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JohnnyBlaze 09-06-16 02:13 PM

Nice career you've got going.

Would you happen to know if it's possible to limit the external camera to just to show your own boat? I would like to play 100% realism, but I can't stand not seeing my boat submerge and surface every now and then. Such a beautiful sight

palmic 09-06-16 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyBlaze (Post 2432441)
I guess I just got lucky. Intercepted a troop transport convoy, 3 torpedos fired and 3 transports sunk for a huge amounts of tonnage (about 52000). Now stalking a large convoy. It sure is happy times

You were both lucky and happen to be skillful Kaleun as well.. Congrats! :Kaleun_Applaud:

vdr1981 09-06-16 04:44 PM

Here's another interesting youtube TWoS play through and it is also very informative...


Originally Posted by JohnnyBlaze (Post 2432463)
Nice career you've got going.

Would you happen to know if it's possible to limit the external camera to just to show your own boat? I would like to play 100% realism, but I can't stand not seeing my boat submerge and surface every now and then. Such a beautiful sight

Not that I'm aware off...

THE_MASK 09-06-16 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyBlaze (Post 2432441)
I guess I just got lucky. Intercepted a troop transport convoy, 3 torpedos fired and 3 transports sunk for a huge amounts of tonnage (about 52000). Now stalking a large convoy. It sure is happy times

Enjoy it while it lasts . Enemy will advance there equipment and it will be nightmare times . Stay stealthy , dive when planes are sighted .

JohnnyBlaze 09-06-16 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2432497)
Enjoy it while it lasts . Enemy will advance there equipment and it will be nightmare times . Stay stealthy , dive when planes are sighted .

I sure will :) never finished the war in SH3+GWX. Always thought that it was too easy from 39-42. Once I hit 1943 I thought it was too hard LOL.

THEBERBSTER 09-06-16 06:59 PM

Thanks to Vecko I have just watched all 3 of the Potus YouTube videos.
First time I have understood the attack disk and what it does.
Have added his videos to my tutorials.
Post #150 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5, The Wolves Of Steel Modpack By Potus < New
Looks like this going to be another series worth watching along with Shaefer's.

Kumando 09-06-16 07:02 PM

The chalkboards not showing isnt the command shift i?

palmic 09-07-16 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kumando (Post 2432509)
The chalkboards not showing isnt the command shift i?

shift+B at default

kevinsue 09-07-16 06:03 AM

3rd Reposition completed and haven't met a single enemy ship! The only radio contact would have docked in Freetown before I reached it if I had enough
fuel to get there. Maybe we are the last 44 humans and fourteen torpedoes left on the planet...sigh* :o

EDIT: This latest update 16.6 is as stable as a rock! High TC and heavy seas with a few extra mods on top as well and not a single CTD! :up:

OMG...just realised we're up to Update 16.8 since I left port!:oops:

kevinsue 09-07-16 06:34 AM

Enigma Message Length.
For Info: some of the longer encrypted Enigma messages don't contain the last message indicator groups. Not sure but it would appear that to maintain the encryption format, ie having the message indicator groups at the start and end of the message, the main body of the message can only contain a maximum of 26 groups. :hmmm: Maybe SkyBaron can confirm this....

vdr1981 09-07-16 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2432568)
For Info: some of the longer encrypted Enigma messages don't contain the last message indicator groups. Not sure but it would appear that to maintain the encryption format, ie having the message indicator groups at the start and end of the message, the main body of the message can only contain a maximum of 26 groups. :hmmm: Maybe SkyBaron can confirm this....

That's not good...Do you have some screenshots? Date maybe?

MCM 09-07-16 08:56 AM

How important are those enigma messages? Do I have to encode them? Find it very difficult. Or are these enigma messages not necessary?

kevinsue 09-07-16 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2432599)
That's not good...Do you have some screenshots? Date maybe?

This message was complete and stated about carrying out free anti shipping operations or return to base but you'll notice that the end indicator groups are not included in the message. The total number of groups is 30 so the start and end indicator groups will use four places which leaves the main message body to have a maximum of 26 groups. I've noticed that this is the case with some of the longer messages that I have encrypted to practice with.

SkyBaron 09-07-16 09:54 AM

Yes there's a 224 letters limit on encrypted messages. It makes 56 not 26 groups. (56 groups of 4 letters + 4 indicators = 60 groups) More than enough to convey information :)

The EME won't let you write more than 224 letters as plain text, so during encryption you can figure out which messages are too long and abbreviate them.

Now this looks more like a limitation in the Captain's Log, but I'm not sure.

The message in your screenshot is complete in the Encrypted BdU orders package, for example:



vdr1981 09-07-16 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2432606)

This message was complete and stated about carrying out free anti shipping operations or return to base but you'll notice that the end indicator groups are not included in the message. The total number of groups is 30 so the start and end indicator groups will use four places which leaves the main message body to have a maximum of 26 groups. I've noticed that this is the case with some of the longer messages that I have encrypted to practice with.

Confirmed...I see what you mean. Luckily, the very same message is correctly shown in radio messages log. But because porting message from captain log to radio messages log can fail sometimes I will have to shorten those "combat task completed messages..."...Nicely spotted...:yep:


Originally Posted by SkyBaron (Post 2432613)

Now this looks more like a limitation in the Captain's Log, but I'm not sure.

Exactly...I'll figured out something already...

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