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Muckenberg 01-25-16 01:58 PM

Self-DVD version of the game and of course I have patch 1.2 A setting files GP CFG I also checked :) I really do not know what's wrong. Twos play for a long time, but unfortunately I GenericPatcher not want the game to run, so I was forced to play without installing GP.
Yet Not running game. I'm forced to reboot the PC and the windows always give me an error message that failed to execute a file. So I therefore install GP again and the message I write here on the forum.
Yet I remembered that I happened upon activation generic Patcher wrote that he could not run SH5 patches because SH5.exe is used by another file. When I tried it again and it was a complete activation.
I do not know how the other players, but unfortunately it happens that freeze flag and a colleague from our submarine forum told me that the game had already fallen several times.
I will try now to start the campaign with only 1.05 Twos without the update, and I'll write it with those flags.
I am sorry for my English.

My mods:
1.TWoS 1.05
2.Das Boot Crew Mod for SH5
3.SilentMichals Interior mod
4.Dark Interior V_1
5.Stormys DBSM SH5 v1.3 Basemod

vdr1981 01-25-16 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2376742)
Yet I remembered that I happened upon activation generic Patcher wrote that he could not run SH5 patches because SH5.exe is used by another file.

I remember someone's talking that Uplay has to be OFF when activating generic patcher.

Avoid additional and unsupported mods if you aren't 100% sure what conflicting and overwritten files actually do...:yep:

Muckenberg 01-26-16 12:59 AM

Hi Vecko
To do this, my problem with the Generic Patcher. Whenever you'll reboot my system and writes this: SH5.exe 0xc0000412 failed to start.
Any advice?

vdr1981 01-26-16 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2376921)
Hi Vecko
To do this, my problem with the Generic Patcher. Whenever you'll reboot my system and writes this: SH5.exe 0xc0000412 failed to start.
Any advice?

No, sorry...I've never saw such issue...

MCM 01-26-16 01:29 PM

IF I would like to shoot a torpedo on a destroyer (what I will never do, just theortical :O:) I would of course use an electric one. But on night even a steam torpedo would not be seen in real live. Is this the same in wolves of steel? Can I shoot a steam torpedo at night without the DD sees it? What more disadvantages has an electric torpedo in TWOS that no one is using it?

vdr1981 01-26-16 02:40 PM

Can anyone who speaks German write down Dönitz's slogan for me (in German of course)?

jarekk81 01-26-16 04:11 PM

This mod is simply great

THEBERBSTER 01-26-16 06:49 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community >jarekk81
Find Help & Useful Information In My SHIV & SHV Signature Thread Links.
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Treat Yourself To The Wolves Of Steel Mega Mod <> SH5 The Dawn Of A New Beginning
The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions + Campaign Fix In >FAQ’s & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question)

Jimbuna 01-26-16 07:31 PM

Welcome to SubSim jarekk81 :sunny:

Aktungbby 01-27-16 12:22 AM

Welcome aboard!

Originally Posted by jarekk81 (Post 2377142)
This mod is simply great

jarekk81! :Kaleun_Salute:

MCM 01-27-16 02:03 AM

Dönitz says: "Uboot sind die Wölfe zur See: Angreifen, reißen, versenken!"

That means: "Uboots are the wolves of the sea/ocean: attack, rip/tear appart, sink"

In german the word "reißen" is a word that is defined for alpha animals who stand upmost upon all on the food chain hunting down a victim, bad to translate. Like the german uboots in the early times: Wolves :)

JT1981 01-27-16 05:33 AM

encounter a task force,sun a dido in underwater attack,hunted by 6 dds,couldnot escape...

vdr1981 01-27-16 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2377258)
Dönitz says: "Uboot sind die Wölfe zur See: Angreifen, reißen, versenken!"

That means: "Uboots are the wolves of the sea/ocean: attack, rip/tear appart, sink"

In german the word "reißen" is a word that is defined for alpha animals who stand upmost upon all on the food chain hunting down a victim, bad to translate. Like the german uboots in the early times: Wolves :)

Awesome, thanks!:up:

vdr1981 01-27-16 10:26 AM

Dynamic Campaign

Unlike previous SH titles, SH5 Dynamic Campaign is composed of several "smaller" campaigns merged into one large. Some of the advantages of this new approach to the campaign system are more diversity in campaign settings depending on the current war period, better campaign progression "feeling", ect.
One drawback is unintuitive instant "jump" from patrol to bunker when ending date of individual campaign chapter is reached. This however can be avoided with few tweaks described in my alternative method of campaign progression, down bellow in F.A.Q....
Campaign "shifts" are commonly followed by flotilla and homebase transfers.

