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palmic 11-08-17 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by d@rk51d3 (Post 2523875)
I'm really loving this mod.
It goes from strength to strength. I can't wait to see what's next.

I agree. It has many flaws which you have to workaround (like you should not save submerged, you cant overwrite saves because they'll merge themselves and will both be corrupted, or the fact you cannot alt-tab to windows because then few things stops to work, weather is not always working and so....).

But i can tell you, i play TWOS from my first post here (few years), sometimes i have a month or two pause, but then ill return and i cannot find any kind of boringness.. Every new situation is unique. It has great graphic and atmosphere now.. :up:

excel4004 11-08-17 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2524139)
Very good.
Note that machine guns will appear again if you decide to enable "no sub flags" add on because they are still enabled in containing eqp files

Good to know how to change that equipment to the original setting. Prefer traveling without mgs. Also without flags what is IMO more realistic.

But how great would be this kind of mod, entering port with main flag and little bunting flags for sunk ships. :D

Cyborg322 11-08-17 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by pan31geo (Post 2524062)
I also have a feeling there must be something wrong with the add-on. Anyways, I will ignore it and post an update. I guess I am not the only one with the same issue. Cheers mate.

Hello All :Kaleun_Salute:

I've been using the verifier since it was first introduced. At first I got the failed message fairly regularly, its difficult to determine false positives with it.

I still recommend using it, it still serves a purpose and getting it back on track has proved easy

Restarting the game has got it to pass every time bar the odd save with traffic too close which is not advisable in anycase

My last 20 or so saves with update 2.09d have passed 100% ( it may or may not be connected ) . I think this is in part due to having good habits with managing saves, this is very easy to overlook

Following the instructions in the WOS Guide, to the letter, where saves are more critical helps a lot, for example not going too long with complete restarts, bunker and post AO saves and so on

I've also found deleting all Auto saves and keeping saves to an absolute minimum helps ( also helps loading time )

The big plus for me using the Campaign Verifier is it gives me added confidence that I'm not heading for a situation where I'm stuck with stalled progress

It also helps with keeping good habits with saves and serves as a reminder to maintain this

I will still continue to use it, for me its helpful, it may not be perfect and may possibly gives false positives but I still think its worth considering for all the aforementioned plus sides



Werner von Schmidt 11-08-17 12:01 PM

Set course / depth
Is there a way to set a course like key x + ### respectively a certain depth? I just saw in the cfg a cmd called set_course, that's why.

Thanks in advance.

palmic 11-08-17 12:33 PM

Yes, this would put immersion on whole another level, Vecko? :hmmm: :)

Cyborg322 11-08-17 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2524188)
Is there a way to set a course like key x + ### respectively a certain depth? I just saw in the cfg a cmd called set_course, that's why.

Thanks in advance.

What is it you don't like about using the compass depth gauge and command icons ? would be helpful to know

pan31geo 11-08-17 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2524182)
Hello All :Kaleun_Salute:

I will still continue to use it, for me its helpful, it may not be perfect and may possibly gives false positives but I still think its worth considering for all the aforementioned plus sides



As I said I will post back when I have something to report. So, even if I had an error message the game progressed as expected once I passed the 4th of the month. Same as you said,I will keep using it but I won't worry a lot if I get false positives. Will try to follow the suggestion with the save games. Cheers :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Werner von Schmidt 11-08-17 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2524201)
What is it you don't like about using the compass depth gauge and command icons ? would be helpful to know

I usually play without HUD and would love to set especially the course manually (without using the mouse).

kevinsue 11-08-17 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2524188)
Is there a way to set a course like key x + ### respectively a certain depth? I just saw in the cfg a cmd called set_course, that's why.

Thanks in advance.

If you use speech recognition, you can tell the helmsman to steer "Southwest by south" or say "new course, 214 degrees". Also you can tell the Chief to "take her down to 30 meters" etc. Everything can be done including inputting target data into the TDC without the use of the UI or keyboard, except walk around the boat. It's also a lot of fun trying to get down the conning tower ladder as fast as you can while screaming "Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! and watching all hell break loose as the boat crash dives! If you want realism, using speech recognition is the way to go.:yep:

kevinsue 11-08-17 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2524236)
I usually play without HUD and would love to set especially the course manually (without using the mouse).

You can...put your boat on any course you want using the rudder keys.

Werner von Schmidt 11-08-17 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2524237)
If you use speech recognition, you can tell the helmsman to steer "Southwest by south" or say "new course, 214 degrees". Also you can tell the Chief to "take her down to 30 meters" etc. Everything can be done including inputting target data into the TDC without the use of the UI or keyboard, except walk around the boat. It's also a lot of fun trying to get down the conning tower ladder as fast as you can while screaming "Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! and watching all hell break loose as the boat crash dives! If you want realism, using speech recognition is the way to go.:yep:

Nah, my wife would kill me if I scream "ALARMTAUCHEN!" in the middle of the night. :D

Werner von Schmidt 11-08-17 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2524238)
You can...put your boat on any course you want using the rudder keys.

No whataboutism. I just asked for the possibility to set a course via keyboard because there's obviously an unused cmd called set_course.

Thanks anyway.

Cyborg322 11-08-17 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2524243)
No whataboutism. I just asked for the possibility to set a course via keyboard because there's obviously an unused cmd called set_course.

Thanks anyway.

I'm not sure if anyone is indirectly attempting to discredit, disprove, refute what you are asking for or charge you with hypocrisy ( the definition of whataboutism ) what an odd remark :hmmm: or is it the other way round you are not trying to accuse others of the same ? Its confusing, a "Buzz Word". Maybe you was just itching to use it.

These are just suggestions that you may not of considered and a way of controlling the sub without the mouse ( you added not using HUD )

So as I understand it ,its more about the "unused Cmd set course " utilising that and typing a course by keyboard by pressing a key and entering a number, have I got that right ? Or is it about a feature you think has been overlooked and not introduced into the game ?

Werner von Schmidt 11-09-17 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2524275)
So as I understand it ,its more about the "unused Cmd set course " utilising that and typing a course by keyboard by pressing a key and entering a number, have I got that right ? Or is it about a feature you think has been overlooked and not introduced into the game ?

I just asked, if there's a possibility to use existing cmd set_course for (wait for it) setting the course. (respectively depth and rudder)

Thanks anyway for the effort.

zarak85 11-09-17 11:20 AM

hammer mod....
aber seit ich das mod pack installiert hab, is mein komplettes spiel auf englisch... is das normal, oder hab ich was falsch gemacht?


awesome mod....
since i installed the mod, the entire game is in english (german before)...
... is it normal, or did i something wrong?

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