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VentHorizon 02-15-16 01:47 PM

Hello. I'm having a small problem with speed telegraph.
I did a search and found no answers.
Using SH3style User interface (The dark wraith 7.5.0) the one that came with the package.

When submerged speed telegraph does not respond to my commands: clicking on Kleine Fahrt puts the needle on stop, clicking on Halbe puts it on langs. and so on. In other words speed always goes to one dial slower and always misses the grosse fahrt.

Also is there any way to change speed telegraph, depth and rudder gauges to glossy ones. like the ones i have seen on some screenshots of this mod?

Sorry for my lack of knowledge I'm new: still learning the ropes.
Best regards Vent.

vdr1981 02-15-16 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2381634)
Hi Vecko
My point is as Captain If I ask a crew member to do something how can they refuse and say no? That just would not happen!

I think It's all matter of perspective.. If you look at the moral system as something in between moral and fatigue, then your inability to request some special abilities makes perfect sense in some situations. Take care of your crew and they will take care of you...Talk to them, cook them nice meals and don't hold'em on battlestations for too long. :D
Maybe your issue is captain related, not crew...:hmm2:

palmic 02-16-16 03:22 AM

I always translated morale in sh5 to crew calmness. Without it they would seem to be like robots.

Cybermat47 02-16-16 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2381709)
I think It's all matter of perspective.. If you look at the moral system as something in between moral and fatigue, then your inability to request some special abilities makes perfect sense in some situations. Take care of your crew and they will take care of you...Talk to them, cook them nice meals and don't hold'em on battlestations for too long. :D
Maybe your issue is captain related, not crew...:hmm2:

The problem is that you can only improve their morale once every week, and you only get to talk to them three times every campaign. And sometimes talking to them actually reduces their morale (telling someone their wife died in an air raid will have that effect in real life too, I suspect). I've found that morale decreases faster than it can be replenished.

Koranis 02-16-16 11:11 AM

Ok, I managed to download it. Thank you all for your help. :down:

Jimbuna 02-16-16 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381856)
Ok, I managed to download it. Thank you all for your help. :down:

Did it not cross your mind it is possible that nobody may have been able to help?

It certainly wouldn't be the first time and I doubt it will be the last.

gap 02-16-16 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381856)
Ok, I managed to download it. Thank you all for your help. :down:

I am sorry to say that, but your sarcasm is out of place here.

The Wolves of Steel is not a commercial product. vdr1981 does his best to keep it updated and to offer technical support to its users. Nonetheless we should be aware that he does it during his free time, no wonder that some queries get a lower priority.

A download being unavailable for a few hours is nothing unusual, and may happen due to a number of reasons which are outside the control of the uploader, or any other forum member for that matter. Be sure that if the link was down for longer, the problem would have been addressed as soon as possible.

Have a nice day and enjoy the mod :salute:

palmic 02-16-16 12:41 PM

For those who are interested in math solutions of many navigation tasks on sub, i've started new thread about it.

I was looking for some info about it, but have not found complete answers for it in easy and clear way, so i started that thread.


Sjizzle 02-16-16 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381856)
Ok, I managed to download it. Thank you all for your help. :down:

next time when u ask for help don't aspect that some will help u fast gap said this is a free mega mod made by vdr1981 in his free time...

VentHorizon 02-16-16 01:04 PM

My charts options are gone. pressing "E" key does not help, it just turns recognition manual on and off. (and yea i did not misplace the options to the side of the screen by accident) I have disabled and enabled mods in JSGME. Even reinstalled the mods. It did not help. Any way to fix this? Can i somehow set everything back to default without reinstalling the game?

THEBERBSTER 02-16-16 01:58 PM

This was never a problem before but now with the map contacts all being black I am struggling to recognize the contacts flags in the periscope due to having cataracts in both of my eyes as they no longer focus properly as they used to.
Due NHS cutbacks in the UK they will not operate until I cannot read a car number plate at a certain distance.
In the meantime I have to cope with my eyes progressively worsening.
Is there any way that I can get the colors to show on the maps again? Not having tales is not an issue.

Koranis 02-16-16 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2381863)
Did it not cross your mind it is possible that nobody may have been able to help?

It certainly wouldn't be the first time and I doubt it will be the last.

It certainly crossed my mind that someone could say "sorry, can't help", at the very least. I was asking for help for 2 days so it's not that I "expected" a fast customer service feedback.

Koranis 02-16-16 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2381864)
I am sorry to say that, but your sarcasm is out of place here.

It's sad how plea for help is being ignored and a bit of sarcasm gets noticed by everybody so much that they have to comment on that.

Sailor Steve 02-16-16 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381903)
It certainly crossed my mind that someone could say "sorry, can't help", at the very least. I was asking for help for 2 days so it's not that I "expected" a fast customer service feedback.

If everyone who read a post but couldn't help posted to said so, we might have two or three pages of people saying "Sorry, can't help". Would that be better.

I am currently downloading the file just to make sure it's okay, and so far it's downloading just fine for me. So I guess I can't help either.

Koranis 02-16-16 04:44 PM

I managed to download it in the end, but thank you for verifying it for me.

gap 02-16-16 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381904)
It's sad how plea for help is being ignored and a bit of sarcasm gets noticed by everybody so much that they have to comment on that.

I addressed you in a polite way, didn't I? I tried to explain why your query didn't get any answer. I even wished you a good day and a good gaming experience. Comments by other users were on the same line. On the other hand, what we get from you is sarcasm + sarcasm, and not a word of thanks for the mod you are using anyway and for the long hours vdr1981 and other modders have spent on it. In my opinion, THIS is sad.

What else can I say, if not that with this sort of attitude you wont get many friends around here? It would be a shame, because this is a friendly, helpful community, but you are still in time to amend yourself :03:

Have a nice evening :salute:

Koranis 02-16-16 07:51 PM

Oh, please, don't get melodramatic, I've never said anything offensive to you nor to the creator of the mod. But if my mildly sarcastic comment did offend you, then, well, I am sorry, that wasn't my intention.

Now, please just go back to your usual conversations and ignore me just like you did when I asked for help, before my mildly sarcastic posts attracted your attention.

Good evening to you, sir.

Koranis 02-16-16 07:59 PM

Wow, vdr1981, for me this compilation is the equivalent of GWX for SH3. I've been using many of these excellent mods already but it was years ago and when I recently dusted off my SH5 and checked my "mods" folder I got instant headache. How was I going to track down the correct order for this stuff? Plus I've always had some crashes so maybe I needed a better install order anyway.

With this mod I can just play the game without worrying, thank you mate!

EDIT: What happens if I add my own compilation of sounds? I know, "don't add any other mods..." but these are sounds, shouldn't cause any CTDs?...

ThaFr0ggy 02-16-16 08:49 PM


I have a problem with the modpack.

If I put my speed to flank speed, then go to periscope depth and put speed to 0 knots the submarine stays at 6 knots all the time. If I reverse, the speed goes down a little bit and if i put speed to 0 knots again, the sub accelerates back to 6 knots.

Mod list:

1. The Wolves of Steel 1.05
2. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Update No. 03
3. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Real Navigation_by TheDarkWraith
Dragons WoS Addon
BRF 1.3 lite
Das Boot Crew Mod For SH5
Damage assessment

I am thankful for any help.

Sorry for any language mistakes, english isn't my native language.

Aktungbby 02-16-16 10:17 PM

Welcome aboard!
ThaFr0ggy!:Kaleun_Salute: a bit tardy forgive our manners!

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