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palmic 03-21-16 02:53 PM

The main problem is that SH5 in general is totally ****ed up. In my opinion UBIsoft just harvested money by packaging old code from previous SH versions , added some multimedia content to look its actual and left the game partially unfinished.

And now you mod-guys do their work to put it together and teach people how to workaround their bugs..

Unfortunately this will be never-ending story, new fans will always come here asking their questions, its absolutely understandable they are not prepared to read long manual to how to save their game, because UBI's product just merges saves data in case of overwrite. (etc..)

Someone just need to love this game to overcome this as i do..

I have to thank you for all your effort. :up:

vdr1981 03-21-16 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2391417)
Hi oscar
How many gamers will actually take the trouble to view a long tutorial video?
If they did they would not be posting their problems on Subsim.
Its the same with the documentation, cannot be bothered to read it, then ask questions!

Peter, how much have you , me and other people from Subsim invested our spare time on all kind of mods , tutorials, fixes, tweaks, modlist, modpacks ect ect, just to make things at least a bit more easier for causal SH players in a flyby? I'm afraid even to think about it...:doh:

Now, If someone doesn't wish to waist 10-20 minutes of his life and google "how to patch SH5" I really couldn't care less.
Don't mix noob and newbies, those are two separate categories...:03:
Newbie is just a temporarily state while for noob no tutorial will be helpful and their will always blame someone else for their own incompetence...

The target group of TWoS are players who respect simulation genre and enjoy learning new things.
Anyone who finds reading/watching tutorials , manuals, documentation and tips boring, can freely move to SHO, Word of Warsh*its and similar craps...:) Not much for "reading" there...TWoS or any other SH expansion is simply not meant for them...Ende!

Sjizzle 03-21-16 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2391447)
Peter, how much have you , me and other people from Subsim invested our spare time on all kind of mods , tutorials, fixes, tweaks, modlist, modpacks ect ect, just to make things at least a bit more easier for causal SH players in a flyby? I'm afraid even to think about it...:doh:

Now, If someone doesn't wish to waist 10-20 minutes of his life and google "how to patch SH5" I really couldn't care less.
Don't mix noob and newbies, those are two separate categories...:03:
Newbie is just a temporarily state while for noob no tutorial will be helpful and their will always blame someone else for their own incompetence...

The target group of TWoS are players who respect simulation genre and enjoy learning new things.
Anyone who finds reading/watching tutorials , manuals, documentation and tips boring, can freely move to SHO, Word of War****s and similar craps...:) Not much for "reading" there...TWoS or any other SH expansion is simply not meant for them...Ende!

totally agree with u ... i have made this thread
hopping that players will spend at lest 5 min to read it before install any mods or patch the game with TDW's Generic patcher

vdr1981 03-21-16 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2391448)
totally agree with u ... i have made this thread
hopping that players will spend at lest 5 min to read it before install any mods or patch the game with TDW's Generic patcher


oscar19681 03-21-16 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2391176)
Yes you can, just jot it down to map by lat-long from message and draw their rough course (for instance sws could be somewhere between 185-220).
You have to wait for them under water to hear them even if you are not at the right place :salute:

Oh and check speed charts ingame (E / speed / speed charts for minutes or hours) on the top you could see how much knots could be slow, or medium convoy speed from BDU message to be able to expect the convoy at your position in rough time..

And how is this done exactly? The map only shows north west on the edges , and no east.

oscar19681 03-21-16 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2391147)
there is convoy map chart in game take a look at it and u will see the convoy routes ..... in WWII there was u-boat captain who never saw a ship in they patrols hunt a ship need patience and time....

where can i find this ingame exactly?

oscar19681 03-21-16 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2391417)
Hi oscar
How many gamers will actually take the trouble to view a long tutorial video?
If they did they would not be posting their problems on Subsim.
Its the same with the documentation, cannot be bothered to read it, then ask questions!

well i didnt take the trouble at first and the result was a broken game. Only when i followed the steps multiple times and closely watched the YouTube instruction video and help from the community i made this mod work without a single CTD so far. And its been worth every minute i invested in making it work.

palmic 03-21-16 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391462)
where can i find this ingame exactly?

E / shipping / any card from there..

You can see common convoy routes via atlantic and even others there..

palmic 03-21-16 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391461)
And how is this done exactly? The map only shows north west on the edges , and no east.

Do you see the grid here?

You can see degrees labels at all sides of that grid.

If BDU tells you some LAT/LONG location, its always on this grid.
Every square of this grid has 60 "minutes". So if BDU address 50 degrees West, 30 minutes, youll just find middle of that square.

palmic 03-21-16 07:09 PM

This game you have to deserve to play ;)

excel4004 03-21-16 07:20 PM

Vecka and all the other moders - thx for all! :yeah:


siege00 03-22-16 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391461)
And how is this done exactly? The map only shows north west on the edges , and no east.

Also, at least in my experience when getting convoy information, you'll have a few messages that give you information about the contact which usually includes relative bearing, true bearing, distance, course, and speed estimate.

You can chart the contact from the information given by the officer there instead of trying to match Lat/Long coordinates.

palmic 03-22-16 01:55 PM

That's just for quick orientation, there's nothing advanced about lat long on map in twos,. You just need to try to search it by Google

palmic 03-22-16 02:02 PM

[REL]The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod
Possible bug: When you emerge, sound engineer should stop report closest contacts if you order it before

renard60 03-22-16 04:06 PM

Hello here is I have a mission or it is necessary to go to AN7934 but on the card I see only AN79 how needs he to make to see AN7934 svp thank you

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