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vdr1981 08-26-16 07:43 AM

The example of received grid patrol order with enabled "Encrypted BdU orders" addon...:yep:

vdr1981 08-26-16 08:17 AM

The Norse Cast is back in business ! Check out and subscribe for new adventures...:yeah:

Nobon 08-26-16 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2429523)

2. Cant remember, sry...

Found it yesterday night,


and all of the "Crew_Idle_Actions_*.aix" files there.

They are basically controlling AI behaviour / alternate faces, wearable stuff in one file per every "room" in the sub.

Almost all of them are stock in TWoS 1.5, (from 2010) except one: Crew_Idle_Actions_QR1.aix wich is last modified in 2016. I think that's the control room. So I can't copy over that one like the others,
I have to reimplement my changes line by line.. ... XDDD
Argh, all the stuff I do for my favourite crew...

Do you happen to know some cool version control / file merge - comparison software, that lights up the differences in a code view? :D

I forget what did I used for years.
I'm suprised Notepad++ does not have that in stock XD

SkyBaron 08-26-16 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2429648)

Do you happen to know some cool version control / file merge - comparison software, that lights up the differences in a code view? :D

I forget what did I used for years.
I'm suprised Notepad++ does not have that in stock XD

Notepad++ does have a compare plugin. I use it all the time to compare scripts. Just google "notepad++ compare plugin"

Nobon 08-26-16 12:55 PM

Thank you very much! :D Somehow I didn't think about plugins today O_o even that I used the word "stock"...
maybe 3 hours of sleep after sh5 and before work wasn't enough :D

I will fire it up, thanks!

... this is just perfect :DDD

+ , - , and "suspicious" if like whitespaces, or other editing differs.
clearly aligned against eachother line by line

You just made my day!

By the way, started a new patrol, (without mission, just wandering to Kiel..) and testing the full 1.5 build + update 2
So far I was able to reproduce every feature I had in 1.4 install, so fingers crossed.
I am really winded up what new content + behaviour I'm going to run into

I have to update my profile, this is U-53 now

vdr1981 08-26-16 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by SkyBaron (Post 2429670)
Notepad++ does have a compare plugin. I use it all the time to compare scripts. Just google "notepad++ compare plugin"

WinMerge is probably the best freeware app for mentioned task...:yep:

Nobon 08-26-16 02:20 PM

thanks :)

Huh, found my first "woops"...

All the draggable charts and maps are black boxes without a picture.

and the ship recognition manual looks nice and ripe, but the 3 picture of the ship you are viewing is -all the same- for every ship...
XD even freighters... Looks like a cruiser.

All other info in the recog. manual are changing normally.

Jimbuna 08-26-16 02:32 PM

Beyond Compare is my preferred programme:

vdr1981 08-26-16 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2429692)
thanks :)

Huh, found my first "woops"...

All the draggable charts and maps are black boxes without a picture.

and the ship recognition manual looks nice and ripe, but the 3 picture of the ship you are viewing is -all the same- for every ship...
XD even freighters... Looks like a cruiser.

All other info in the recog. manual are changing normally.

Screenshot of files in your main "Silent Hunter 5" folder and opened JSGME?

Like this...

Nobon 08-26-16 03:04 PM

You are not going to like this answer... :D

I use my own mods on top of TWoS, (modified crewman pictures, and now I made a custom crew ai file, so no problem there, they can`t interfere with the darggables) aswell as Silentmichel's new interior mod, but this is just the start of the fun...

I installed ALL 1.5 content on top of my existing & copied 1.4.

Started a new career though, disable all mods in JGSME, and re/enabled 1.5s in correct order, walked the TDW install mile, even succesfully changed the gui, and etc.

Why? Because I`m usually invincible on putting things together to work along, as a bugtracker.

So officially I can`t get any help here, as it was stated that you need a clean install, and avoid mods to get help..

I was just hoped that this problem was surfaced a while ago, and has a a solution, as all other things worked great, and hence mods were disabled first, I should have been got a stock there...

If you did not experienced this problem before, then I`m going for a clean install... I`m usually a fighting type, didn`t reinstalled /one/ windows in my life, just kept them safe, fast and stable, etc.

but in this case I have to admit defeat... As everything was restored to stock that can be, and everything went according to the last letter of the install manual, then still a -clear- /path problem, as draggable pictures does not open, and the small ship pictures neither-

One more thing: I would like to keep the working 1.4 one... Maybe that can be the problem, that I have two copies in different drives.

..thinking about renaming the sh5 folder in documents...


I saved my documents folder and 1.4 game folder by renaming. Now uninstalling game/installing stock, and the rest..
If I want to honestly test something, I cannot do it properly with a hacked piece.

vdr1981 08-26-16 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2429715)
You are not going to like this answer... :D

I use my own mods on top of TWoS, (modified crewman pictures, and now I made a custom crew ai file, so no problem there) aswell as Silentmichel's new interior mod, but this is just the start of the fun...

I installed ALL 1.5 content on top of my existing & copied 1.4.

I see...I'm afraid that I can't help you there (not that I don't wish to...). Use of TWoS with a number of other mods is possible but it requires some serious understanding of game files and a lot of manual tweaking...

Nobon 08-26-16 04:15 PM

Also I would like to apologise for wasting your time by going heads-on against recommended rules, just I had so small amount of hours to act on this, and tried to take the easy way.

It works out since 10 years :D even with SH3, now I ran into something...
So clean install, mods that is compatible just sometimes eat up too much resources and possible causes of CTDs in crowded areas (NewInteriors) and my little non/conflicting mods- and I will happily test the newest version.