Due to some issues with SH5 launcher caused by Ubisoft, campaign transfers can be a bit problematic for some players. There are several available solution how to bypass this issue, so make sure to pay special attention on "How can I pass from one campaign chapter to the next one?" tip , down bellow in FAQ section.

Another novelty in SH5 campaign system are flotilla Objectives which will be offered to the player in every individual campaign chapter...

Flotilla objectives

Active objectives can be seen in top left corner of navigation map and/or as circular (ticked) click buttons also visible in nav map.
In TWoS, objectives represent currently available rough area of operations of your flotilla provided by BdU, but keep in mind that objective's graphical representation visible in navigation map are certainly NOT something which players should follow "blindly" or at any cost. Your constant and THE most important "objective" is to hit your enemy as hard you can, when ever and where ever you can. With high tonnage score per patrol OKM will be pleased, one way or another...
In this expansion, Objectives are exclusively date controlled and they will dynamically appear and disappear from your navigation map as war progresses.
Objectives in TWoS only have two statuses, On-going and Finished and they will be declared as "Finished" when certain deadline date is reached or sometimes even before, if BdU decide so...
All previously seen tonnage bar related nonsense are effectively eliminated from this expansion...

One more function of player objectives is to provide the player with several types of Secondary missions ...

Secondary Missions

Missions can be requested only in bunker and during the flotilla commander briefing by clicking "Request mission" button. TWoS/OHII features several types of secondary missions (area patrol, spy infiltration, harbor photo recon ect) and their main function (except "coolness") is to provide the player with one crew promotional point and to restore some crew moral, after successfully finished mission.
That been said, just like objectives, success is not mandatory and it shouldn't be forced at any cost. Successful convoy attack outside your currently designated patrol area will give you much more than 48h area patrol without success. I'm pretty much sure that BdU wont complain neither...
During patrol, your current mission will be shown in your Captains log as Primary or Secondary "Objective" so don't get confused about this...Note also that area patrol missions should be done in single playing session, without leaving the operation area or exiting to main menu. Stuck area patrol timer can be restarted by exiting from designated area, saving/reloading the game, and entering the zone again.

JT1981 01-27-16 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2377298)
Awesome, thanks!:up:

hello vdr,if sub run with highest speed after depth charges exploded,could dd hear me?

vdr1981 01-27-16 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by JT1981 (Post 2377343)
hello vdr,if sub run with highest speed after depth charges exploded,could dd hear me?

I'm not completely sure but I'm afraid that the answer is yes...There was a mod called something like "DC water disturbance" made by TDW which should prevent this but, IIRC there were some CTD issues involved.

JT1981 01-27-16 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2377344)
I'm not completely sure but I'm afraid that the answer is yes...There was a mod called something like "DC water disturbance" made by TDW which should prevent this but, IIRC there were some CTD issues involved.

so,the fact is,if you were hunted by more than 3dds,you could escape hardly,because the dd will call more dds coming,i am hunted by 6 dds,so ,i am a dead man already....

vdr1981 01-27-16 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by JT1981 (Post 2377347)
so,the fact is,if you were hunted by more than 3dds,you could escape hardly,because the dd will call more dds coming,i am hunted by 6 dds,so ,i am a dead man already....

Not really, check tips, you may find some useful advice there...

THEBERBSTER 01-27-16 04:45 PM

Hi guys
IIRC the maximum number I have had looking for me was 9 when I did EBCW and I did eventually manage to get away at 1 knot zigzagging, starting and stopping.

I have put together a tutorial that some of you might be interested who use map contacts which should give you a better chance of escaping when used for attacking convoys.
This is an alternative to the 90 degree fast shoot with a 45 degree one.
With this there is a good chance that any escorts will look for you in the wrong place.
Post #38 J.P.C. 45 Method SHV Revised For Tutorial


Sokolov 01-29-16 07:20 AM

What about a harbor raids, now there coastal defence, so it's not so unreal to do it?

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