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fitzcarraldo 06-14-17 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2491367)
Hi fitz
I keep saying in various posts that the 2017 382.?? driver updates by Microsoft are all incompatible with any SH version.
Post #303) GPU Driver Roll Back To A Previous Version.

The driver I mean is Nvidia, not Microsoft. 382.53 GeForce Driver for the GC. I play with it SH3, SH4 and SH5, all modded, but in W10 pre-Creatror. In fact, I use the internal graphic settings of SH5, I donīt touch anything in the GC settings. The driver is ever autoupdated from Nvidia Experience app. I donīt have black screens; simpy an error message 0xC0000005C on sh5.exe (with Creator). I use antilag dll; I disabled it but itīs the same: Creator donīt want sh5.exe. I will try your tutorial.

Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

bandit484 06-15-17 03:44 PM

I for one am getting sick and tired of being limited by time compression in this MOD!! I like this MOD but i really dont understand why we cant disable this stupid time compression limits that are imposed on all of us.:/\\!!

vdr1981 06-15-17 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by bandit484 (Post 2491717)
I like this MOD but i really dont understand why we cant disable this stupid time compression limits that are imposed on all of us.:/\\!!

How do you mean "You can't disable" ?
I've already answered your question before so maybe you should check your posts history...

Charlie901 06-15-17 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Frederf (Post 2490862)
I need a group of 2 or 3 and crew will say "convoy in sight, want to send a contact report?" That's the #2 button "Send contact report) of 5 for radioman. The #1 button "Report contacts" has never done anything. Maybe it is a special function for very rare custom mission. Similar weather report is disabled.

You have to click on the Watchman in 1st person view to send reports...

Apparently, the shortcut ICON to do this doesn't function...

fitzcarraldo 06-15-17 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by bandit484 (Post 2491717)
I for one am getting sick and tired of being limited by time compression in this MOD!! I like this MOD but i really dont understand why we cant disable this stupid time compression limits that are imposed on all of us.:/\\!!

You can change the limits in the main.cfg, but TWoS needs the limits. If you have a great, really powerful machine, maybe you could play with more TC. Iīm happy with the original limits. Ever, with all the SH games, Iīm an slow player, I donīt like navigation or attacks in the time machine.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 06-16-17 04:01 AM

Hi bandit
Go to C:\Documents\SH5\data\cfg\main cfg
Change Maximum=512 to 1024 and try that.
TWOS is set to a TC level by vdr1981 for a reason.
Its your game, your choice.

vdr1981 06-16-17 10:21 AM

In order to reduce confusion, there's been few changes in the names of optional mods so you can re download the archive although the functionality is still pretty much the same. For example "TWoS Zones_Reduc. Fires and Expl" is now called "TWoS FX_Reduc. Fires and Expl" ect...This is not necessary step though...

Also, The Wolves of Steel 2.0_Update 2.0.2.exe installer has been enhanced with several more v2.0.3 WIP campaign layers tweaks and fixes so if you want to check them out you can re download the archive and enable it per install instructions...

Cheers! :salute:

blkdimnd 06-16-17 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2491939)
In order to reduce confusion, there's been few changes in the names of optional mods so you can re download the archive although the functionality is still pretty much the same. For example "TWoS Zones_Reduc. Fires and Expl" is now called "TWoS FX_Reduc. Fires and Expl" ect...This is not necessary step though...

Also, The Wolves of Steel 2.0_Update 2.0.2.exe installer has been enhanced with several more v2.0.3 WIP campaign layers tweaks and fixes so if you want to check them out you can re download the archive and enable it per install instructions...

Cheers! :salute:

Same link and files names??

vdr1981 06-16-17 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by blkdimnd (Post 2491954)
Same link and files names??


vdr1981 06-17-17 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2489295)
Hi Vecko
Can I finish my Total Germany campaign with:
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.1 Update
TWoS Disabled Campaign Restart Tweaks

Can I then start the Happy Times campaign with:
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.2 Update


Sorry Peter, I completely forgot about your question...

The point is, You can enable "The Wolves of Steel 2.0.2 Update" (or upcoming v2.0.3 update) anytime but you should continue to use "TWoS Disabled Campaign Restart Tweaks" addon until you receive new submarine in your current career. When that happens, disable the "TWoS Disabled Campaign Restart Tweaks" addon, load your previous gamesave and make sure to receive new sub with mentioned addon disabled.

Or, You can forget completely about "TWoS Disabled Campaign Restart Tweaks" and simply start HT campaign using "silentotto" cheat...

THEBERBSTER 06-17-17 08:21 AM

Hi Vecko
I appreciate you picking up my post and answering for me what is an important question at this point in my career.
Thank you.

vdr1981 06-17-17 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2492157)
Hi Vecko
I appreciate you picking up my post and answering for me what is an important question at this point in my career.
Thank you.

You're welcome Peter. Did you receive type VIIB during CW campaign?

THEBERBSTER 06-17-17 11:06 AM

Hi Vecko
After my 6th patrol to ‘Infiltrate a spy near Liverpool’ I also sank 4 ships for33,776 tonnes and docked on February 29th 1940.
This bonus tonnage may have helped to trigger the upgrade?
VIIB U052 along with 2 x twin flak guns (awesome).
Patrol 7 March 22nd 1940 and added your update 03B according to my notes.
Requested NWA Objective to Patrol AM0286 but did OW instead as limited mission time to complete.

blackknight16 06-17-17 03:23 PM

Problem with Stadimeter
New SH5 and sub sims in general, but I recently downloaded the Wolves of Steel pack and have really been enjoying learning how to captain a U-boat.

However I have come across an issue where I'm unable to use stadimeter to determine a target's range. I'm able to bring up the recognition book, but the option to "send mast height to the TDC" is grayed out with a pop-up box that indicating that the function is disabled.

If I try to use the XO to input the data into the TDC, the option to set the mast height manually is not selectable and the value is listed as "NaN" meters. Does anyone know if this is user error on my part or a bug in one of the mods?

I am running the Wolves of Steel modpack (with the update) and using the Realistic Navigation option. I have not installed any other mods. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

edit: Screenshots here

vdr1981 06-17-17 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by blackknight16 (Post 2492282)
New SH5 and sub sims in general, but I recently downloaded the Wolves of Steel pack and have really been enjoying learning how to captain a U-boat.

However I have come across an issue where I'm unable to use stadimeter to determine a target's range. I'm able to bring up the recognition book, but the option to "send mast height to the TDC" is grayed out with a pop-up box that indicating that the function is disabled.

If I try to use the XO to input the data into the TDC, the option to set the mast height manually is not selectable and the value is listed as "NaN" meters. Does anyone know if this is user error on my part or a bug in one of the mods?

I am running the Wolves of Steel modpack (with the update) and using the Realistic Navigation option. I have not installed any other mods. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

edit: Screenshots here

Just press "space" to mark the target...:yep:
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