I hope I can stay updated this time for years

Thank you for your support, the whole TDW content, eh, O_o :D with the options, and patcher mechanism... the whole megamod,
Vdr, Skybaron, hats off again.

As far as I see, GWX was better documented, and maybe had more cohesive work, but actually TWoS and SH5 beats the SH3 experience for me at it this point. And it is the feeling and game/realism experience that is counts.

My only heartbleed is (as hell annoying was the fact that even in modded sh3 you can`t put together watch shifts that does not exhaust your poor crew...) that SH5 does not have any real crew management. You can buy some weird cheats via points on your officers, but that`s it.

But apart from lovable and sometimes annoying micro management that I miss between battle actions, SH5 and this megamod together (stock is arcade... XD) brings me a chilling simulation, where my manual targeting systemas actually work... if I do count right.

So keep up the good work!

And Im sitting with jumpy legs to wait for the reinstalll XD

Nobon 08-27-16 04:08 PM

Some ideas + findings
(EDITED this message LIKE HELL + deleted some of my own spam..)

All went well, as far as I can tell, everything is alright this time.

Megamod is active, SH3 style dials, etc.

1.: I figured out what is the cause of the fluorescent red door handles, and door handwheels.

That texture seriously needs someone to replace those parts with something that looks like a -material-, not a red hole, but I did a small fix for myself, by simply taking away the intensity of the color to almost total gray. Actually it IS gray now.

It still looks a bit plastic, but at least not fluorescent red plastic XD and matches the environment.

if you would like I can upload the fixed texture, you can maybe include as an optional door fix, or make a better looking one, just give the option to people to kill the glowing red doors XD Some real rust would look nice on it but needs more talent than I have. XD

the TDW mods have SO MUCH options that I don`t know, maybe it`s implemented already,
2.: but today I found a way to reintroduce the ARROW KEYS to control the periscope rotation. now works as: left-right for normal, ctrl+left-right to slow, shift+left-right to fast rotation of the scope. (mouse control remained aswell of course.)
Succesfully tweaked the TWoS command.cfg. Of course that means that I got rid of the arrow rudder controls, (hated them)
but it`s possible to use any two keys with their ctrl and shift flags instead, if someone have love for the arrow rudders..

(I like the fact that it does not "wanders" around up and down like when you grab it with mouse... Only goes up and down by the rocking of the boat itself. + raising and lowering it.
I doesn`t even know that it was possible to rotate the view up and down.... I don`t think so. I have a feeling that it either rotated sideways only + raised+lowered.
OR it was possible to rotate the mirror in a very small angle... But not like this.

I only use a mouse in SH games If I want to raise + lower the view to have a better look at how tall is the mast, as somehow you can`t see it right if the marks interfering with the wakes. Still feel it as cheating)

If you are interested in reimplementing this, let me know.

Sadly it`s either IN the commands.cfg, or not, can`t make a compatible little mod out of it, that can be used on top of something that already used commands.cfg.
unless I write a third party .net windows application that can patch any kind of modified commands.cfg with these options.
THAT would be compatible with anything that leaves the "to" commands alone.


vdr1981 08-27-16 05:00 PM


if you would like I can upload the fixed texture, you can maybe include as an optional door fix, or make a better looking one, just give the option to people to kill the glowing red doors XD Some real rust would look nice on it but needs more talent than I have. XD

2.: but today I found a way to reintroduce the ARROW KEYS to control the periscope rotation. now works as: left-right for normal, ctrl+left-right to slow, shift+left-right to fast rotation of the scope. (mouse control remained aswell of course.)
Succesfully tweaked the TWoS command.cfg. Of course that means that I got rid of the arrow rudder controls, (hated them)
but it`s possible to use any two keys with their ctrl and shift flags instead, if someone have love for the arrow rudders..

Yes , very much. :up: Bring it up!
I tried before to move periscope with arrow keys but never looked into Command.cfg file...:yep:

Nobon 08-27-16 05:44 PM

I think the easiest way is to first let you know what to implement:

search for these commands, eg. cmd80-85 in your cfg/commands.cfg file,
and modify them like this. (of course after that you should add a ; before a line where are any of these leftarrow/rightarrow keys was used other than these commands, for example, at the rudder commands)

This one was modified from the last 1.5 commands.cfg.



Key0=0x25,Rs,"Shift+Left Arrow"

Key0=0x25,Rc,"Ctrl+Left Arrow"


Key0=0x27,Rs,"Shift+Right Arrow"

Key0=0x27,Rc,"Ctrl+Right Arrow"

I will upload the file itself as soon as I figure out an easy way how to do that... I forgot how to use this forum.

Te point is, that the "to" commands are using the "R" flag, as repeated keypress to function properly. (also do not delete any already associated keys, just make a new one beside it with your key of choice)
R as a normal key, Rc as a key+ctrl combination, and Rs as a key+shift combination.

apparently, 0x25 is the left arrow key, 0x27 is the right arrow key.
the text in captions is just a visual help. As you see there are traces that someone was using that, maybe stock/ but then commented them out.


(I was testing my game, zipping around the islands from memel to Kiel, when my navigator was a bit late with the scripted realnav update, and after some 512x zig-zag on the map, calculating course every now and then via draggable tools, the U-53 was heavily integrated into the banks around Kiel... Instant loss of the whole crew, and boat :D and last saved around ... Danzig I think. Ah, a hour or so into the bin ^^
today I only vouch for some sleep and Das boot from dvd, then I will resume by uploading the files tomorrow)

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