I pressed space (lock target) while looking at some escort ship in Kiel :/.

With this French ship I tried locking her both from the deck and from the conning tower. There was no gun symbol and my crew did nothing.

I guess, I will try attacking some more French ships to confirm or disprove my early notion.

gap 05-10-15 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2312983)
I engaged 3 French ships, firing 5 torpedoes and scoring 5 hits - all were duds, that's 5 duds in a row.
When I tried to fire deck gun at one, my crew refused to fire, and I had to this this manually. I'm still in '39 so Germany is at war with France.

Were those ships at achor? :hmm2:


Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2312983)
Is this happening because somehow French ships are counted as neutral by game logic? Is that a game way of preventing the player sinking neutral ships and scoring negative points?

I don't think so. This game let you (and your crew) to shoot at anything you want. You can be both liable or victim of friendly fire. Not too long ago I have read a report by a guy who was accidentally bombed by a storm of Stuka's :rotfl2:

THE_MASK 05-10-15 03:12 PM

RE: CTDs if saving near a destroyed plane . Do you have the EXE Patcher AI units falling thru sea floor enabled . No idea if this has anything to do with it . I don't have it enabled . Never had a problem with planes afaik . Also I need someone to hold my hand and show me how to change the render distance to 60 kilometres . Do you need to start a new campaign ?

ZygfrydDeLowe 05-10-15 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2313031)
Were those ships at achor? :hmm2:

At sea. One alone and two as a Task Force ;)

THE_MASK 05-10-15 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by ZygfrydDeLowe (Post 2312983)
I've downloaded the deck gun file to test how shooting deck gun works now.
But at the same time I noticed a peculiar thing - I engaged 3 French ships, firing 5 torpedoes and scoring 5 hits - all were duds, that's 5 duds in a row.
When I tried to fire deck gun at one, my crew refused to fire, and I had to this this manually. I'm still in '39 so Germany is at war with France.

Is this happening because somehow French ships are counted as neutral by game logic? Is that a game way of preventing the player sinking neutral ships and scoring negative points?

Has this got anything to do with it ?

ZygfrydDeLowe 05-10-15 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2313035)
Has this got anything to do with it ?

Disregard. It was end user stupidity. I reloaded the game and sailed towards those two "french" ships again. Yeah, "french". When I was attacking I had this green filter enabled for attack periscope (it was around 6:00). Now, looking with external camera, with improved weather after reload I recognised the flag correctly as Belgian (ta-dam!). Hence their reluctance to fire the gun at neutral ships, I imagine. Anyway, I decided to see through the attack and fired 3 torpedoes scoring 3 hits with 2 explosions and one dud. I guess I was just extremely unlucky previosuly.

So, I think that I will see myself out and refrain from further scribbling ;).
Thank you for the help.

gap 05-11-15 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2313033)
RE: CTDs if saving near a destroyed plane . Do you have the EXE Patcher AI units falling thru sea floor enabled . No idea if this has anything to do with it . I don't have it enabled . Never had a problem with planes afaik .

Not unlikely, I was thinking the same.The patch said by sober, or the one making downed planes not to wanish in the air. :hmm2:

vdr1981 05-11-15 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2313033)
Also I need someone to hold my hand and show me how to change the render distance to 60 kilometres . Do you need to start a new campaign ?

So you wont to add 20.000 m to default 40.000m rendering distance...

First you need to convert 20000 to hex code, I use Float/Hex conversion tool TDW gave me...
20000 converted to hex is 469C4000

Now you open patches/SH5/TDW_SH5_Patches.s5p with notepad and edit following lines...


; +0x2B0 = Max distance from player's unit addition (DWORD) - Default value is 40000.0 (00401C47)
; this is added to the current max distance value of 40000.0
; this adjusted value determines when units are rendered in game and become 3D units instead of 2D units

You see that hex code is not just copy/pasted, you have to add it backward in a digits of two! 46 9C 40 00 ==> 00 40 9C 46 without spaces of course...

And this is the same for all patcher tweaks...

After that,it is good to re enable rendering distance patch. I've never noticed that doing this while in the patrol will brake anything, just recently I disabled the patch in the middle of Gibraltar because my FPS was very, very low with patch enabled...

THE_MASK 05-11-15 04:29 PM

Where do I change the line ?

Soviet_Warlord 05-11-15 05:55 PM

Is there any way to bring back the auto torpedo solution function? I'm not always interested in that level of realism, but I do love the other aspects of this megamod.

kevinsue 05-11-15 06:16 PM

Hey Vecko, gap....something I stumbled upon a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!........Interested?? :D

Now time for what we likes the most

F U N B R E A K!!!!

Yes, yes, ja, ja .

Lets see at greatest book about U-BOATS , Clive Blair's "Hitler's U-boat War" in two tomes.

As we can see TYPE VII uboats are rare view new American coast not to say about Indies, Pacific, Carraibean.
We need TYPE IX there, yes we need that badly.

Lets take a closer look at game textures folder!

Lets scroll down. OH MEIN GOTT!!! It looks almost exactly the same as Silent Hunter 4 texture folder
Lets look
and so and so... wait!
I can see Uboat9D2_... .dds
Oh and too!

kevinsue 05-11-15 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Soviet_Warlord (Post 2313281)
Is there any way to bring back the auto torpedo solution function? I'm not always interested in that level of realism, but I do love the other aspects of this megamod.

Yes...just open the Options File Editor Viewer and deselect "Manual targeting enforced (if True then the option to 'Turn TDC Off" is disabled and not visible) in the "XO TDC" tab.

Now you will be able to select either manual or auto targeting, which ever you prefer at the time during the attack, using the XO icon and dialogue box to turn the TDC "on" or "off".

If the TDC is selected "off", just lock/unlock each target separately with the space bar, set torpedo depth and speed as required and then fire!:smug:

Soviet_Warlord 05-12-15 12:31 AM

Thank you! That's very useful :)

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