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vdr1981 09-27-17 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by ehapop (Post 2515365)

Any chance silent hunter 3/4 crew management will return in the future or is it impossible in the engine?

Tough question...Even if something like this is possible it would probably require unprecedented level of familiarity with game files and a LOT of work for sure.


Does morale effect efficiency in any way?
Low moral/fatigue points will prevent you to use crew special abilities...


And ships seems to be smoking horizontally all the time when on fire, this is normal?
It's from the mod called "Sober's Smokescreen"...:yep:


Originally Posted by SS Norholm (Post 2515418)
Awesome Vecko. Outstanding work you do for this game and community, thank you very much.
I just sent you some money ££$$ :) Well deserved fella.



Thank You very much John for your support! I really appreciate it! I hope you'll enjoy TWoS !:Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Salute:

palmic 09-27-17 12:40 PM

Lower morale of sound engineer means lower possibilities of notifying you about contacts at hydrophone at least ;)

Sometimes when Beno has low morale you can wait hours, then go to hydro for yourself and hear ship literaly beside you.

Nothing important for him :)

palmic 09-27-17 02:18 PM

John :up: Vecko deserves this :salute:

excel4004 09-27-17 02:45 PM


Luckily, now I know how to cure these problems so we can revive Uekel's work and breathe in new life to it in the form of TWoS...
Great news! :yeah:

fitzcarraldo 09-27-17 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by A-n-d-r-e-y (Post 2515325)
I know.
This Fix install KDB whith GHG as default TWOS/

This Fix delete KDB antenna from Equipment when KDB is wasnt installed.

A-n-d-r-e-y: Could you tell us where is the mod for that boat blueprint, for download? I like it....

Many thanks and regards.:Kaleun_Wink:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 09-27-17 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2515491)
John :up: Vecko deserves this :salute:

Thanks you very much guys, your help truly means a lot, but also please understand that the main motive behind my stubborn work on this game is certainly not the money...:yep:
The fact it self that so meany people are now able to enjoy SH5 in the form as it should be in the first place, without a headache, huge modlist and constant wrestling with countless bugs and game crashes, is the biggest reward for me...:yep:

Anyway, mnts salvaging operation progress so far...Cables are strong, all is going according to plan...:)

In a few days I'll start to import warships and after that I can start slowly to edit campaign files in order to support recent changes.
The plan is that with already existing air raid sirens and upcoming "injection" of newly imported illuminated ships, sea and environmental units, coastal waters and ports in TWoS becomes much more "live" and atmospheric...:yep::salute:


Also, please note that ship models above also present work of many different modders dating even back to GWX era, so make sure to also check full credits list which will be included in TWoS documentation folder from the next update...:yep:

Cheers...and happy hunting ! :subsim:

THEBERBSTER 09-27-17 05:36 PM

Hi Vecko

coastal waters and ports in TWoS becomes much more "live" and atmospheric
Do you see this as being able to main the stabilty of your excellent TWOS.
Ports are the one place where the load on the game seems to suffer.

HW3 09-27-17 09:44 PM

I left Lorient on the evening of 2 June 1942, and the air raid defenses were seriously lacking. It seemed like my sub AA was the only one firing at the enemy planes before I took it under water to escape.

palmic 09-28-17 03:10 AM

Woot Vecko, next update I'll name Illuminati! :D

Muckenberg 09-28-17 10:08 AM

Hello Vecko
Some MTNS ships carry a German-branded cargo. I would like to ask you whether it would be possible to place these ships only as Axis ships or to states with sympathetic Axis.
It is really strange when ships with a German warfare sail in the allied convoy.
I apologize for my English.

vdr1981 09-28-17 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2515519)
Hi Vecko
Do you see this as being able to main the stabilty of your excellent TWOS.
Ports are the one place where the load on the game seems to suffer.

CTDs when approaching ports with or without high TC are long gone past in TWoS...:yep: I can add as many units as you like and the game still wont crash. Even old save/restart before port tip is not mandatory anymore although it is still present in the Tips section...:yep: I learned how to cure these issues since v1.06 IIRC. This is the reason why we can today see submarine flags, submarine smoke exhaust, AI type II, AI sub crew and other "black list" mods working perfectly fine together in TWoS ...:yep:


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2515613)
Hello Vecko
Some MTNS ships carry a German-branded cargo. I would like to ask you whether it would be possible to place these ships only as Axis ships or to states with sympathetic Axis.
It is really strange when ships with a German warfare sail in the allied convoy.
I apologize for my English.

Don't worry, I don't think this will be the case...Can you give me some example so I could pay extra attention to these ships?

Muckenberg 09-28-17 01:35 PM

So I installed Mtns on my computer and found these ships in the British merchant fleet: Ore Carrier 7800 t and Freighter 4500 t. Unfortunately I do not know how to insert the picture here.

ehapop 09-28-17 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2515421)
There is a mod for Silent Hunter 5 Sea in SH 4

Nice one! it behaves the same but colors are a bit wierd.

I have a problem with weserubung, arrive in kiel 20 march and accept mission but I get out 13 april when it's over?

fitzcarraldo 09-28-17 05:24 PM

Very nice to see many new ships in TWoS. How about to insert SH3 ships as those of MFM mod?

Also there are the Razzle Dazzle ships (skins) for SH4.

Many thanks Vecko for the great job.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

hauangua 09-29-17 06:08 AM

Hi Vecko
You think possible add a Notepad like this?
By Tycho
for SH3 in TWoS?

I thinked combining this with of Palmic "real navigation target motion "..this :
"Sin/cosin + tan/cot tables to print"(this I think much charts... Maybe need add more folders...make it look like chart speed )

(substitute or Add this in shortcut "E"key"?)

I think no bad idea... Combining this + real navigation.. But I wait opinion of the other kaleuns

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