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vdr1981 08-03-15 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2333480)
Question about sounds:

Is it possible to use Stormy's DBSM 1.3 mod?

I mean the complete mod not only the music.

Many thanks and regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

I think so... But you should manually remove sh.sdl file from DBSM...

Aktungbby 08-03-15 10:00 AM

welcome aboard!
goodpoints! :Kaleun_Salute: Decks awash in SHV can be dicey even in the unmodified game: things work at 5 & 6 meters but not at 7 meters awash. I do not use WoS so I cannot help there. PM THEBERBSTER for better assistance.

hocking 08-03-15 07:20 PM

Crew Management/Promotion Points
In reading the "Tips" in the second post of this thread, one of the tips reads:

"Be careful on what you'll spent your crew promotion points, some doesn't do anything, like faster batteries recharging and possibly some more. Report your findings regarding this issue in WoS thread."

This indicates that some of the crew ability upgrades available under crew management don't actually work in the game. Is there a list of what crew ability upgrades work versus don't work? I would also like to hear any other details I should know about the Crew Management system, to include the Promotion Point allocation system, that is available in Wolves of Steel. Thanks for any help on the subject of Crew Management/Promotion Points.

CaptJulius 08-04-15 11:37 AM

After some time in seas my diesel engine room animations get stuck, do you guys get the same or is it just me?

And is there any way to greatly increase visibility at night? Adjusting Gamma doesnt help, i would like to enable Dynamic Env - Brighter Nights addon but i think it will screw up modlist stability, Thanks for any help.

CaptainFunk 08-04-15 06:20 PM

Does this mod mix still include realistic hydrophone mod as mentioned earlier in thread? If so can you uninstall it?

I am struggling with the hydro guy at moment.

- Reporting contacts then when asked to follow them stating no. Contacts?
- not reporting contact type consistently I. E merchant etc.
- stating no contacts incorrectly as when I manually check there are contacts.
- doesn't seem to follow contacts. Until really close.

Brumete 08-07-15 02:27 AM

In Data\Menu\menu.txt

Hi, the menu.txt spanish is compatible with this mod?

VacantName 08-08-15 03:35 PM

Hey folks, recently decided to get back to SH5 after not having played in 18 months or so. Looks like TWoS contains more-or-less the mod soup I used to play with, as well as I can remember, so have installed it following the instructions to the letter, but when I start a campaign it spends quite a long time loading then, without any explanation, exits to the desktop.

Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?

Deep_Hunter 08-09-15 12:30 PM

Hey guys,
I have a problem with my seafloor textures...Using the free camera I get these ugly brown "rocks". When I move the camera some of them disappear depending on the angle of view. I can even dive through them, when my boat is submerged :/\\!! Can somebody please help me to solve this problem?

sirbum69 08-09-15 03:06 PM

Hello everyone. Returning player after sometime. I downloaded this mod, and noticed that I no longer have the contact button.

After reading I found a file to download to give this back to me, But it seems I have exceeded my downloads for the day. Does anyone have this file hosted somewhere else. Or am I stuck till tomorrow.

mikaelanderlund 08-10-15 10:32 AM

I had the same problem a while ago. You have to change something, I do not remember what:hmmm:, in the Option File Editor

Slayer 08-10-15 12:28 PM

Looks like an amazing mod

Aktungbby 08-10-15 12:30 PM

Welcome back
Slayer! & VacantName:salute: after a loooong silent runs!

Deep_Hunter 08-10-15 01:05 PM

It would be nice, if somebody could answer my post... Do you have those brown rocks too or is it just a bug in my game?

mikaelanderlund 08-10-15 02:26 PM

This is ridiculous. What has happened to my gun? I have used all my shots on one small ship, but .. :hmm2:

sirbum69 08-10-15 02:51 PM

I hve the same rocks. I think there suppose to add to immersion. The deck guns in wos have been turned down 50% so u can use alot of shells.

Try downloading critcal deck gun hits. And u wont go through 80 shells

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