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XenonSurf 07-17-18 10:19 AM

In the Steam > Silent Hunter 5 folder, select all files and folders, right-click the selection > Properties, and deactivate all read-only so that the selection square is white...Go see if it works, but I doubt...

If you use Steam, then get used to this: You can rarely use external mods in Steam with changed executables that launch the game...The mods have to be downloaded within Steam. That's because SH5 and other games if they are not free and must be played with the Steam interface, all such games are DRM-protected. What you can do is ask the 'Steam Support' to include TWoS mod to be downloadable as a Steam mod.

vdr1981 07-17-18 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2561606)

If you use Steam, then get used to this: You can rarely use external mods in Steam with changed executables that launch the game...The mods have to be downloaded within Steam. That's because SH5 and other games if they are not free and must be played with the Steam interface, all such games are DRM-protected. What you can do is ask the 'Steam Support' to include TWoS mod to be downloadable as a Steam mod.

Than, how can you explain confirmed reports from the people who actually use TWoS despite the fact that they have Steam version of the game?? :hmmm:

XenonSurf 07-17-18 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2561618)
Than, how can you explain confirmed reports from the people who actually use TWoS despite the fact that they have Steam version of the game?? :hmmm:

It's a very lucky circumstance that your mod bypasses the Steam DRM, and it's good for Steam users when it works, but the bypass is not perfect.
In order to make SH5 or TWoS work flawlessly after the right installation, all Steam users must find the 'call it original' files from v.1.2.0 which are then changed with the Generic Patcher:


Then, one could take all game files out of Steam interface and all works like a charm...:yep:

Riekopo 07-17-18 11:53 AM

Can someone tell me if this Wolves of Steel mod is like the "Grey Wolves" mod for Silent Hunter 5? Was it done by the same modders? I'm trying to figure out which Silent Hunter would be the best to invest my time into.

XenonSurf 07-17-18 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Riekopo (Post 2561621)
Can someone tell me if this Wolves of Steel mod is like the "Grey Wolves" mod for Silent Hunter 5? Was it done by the same modders? I'm trying to figure out which Silent Hunter would be the best to invest my time into.

SH3 and SH5 are 2 different games with roughly the same gameplay. If you have never played any SH game, then I advice you to start with SH3+GWX , then once comfortable with the game, also go play SH5+TWoS.

You could do the opposite, but you will have a 'harder' time to pass over all tutorials, docs etc, whereas the GWX mod gets you started almost immediately by overflying its 500+ pages manual. It's your choice.
With SH3, it's worth to read the game manual, with SH5 forget about the manual which makes everything much harder to understand.

GWX and TWoS are completly different, the only thing in common is: they are both 'Megamods'. And there is a tipo in you post, GWX is a mod of SH3, not SH5.

RustenSKE 07-17-18 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2561606)
In the Steam > Silent Hunter 5 folder, select all files and folders, right-click the selection > Properties, and deactivate all read-only so that the selection square is white...Go see if it works, but I doubt...

If you use Steam, then get used to this: You can rarely use external mods in Steam with changed executables that launch the game...The mods have to be downloaded within Steam. That's because SH5 and other games if they are not free and must be played with the Steam interface, all such games are DRM-protected. What you can do is ask the 'Steam Support' to include TWoS mod to be downloadable as a Steam mod.

i have tried all the solutions, the game installs in exactly the same way if i do it one way or the other.

its the same two bugs that shows :

the mods work, i get no error message just these dialog boxes and the black square. very frustrating :hmmm:

Lymark1 07-17-18 02:29 PM

Does anyone know whether KSD Commander will ever come back online?

XenonSurf 07-17-18 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by RustenSKE (Post 2561644)
i have tried all the solutions, the game installs in exactly the same way if i do it one way or the other.

its the same two bugs that shows :

the mods work, i get no error message just these dialog boxes and the black square. very frustrating :hmmm:

The ideal situation should be: In Steam there is a Community Hub for the game, and specific Steam forums contained in it for the game. in these forums there should be a link for TWoS mod as a complete Steam patch.

Of course I know this isn't the case currently, that's why I asked you to contact 'Steam Support' so maybe they will add it. It's then THEIR work to make the mod playable if they ever agree...And it would be quickly feasable for them, afterall you are throwing money after them, right? So make them work a bit instead of asking the mod author to make miracles to bypass Steam!

vdr1981 07-18-18 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lymark1 (Post 2561648)
Does anyone know whether KSD Commander will ever come back online?

