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vdr1981 11-09-19 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2635866)
Hi Vecko
The previous DVD install without using the STEAM converter I got an error message when installing the GFP and only 8 patches installed.
This time I used the STEAM converter and no error message

That's strange because other people didn't have such problems with DVD version, including myself. Could you please test that part again?:hmmm:

Tomek4494 11-09-19 09:17 AM

I have two questions:

1. I use campaign progress workaround. In chapter Coastal Waters i was super-lucky and i spotted and sunk three Queen Elizabeth class battleships - HMS Barham, HMS QE, HMS Malaya. The question is: Will I spot them in chapter Happy Times if i had to use Campaign Progress Workaround? Or it is saved that these ships are sunk, even if i had started HappyTimes not in "normal way"?

2. Can i get U-boot VIIC slightly faster, not 25.02.1941, but for example in October 1940, by changing availability dates in Flotillas.upc file? I am bored of my VIIB :P

fitzcarraldo 11-09-19 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2635883)
I've removed your old profile, you were using the same name back then and that is a problem for KSD. Try now... :yep:

Working fine now!

Many thanks :Kaleun_Cheers:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 11-09-19 02:27 PM

Hi Vecko
I will uninstall and go through the whole sequence again and let you know how I get on.

THEBERBSTER 11-09-19 06:10 PM

Hi Vecko

Could you please test that part again?
I have tested and you are correct the STEAM app can be declined.

I did come across one problem though.
If after installing TWoS and starting the game offline using my existing saved games I saw this.

This is because you have to be online so the game can be updated.

After exiting the game you can now make the change to go offline and you see this screen.


vdr1981 11-09-19 06:30 PM

uplay joys...:O:

captainchuck 11-10-19 06:29 PM

Steam SH5 Modding
I want to add TWOS to my steam version of sh5. How do I do that? What Do I set the path to in twos mod? :hmmm:


zeus 11-10-19 06:50 PM

Hello guys

The solution I have is simple
Simply in the correction patches there is an option called "Advance users", you deactivate that option and the simulator will run without connecting to Uplay.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

boogieman335 11-10-19 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by captainchuck (Post 2636124)
I want to add TWOS to my steam version of sh5. How do I do that? What Do I set the path to in twos mod? :hmmm:


What ever drive you have your Steam library on. For example My Steam Library is on my E drive where I have all my games installed. So the path to my game is E:\Steam Library\Steam\SteamApps\common\Silent Hunter5\Sh5.exe

When you run the TWoS installer let it do the Steam conversion. Follow the instructions for the install. After the install launch Sh5 from either the SH5.exe or create a desktop shortcut to sh5.exe and use it to launch your game. It will still launch the Uplay thing but it should not launch steam at all.

vdr1981 11-11-19 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by zeus (Post 2636126)
Hello guys

The solution I have is simple
Simply in the correction patches there is an option called "Advance users", you deactivate that option and the simulator will run without connecting to Uplay.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

That's correct. You can disable uplay completely trough the Generic Patcher but in that case automatic campaign transfers won't work. However, this problem can be bypassed by campaign transfer workaround described in the included "TWoS_Alternative Campaign Progression.pdf" tutorial...:yep:

SEREGA 11-14-19 12:53 PM

Hi vdr1981! Tell me what these fonts are called? I apologize for my English, I use Google translator.

THEBERBSTER 11-14-19 02:21 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > SEREGA
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Aktungbby 11-14-19 02:47 PM

welcome aboard!

stellaferox 11-14-19 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2618930)
Try this...Open "Silent Hunter 5\data\Scripts\Menu\" with notepad and change marked text to "False"...


# Created by TheDarkWraith for IO_StrategicMap_Mod
# Edited by Obelix 04/15/2011 @ 0140

###### IO_Strategic_map options ############

#+++++ specific IO_Strategic_map items ++++++++
# is the dripped visible?
# change below to either True or False
IOSMDrippedEnabled = False

# is the NavMapSeal visible (stam)?
# change below to either True or False
IOSMNavMapSealEnabled = True

# is the Plastic Texture visible?
# change below to either True or False
IOSMPlasticTextureEnabled = True

I'm sure you'll see the map much better...:yep:

I have the same problem but this didn't help. Only thing that help me is to activate the looking glass in Windows when I have to read things on the map

TheUBoatGirl 11-16-19 11:50 PM

Hello Guys!

I have a little question, is it possible to play TWoS without any "Nazi Design"? I mean i hate this German Nazi Flag on my U Boat.. I would take the Russian one or another ("dont matter what flag") but is there a way to play without it? I mean with No flag? Like it is in the stock game?

Sorry I know this is history accurate, but my grandgrandfather and Grand Uncle (i'm a russian girl) are both dying in the 2nd World War killed by germans. I dont hate the Germans for that, because it was War.. But i dont want to see (if possible) a Nazi Flag in the game. Any tip for me would be fine! If theres no way out then "it is what it is.." Maybe i can change the Nazi Flags in the bunker by myself? Or ist there a existing mod, cause i only find the "sub flag mod" but this mod dont work for me. The flags are always visible on the boat.

I thank you for that! :yep:

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