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Elphaba 07-29-15 11:08 AM

I don't know / read / speak German, and I have zero interest in learning to doing so, so is there a way of getting all the speech, UI etc changed back to English but still keep the rest of these mods?


Deep_Hunter 07-30-15 02:57 AM

Hey guys,
one more question to the new version of WoS: Sobers "removed Z dat ships" is not in the modlist anymore. Is the problem with the destroyed ships in habours like Kiel already solved? In WoS 1.03 the mod was included. Thats why I'm wondering if its solved or just missing...

vdr1981 07-30-15 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Deep_Hunter (Post 2332443)
Hey guys,
one more question to the new version of WoS: Sobers "removed Z dat ships" is not in the modlist anymore. Is the problem with the destroyed ships in habours like Kiel already solved? In WoS 1.03 the mod was included. Thats why I'm wondering if its solved or just missing...

The issue is solved by my version of Sobers Kiel light mod...Check out redme documentation of OHII Ports_Traffic addon...

Deep_Hunter 07-30-15 03:31 AM

Thx :up:

THEBERBSTER 07-30-15 10:04 AM

I notice in the OHII documents that the stock boat until Happy Times appears is a VIIA.

Are any upgrades available to a VIIB in the Total Germany campaign?


Depri 07-30-15 05:30 PM

So i just installed the mod + real navigation.
When I start or load a game, I get a message that says "Navigator: Calculated position is [...]", and a corresponding navigation marker on the map.

Is there any way to have him do this again? Because I have absolutely no Idea where I am...

THEBERBSTER 07-30-15 05:55 PM

Hi Depri

If you press the illustrated icon it will give you a new map fix position whenever you want it.

BeN2988 07-31-15 07:01 AM

Does anyone have any russian systems submarines under the megamod?

fitzcarraldo 07-31-15 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Depri (Post 2332664)
So i just installed the mod + real navigation.
When I start or load a game, I get a message that says "Navigator: Calculated position is [...]", and a corresponding navigation marker on the map.

Is there any way to have him do this again? Because I have absolutely no Idea where I am...

Better is the game with RN but until you learn it you can play without RN disabling the mod with JSGME.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Depri 07-31-15 07:55 AM

Thanks for the answer, of course it had to be behind the one button I wouldn't check .

Aktungbby 07-31-15 09:13 AM

welcome aboard!

BeN2988 07-31-15 09:15 AM

How to solve problems with the periscope ? SH5 1.2 Ubi license. Game resolution 1920x1080 16:9.

niwo 07-31-15 09:47 AM

I think its a bug. Just use the Mouse Wheel. I have the same thing some times.

BeN2988 07-31-15 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by niwo (Post 2332823)
I think its a bug. Just use the Mouse Wheel. I have the same thing some times.

Yes, the mouse wheel has helped ! Thanks. Each time have to do so that is not very convenient :(

niwo 07-31-15 02:31 PM

I know, but with silent hunter games you just have to deal with things like that. Its one of the very minor bugs these games have.

For example, major bugs are:
unable to save the game (after hours on patrol)
unable to load saved games (corrupted due to saving in the wrong area, coast, near ships etc. especially sh3)
crash to desktop
CO2 rising when surfaced
etc etc.

Think of it like you have to refit your ocular from time to time ;)

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