No one can tell for sure unfortunately... But good thing is that most of the KSDComander's feature will still work while in "offline" mod. :yep:

Sheepdog 07-18-18 11:29 AM

CTD on starting Mission or new Campaign

I hope this is the correct thread for my question, I apologise if not.

After a few years break from sub-simming, I decided to get back into it and have installed a clean UBI copy of SH5 patched to v1.02, installed Wolves of the Sea + the update, but every time I start a mission or new campaign it starts to load, showing the loading screen with the radar icon going around, then crashes to desktop.

I just wondered if anyone had encountered this?

Quite disapointed actually, I never got into SH5 when I first bought it years ago, as it wasn't that good. Really wanted to try it now it's been mega modded.

Thanks for any help. :)
ps. I followed the install instructions, including the file patcher part.

RustenSKE 07-18-18 11:48 AM

So after hours of hours trying to get the mod working i have basically given up, i have however send Steam support a mail asking them about a possible workshop for the game, as with almost any other mod-able game on steam.

I want to thank you all for the help you have provided, what a great community!


RustenSKE 07-19-18 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2561618)
Than, how can you explain confirmed reports from the people who actually use TWoS despite the fact that they have Steam version of the game?? :hmmm:

i just tried something out, i have tried installing several mods by them self, just using JSGME, and they work, however when ever i install the : NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_ByTheDarkWraith

it all goes ape****, i got those weird dialogboxes on startup and the black box ingame. i have replaced the SH5.exe so the game doesn't associate with steam, so that is no longer a issue..

THEBERBSTER 07-19-18 06:03 AM

Hi R
Post #25 TDW's NewUi 7-4-2 Installing It Correctly > Pictorial > Includes Download Link > Missing pictures replaced

XenonSurf 07-19-18 06:50 AM


Still it's worth re-trying to install TWoS, but alas AFAIK, for some Steam users the install will work and they can play without problems, but others cannot for reasons that I don't know.

I'm currently experimenting an ideal mod setup that reflects the stock game + Open Horizons II v.2.5 campaign improvements (contained in TWoS) + other mods that will correct bugs or game malfunctions.

Here is my advice for a setup which you can follow by downloading the necessary files here in the download section or following the Mediafire links in the mod threads.

instead of the 7_4_2 , try to download the

NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_TheDarkWraith_Test_Version_18.7 (ask for a link, because I cannot remember where to DL).

It has many improvements added.

My adviced modlist for a game 'close to TWoS' is as follows:

NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_TheDarkWraith_FIX_Destroyed_Shipm arks (I will soon publish this mod)
FX_Update_0_0_22_ByTheDarkWraith (read inside to know what to install !)
Accurate German Flags
DeckGun Friendly Waves
Trevally Harbour & Kiel Canal Pilot v3.1
OH II v2.5 Grid Request fix Patch SH5

These are all mods you can find and will make the stock game playable with a much improved campaign and UI, and harbor autopilots. Before you install these mods however, you must run:


to successfully patch game 1.2.0, else the game remains unplayable (you can likely start it but do not expect any reasonable gameplay...). Before running this patcher, make the replacement of your SH5.exe which you have talked about and hope for the best that your game gets patched correctly with it.

I hope however that you re-try to re-install TWoS successfully, it really makes a difference in gameplay. Try it, and if it fails try my modlist above.

vdr1981 07-19-18 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by RustenSKE (Post 2561915)
i just tried something out, i have tried installing several mods by them self, just using JSGME, and they work, however when ever i install the : NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_ByTheDarkWraith

it all goes ape****, i got those weird dialogboxes on startup and the black box ingame. i have replaced the SH5.exe so the game doesn't associate with steam, so that is no longer a issue..

I saw this before but I really can not pinpoint the exact cause. :hmmm:
From some reason you don't have full administration rights over your installation folder because TDWNewUIs also needs to create and modify files once the game is started, which in your case is not possible.
Could be some of your system settings or maybe an install location which your system doesn't "like", user account control...
Can you confirmed that you haven't simply copy/paste your installation folder around?
Can you change you default install location, install the game on a different drive maybe?

Steam is not the issue here. What is the point of telling the man to install TDW New UIs mod when he clearly states that he can not run it from some reason? Please be more concentrated before you make a post...

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