Wake in 2216 vs 2217
Thanks for this amazing Mod!
I just updated from 2216 to 2217 and noticed that the sub wake changed. I actually found that 2216 wake looked a bit better and am considering making myself a patch to reinstate the 2216 wake. I’m assuming I just need to overwrite a texture or two and perhaps and fx file. I wonder if someone could direct me to the right files to achieve this and thus shorten my trial and error process. Thanks in advance! |
HI guys for those of you who use it I have posted a new version of my Boogie's Refit mod in the downloads section. Alternatively it is avaliable here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/epyj7...er2.0.zip/file and screenshots are here: https://imgur.com/gallery/5BtsP9Q I have included a preset for Reshade and detailed instructions for using it with TWoS. This may or may not work with KSD I don't know, as I don't use it. |
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The exterior views: did you modify textures or is it only the effect of Reshade? I don´t use Reshade. Best regards. Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute: |
The exterior sub texture is Nozaurio's skin. I just made a merge of his C and B textures, by renaming the conning files. They are not included in the mod, but are easy to add, and won't affect TWoS as they are just textures. The reshade mostly effects the colors and adds HDR ,and adds depth to the shadows. Mostly visible in the interior. If you are not using Reshade because of KSD it might work with it if you are using it to start the game by using it as where to point the reshade as the game file I honestly don't know as I have never used the KSD. I just start the game from a shortcut to my SH5.exe, as I use the steam version, converted with TWoS. Perhaps someone who knows more about Reshade could tell us. IN any case the mod is split in parts. They are the main texture mod is one part, the uniforms is another part, and I included a modified version of emtguf's periscope files which are more realistic for the optics, and a small mod to make the navigation lines a little darker and easy to see, and then the reshade preset which requires the user to download and install reshade to use, but the mods can be used without Reshade they are not dependent on it. It just makes the graphics look more like a modern game. |
Ill check this out thank you. |
1. Are errors made by the navigator when calculating max range in TWOS common? (2.2.7 here). He keeps giving out different max ranges when asked a few times. 2. Are random speed changes I did not order to happen like for instance when surfacing speed changes to 15-29 kts while I ordered 8kts a known bug of TWOS of is it because I use TDW historic dials interface (telegraph, compass, depth gauge) ? Any info welcome. Ashikaga. |
Hallo again! Just a small Question. End October 1939 an I have become a Radio message from BDU that I can attack all darkened ships from 20W. Does that mean I can attack neutral ships during the night which not light their flag or I will get so minus points?
Hi, just returned and loaded up sf5 twos after a while. It plays great , almost perfect. The final things for me are the sounds\commands as there are still a few commands that have no speech tagged to them, any ideas?
Armed freighter are waaay too accurate.
Just for the fun of it I decided to get into a gunnery duel with a freighter, it had one gun at the stern. The weather was calm. I engaged at 4-5 km distance while doing evasive maneuvers at flank speed. I think everybody would agree that it should be pretty hard to hit a small evading submarine going at flank speed at that range. By the time I decided to end the experiment the freighter had put 20 shots into my little submarine, while my fully trained gun crew only managed to hit the big ship twice. All the freighters shots either hit my submarine, or very near it, while my gunners continuously missed the mark by a few hundred meters. How can the AIs accuracy be reduced? |
Anyone else with Twos installed encountered massive destroyer convoys?
Just now I somehow managed to sail straight trough a convoy of at least 20 destroyers in the dead of night(2:24),I thought it to be a merchant convoy but it was just a beehive of warships.I swear one of them sailed past me so close I could have thrown something on their deck,literally no more than 10 meters from my surfaced sub,but it did not react in any way to me. I did not spot any capital ships among them,it was just a swarm of destroyers. This took place on the western side of the English channel. |
From a quick look at weapon controllers in Goblin, only thing that looks like "accuracy" to me is "trav_tolerance" and elev_tolerance" in gun files: https://i.imgur.com/c0DOzol.png Haven't tested it but you can try increasing these values and see what happens. |
Black screen flickering
So about a year ago I'd get some pauses when going into a compartment for the first time or seeing a convoy to allow the assets to load. Now that I'm playing again, I'm getting black flickering in its place with no pauses. As I headed into Kiel after the first mission was complete, the flickering became non stop and the game crashed halfway into port. My graphics drivers are up to day, getting the latest ones from this month now but I dont think its drivers. (Nvidia 2070 card)
Edit: Tracked it down to GSync not liking SH5. Disabled and all good now. |
Why are the icons for send weather report (radioman) and with the engineer, hammer, reduce flooding time and increase repair rate inoperable in TWOS? I have to move to the engineer down below now to ask for faster repairs and reduced flooding which takes time. Instead I should be able to shout orders through the speaking tubes on the bridge. Not having the icons enabled is historically less accurate where gameplay and immersion are concerned. Do these functions interfere with the TWOS megamod somehow? Best wishes, Ashikaga. . |
@ Vecko
Sorry to bother you again, I have a bunch of questions and a few requests for you: 1. Compared to OHII that TWoS' campaign is based on, have you added/removed from the game any national ship roster? If yes, can you please give me a list of all the nations that have at least one merchant/naval ship in their roster? 2. Is TWoS' DefSide.cfg exactly the same used by OHII? If not, can you send me a copy of it? 3. I suppose that OH's campaign_radiomessages have been edited since the release of TWoS and encrypted for decoding with SkyBaron's Enigma machine also part of TWOS. Can you please send me copies of those files (encrypted and non-encrypted versions)? If someone wants to add new messages, how can he encode them? On the other hand, is there a way I can extract game files from TWoS installer without overwriting stock files? That would be useful for modders who want to make their TWoS-compatible mods without bothering you every time :) |
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