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MCM 04-28-16 07:00 AM

most ships are grey with almost no texture... but when I get very near suddenly the ship gets a (quite dark) texture and looks nice. What can that cause?

I have normal TWOS without additional mods. (nvidia with 4AA and 4AF)

vanjast 04-28-16 10:01 AM

Is there an alternative download site or torrent... MediaFire is not giving me any pleasure

fitzcarraldo 04-28-16 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2400540)
most ships are grey with almost no texture... but when I get very near suddenly the ship gets a (quite dark) texture and looks nice. What can that cause?

I have normal TWOS without additional mods. (nvidia with 4AA and 4AF)

My best suggestion: use the graphic controls of the game and not Nvidia control panel or Inspector. With the inside game controls, I have beautiful and candy graphics.

I noted Nvidia GC donīt like very much SH5...

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Sjizzle 04-28-16 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by KaleuJona (Post 2400527)
Where do I find the Submarines in the SOAN/recognition manual, searched it all through, didn't find them.....

there is no submarine recognition .....

KaleuJona 04-29-16 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2400652)
there is no submarine recognition .....

May i ask, why?

vdr1981 04-29-16 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by KaleuJona (Post 2400500)
Could it be, that Alt+Tab causes the problem to happen?

your issues are probably user related because I really never had them with twos. But , I also rarely alt-tab the game and always use GUI commands for surfacing/submerge. :yep:

Sjizzle 04-29-16 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by KaleuJona (Post 2400810)
May i ask, why?

cos Ubisoft was too lazy to make one and also there is no sense for U-boat recognition cos u don't hunt Uboats :D

KaleuJona 04-29-16 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2400901)
cos Ubisoft was too lazy to make one and also there is no sense for U-boat recognition cos u don't hunt Uboats :D

Ok thanks

KaleuJona 04-30-16 06:16 PM

Just killed a british sub, but it didn't fight me, didn't evade, didn't that normal?

KaleuJona 04-30-16 07:20 PM

Another Question...When do i get the VII B?
I completedd the first Campaign now and i still have VII A...

Sjizzle 05-01-16 03:11 AM


Just killed a british sub, but it didn't fight me, didn't evade, didn't that normal?
yup that's normal


Originally Posted by KaleuJona (Post 2401214)
Another Question...When do i get the VII B?
I completedd the first Campaign now and i still have VII A...

press E key and there is upgrade charts and u will see when u get the type VIIB uboat i don't remember exactly which year u will get it ....but also u can edit some file and to add the type VII B uboat but that is a cheat in my opinion and will break the game immersion

THEBERBSTER 05-01-16 05:24 AM

Vecko looked into the upgrades situation a while ago and he will probably have a more informative answer for you.
As you have completed Total Germany and still in a VIIA it is probably down to the amount of tonnage you have sunk or you have been penalized for sinking neutral ships.
My BCW has just finished and I only sank 2 ships for less than 10,000 tonnes.
Not easy finding targets when playing 100% as it should be, so I may also be in a similar position to you?

KaleuJona 05-01-16 07:31 AM

The Chart says '39, but im already mid-'40

KaleuJona 05-01-16 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2401244)
yup that's normal

okay, so its a kind of broken Sub AI....pity

Tonci87 05-01-16 10:28 AM

There is one thing still really **** about this game.
Depth charge explosions.... they sound really ****, and not scarry at all...

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