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JoeRifle 06-07-14 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Vexxey (Post 2214544)
Now I wounder how the minimap system works in this mod. Before, you would just bring up the minimap, which dosen't exist anymore? And then line your shots up.

Honestly, I haven't even gotten out of port yet. I found some map settings and enabled most of them, but I can't create waypoints for my submarine on the map. ninja edit: I managed to find the options for the map, and I can finally move my submarine!

//Thanks in advance, Vexxey

Hi sailor,

take a look a bit above and you will find explanations...but to smooth things out for you:

the tactical map ("mini map") needs to be reenabled to see it. search THIS THREAD for "TAI". you need to reenable and set sizes in optionsviewer.exe.

your hassle with not seeing the u boat is because of the real nav mod. if you don't want that you need to remove the realnav mod in jgsme. to alter even more settings use the optionsviewer.exe

On top of that, people in this thread here have reported ways of reenabling ship ID and SO target distance by means of hotkeys. look above for that.

good sailing.

JoeRifle 06-07-14 08:33 PM

Poor me also has a problem though...

I am on the 2nd patrol, hanging about the eastern coast of England. ALL the convoys I pickup over SO are actually GHOST SHIPS:P I travel to them, but they are not there (physically).

Ships in harbors and single travellers work 100%.

Did I mess sth up? I did not do anything ackward actually. Left out real nav and hydro mod. Changed settings back to enable TAI and most map features. Ship ID and SO dist keybound. Other than that all vanilla.

I already started a new campaign twice on a fresh install (by means of copying backup SH5 folder prepatched 1.2)

Any clues guys?

Bosje 06-08-14 12:56 AM

Joerifle: listen at those ghost convoys with your own ears through the hydrophones
it helps :03::know:

JoeRifle 06-08-14 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2214638)
Joerifle: listen at those ghost convoys with your own ears through the hydrophones
it helps :03::know:

Hm that sounds like you are trying to tell me sth concrete...sth i don't get though. plus, problem is that I do not reliably hear all the contacts on the hydro myself.

it should work with the SO telling me though - works for all the other ships also:/\\!!

Aktungbby 06-08-14 04:01 AM

Welcome Aboard

Originally Posted by telephono (Post 2213910)
Thank you very much for this new motivation to play Silent Hunter 5.


Originally Posted by Vexxey (Post 2214544)
Thanks in advance, Vexxey

Kaleuns: TELEPHONO AND VEXXEY:Kaleun_Salute: Ask away here at Subsim that's why it's here! @ Vexxey: There is no stupid asking only stupid NOT asking! You're just being brave for the lurkers!:up: Good luck and good hunting to you both!:Kaleun_Wink:

Bosje 06-08-14 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by JoeRifle (Post 2214652)
Hm that sounds like you are trying to tell me sth concrete...sth i don't get though. plus, problem is that I do not reliably hear all the contacts on the hydro myself.

it should work with the SO telling me though - works for all the other ships also:/\\!!

I have chased many a ghost convoy. if you listen for yourself you'll hear something really really cool that has been modded in. i'd hate to spoil it for you though. get close, stop engines and listen for yourself :up:

edit: there are forum posts from people who say that spawned convoys can disappear close to land, but from what you said that is not what happened in your case. something else is there, very real and rather invisible.

Jimbuna 06-08-14 05:31 AM

Welcome to Subsim Vexxey and telephono :sunny:

vdr1981 06-08-14 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Roberbond (Post 2213240)
I have the same problem. I have the same resolution too.
I have tried to use the RAOBF but it is a total mess and it doesn´t work.

As you can see in this picture:

The ship was at 2050m but with RAOFB the measured was 1500. I followed the tutorials and i did everything ok.

Use default attack/OBS Scopes black markings for angle measurment.

jaxa 06-08-14 12:23 PM

Guys, is any chance to download this mod from another site than
I have problems with downloading Wolves of Steel from Subsim.

JoeRifle 06-08-14 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2214665)
I have chased many a ghost convoy. if you listen for yourself you'll hear something really really cool that has been modded in. i'd hate to spoil it for you though. get close, stop engines and listen for yourself :up:

edit: there are forum posts from people who say that spawned convoys can disappear close to land, but from what you said that is not what happened in your case. something else is there, very real and rather invisible.

Ah kk I got it. Now I see.:yeah:

Funny thing is, my SO reports MERCHANTS. Strange merchants:timeout:

THEBERBSTER 06-08-14 04:33 PM

A warm belated welcome ‘telephono’:subsim:

You will always find someone here to help you.:)

Link to my SH4 - SH5 posts::salute:

Step By Step Tutorials & How To Do It

Bosje 06-08-14 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by JoeRifle (Post 2214817)
Ah kk I got it. Now I see.:yeah:

Funny thing is, my SO reports MERCHANTS. Strange merchants:timeout:

cool tho, huh?

Lastman 06-09-14 01:34 PM

Guys...can anyone explain to me how to use the RAOFB wheel in this mod? I tried but the distance and AOB values are not correct.... and Im sure to have follow the correct procedure for use the RAOFB

Sartoris 06-09-14 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2214832)
cool tho, huh?

What are you guys talking about? Creeping me out here! :o

JoeRifle 06-09-14 08:57 PM

Yea. Got unlucky first two times. It was night...hard to really see.

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