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vdr1981 11-26-16 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2448802)
I'll try a "hovercraft" test with my install as is, then try again without any additional mods. I'll post the results as soon as I have them. :up:

That would be perfect. Try also quickly FXUpdate mission surfaced (but lower your loudspeakers...:03:)

kevinsue 11-26-16 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2448803)
That would be perfect. Try also quickly FXUpdate mission surfaced (but lower your loudspeakers...:03:)

FXUpdate mission
Testing with the latest TWoS version and my own additional mods:

Test 1 - U-boat surfaced with DD and Frigate pounding with guns...sub destroyed and no CTD
Test 2 - U-boat at periscope depth...fired torpedo salvo and destroyed DD. Frigate rammed sub and resulted in a CTD.
Test 3 - U-boat at periscope depth...fired torpedo salvo and destroyed DD. Frigate attacked with depth charges, sub hit resulting in a CTD.

Testing with the latest TWoS version with additional mods removed:
Test 1 - U-boat surfaced with DD and Frigate pounding with guns...sub destroyed and no CTD
Test 2 - U-boat at periscope depth...fired salvo and destroyed DD. Frigate attacked with depth charges, sub destroyed and no CTD

Test 3 - "Hovercraft test"...well this was the hard part because I had to destroy both DD and Frigate to be able to surface and crash my boat into the
coast at flank speed and 512 TC! I made a couple of attempts at killing both attackers which resulted with me being killed with depth charges but no CTD's
On my third attempt, I accidentally fired the rear tube instead of a salvo at the DD bearing down on me from directly ahead. :oops: I was taking a
reasonable amount of damage as I fired a salvo at the DD which proceeded to continue right into my school of hungry eels! As the DD exploded, I
heard another explosion. The Frigate had somehow run into the #5 torpedo I had inadvertently fired! :D

Down but not out, the crew worked valiantly and we were able to surface in preparation for our kamikaze run at the coast.

Flank speed and 512 TC the boat collided with the coast, killing all the crew and destroying our boat which then slowly slipped backwards into the depths. :wah: CTD

I think these tests prove the TWoS with no additional mods is rock solid! I will add my additional mods in one at a time and try to isolate which one
introduces the instability when I get some free time. This highlights the warning about introducing instability into TWoS by adding additional untested mods. :doh:
I still am getting the "Silent Hunter V has stopped working" advisory when I exit the game in the unmodded version of TWoS.

vdr1981 11-27-16 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2448813)

I think these tests prove the TWoS with no additional mods is rock solid! I will add my additional mods in one at a time and try to isolate which one
introduces the instability when I get some free time. This highlights the warning about introducing instability into TWoS by adding additional untested mods. :doh:
I still am getting the "Silent Hunter V has stopped working" advisory when I exit the game in the unmodded version of TWoS.

Thank you for detailed testing Kev! :up: Please let me know when you figure out what is going on exactly...

Regarding your "error message" on game exiting, I wouldn't for now pay too much attention to it, could be some system related settings/issue but probably nothing important... After all, when you exit the game, SH5 should "stop working"...:)

bart 11-27-16 08:17 AM

I've been away from SH5 for 18 months or so and I've just downloaded the latest TWoS 1.06 and got it installed and up doing its thing.

WOW, Vecko you have really done a super job on the game. :yep:

A big thank you to you and all the super modders that have made this game what it is today. Brilliant effort


vdr1981 11-27-16 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by bart (Post 2448840)
...all the super modders that have made this game what it is today. Brilliant effort



vdr1981 11-27-16 05:15 PM

Just a little bit more testing and update 03 will be fully ready...:yep:
I'm especially happy about the return of AI type II in German ports and coastal waters...The update will be "patrol" friendly...



No. 03 [WIP]
- Updated Menu.txt battle stations level 2 tool tips.
- Updated FAQ and Tips pdf documentation.
- Fixed notorious CTD issues involved around German type II AI U-boat, visible in the museum again.
- Additional AI type II 3D model and sensors tweaks.
- Added to campaign AI Type II sub, together with an appropriate campaign layer which will add Type II as static units in German ports and as active operational units in British coastal waters, Baltic and Black Sea areas within historical date span.
- Added Jace's Flower Class Corvette paint and equipment improvements.
- Merged Choum's UpgradePacks.upc tweaks and fixes.
- Fixed stock issue in FY campaign radioman's interaction script (kudos to The Beast).
- Hingnd snorkels files/controllers fixes.
- UZO and UBold damage zones - Destructible=No, to prevent possible issues when destroyed completely.
- Deamplified annoying radio room telemetry sound.
- Increased volume of DC explosion sounds (heard from inside).
- Removed unnecessary files from the update in order to reduce size of the archive.
- Environmental layers tweaks.
- Revised/Fixed Zones.cfg Father=XX dependencies to prevent possible CTD in situations when player's unit suffers heavy damage.
- Slightly decreased "LargeWavesCoef" values in SeaParameters.cfg file in order to reduce number of premature detonations in sea state with medium wind speeds, hopefully...
Download TWoS 1.06_Update 03 [WIP/Testing] :up:

vdr1981 11-28-16 08:07 AM

alber99 11-28-16 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2448905)
Just a little bit more testing and update 03 will be fully ready...:yep:
I'm especially happy about the return of AI type II in German ports and coastal waters...The update will be "patrol" friendly...

Thank you Vecko!!!

This game is now so playable, so solid, so awesome, I can not stop playing!

Thank you again. Your work is really impressive!

Regards :salute:

MCM 11-29-16 03:56 AM

Such great work Vecko!!!

Can you give us a short overview what will be coming? So now you do the ship working, how long will this take approx.? What else do you plan to fix/edit?

vdr1981 11-29-16 10:19 AM

Kevin, can you please take this file and try to reproduce any of your critical damage issues (with your modlist)? :hmmm:

Silamon 11-29-16 11:53 AM

So I bought the game from amazon and starting the install of this once more, installed the game with german voices since it was recommended and I would actually prefer that anyway.

But I do not see an option for subtitles in the options menu? Is there a way to enable them or are the subtitles added with this mod?

vdr1981 11-29-16 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Silamon (Post 2449266)
So I bought the game from amazon and starting the install of this once more, installed the game with german voices since it was recommended and I would actually prefer that anyway.

But I do not see an option for subtitles in the options menu? Is there a way to enable them or are the subtitles added with this mod?

You should install game in English and then chose "German voices" in custom installation options../
But I'm not sure does Amason version actually have "german voices"...:hmmm:
If not, just install game in English and we'll prepare one "german voices patch" for you and other Amason users (actually , I think that Kevinsue already has mod for this)...

Silamon 11-29-16 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2449277)
You should install game in English and then chose "German voices" in custom installation options../
But I'm not sure does Amason version actually have "german voices"...:hmmm:
If not, just install game in English and we'll prepare one "german voices patch" for you and other Amason users (actually , I think that Kevinsue already has mod for this)...

There was indeed a german voices option in custom install, in game the menus are all in english but the characters are speaking in German, but I did not see an option to turn on subtitles in the menus.

vdr1981 11-29-16 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Silamon (Post 2449291)
There was indeed a german voices option in custom install, in game the menus are all in english but the characters are speaking in German, but I did not see an option to turn on subtitles in the menus.

Then it's OK. There is no such option...

Silamon 11-29-16 01:30 PM

There are no subtitles...?
I don't speak german :timeout:

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