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Dutch 04-01-10 03:19 PM

Captain's Log: Date September 12, 1939 (U-7 Type II)

00:13 hrs: Received a radio contact. Plotted intercept course to investigate.

01:26 hrs: Visual Contact Made. Confirmed English Ore Carrier. Plotting Solution

01:56 hrs: Opened Tubes 1-3. Fired.

01:57 hrs: 3 Confirmed Hits on Target. Target Dead in Water.

01:59 hrs: Target Deck Awash Confirmed Kill Grid AN61 Ore Carrier 8789 tons.

02:00 hrs: Continuing to Patrol Grid AN52.

End Log.

xance 04-01-10 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1343677)

You sure got that right...

frau kaleun 04-01-10 03:25 PM

Hey, I see you're in your own little world.

I used to be there, when I first got here. Except it was my own little world.

The voices told me to leave, though. ALWAYS DO WHAT THE VOICES SAY!

Here endeth the lesson.

Fozzy22 04-01-10 06:16 PM

On patrol #6 with my Type VIIB:

Day 3 on route to patrol grid I came across an Empire-style freighter (nearing 8000 tons...largest i've come across so far) and it took 4 eels to send to the locker.

Proceeding to patrol grid with morale high and some more enemies to sink. :arrgh!:

Jimbuna 04-01-10 06:20 PM

Still on the east coast of England in my Type XXIII (with two eels) doing my best for the Fatherland.

pickinthebanjo 04-01-10 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1344268)
Still on the east coast of England in my Type XXIII (with two eels) doing my best for the Fatherland.

I didn't even know there was a Type XXIII in here, Is that a Mod?

Fozzy22 04-01-10 08:20 PM

Patrol report U-28 Type VIIB cont:

After sinking 2 large merchants and loosing my remaining eels in very bad weather trying to sink a tanker I proceeded north west to the Belchen supply ship off the coast of Greenland. After a day or so rest with the crew now rested i decided to scout along the convoy route of Halifax (Canada) to Liverpool, and with some success. Now at grid BC48 tracking ahead of a large neutral convoy, full of eels and ready to attack.

End report.

Jimbuna 04-01-10 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by pickinthebanjo (Post 1344380)
I didn't even know there was a Type XXIII in here, Is that a Mod?

Yeah, playable in GWX3.0....see my FF site.

Dutch 04-01-10 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1344064)
Hey, I see you're in your own little world.

I used to be there, when I first got here. Except it was my own little world.

The voices told me to leave, though. ALWAYS DO WHAT THE VOICES SAY!

Here endeth the lesson.

I suppose it all depends on who's voice it is.

Dutch 04-01-10 11:28 PM


Date of Birth: 06JUL14
Date of Intake: 01APR34 (CREW 34)





U-Bootwaffe Postings
07JAN39 U-Boat Flotilla Weddigen (Commander training)
01AUG39 U-Flotilla Weddigen (3 patrols)

U-Boat Commands
01AUG39 U-7, Type IIA (3 patrols)

Patrol Dates Ships Sunk
1 01AUG39 - 05AUG39 (5 days) 0 (0/0) 0 (0/0)

13AUG39 - 16AUG39 (4 days) 0 (0/0) 0 (0/0) U-boat damaged (H.I. 99.97%)

08SEP39 - 17SEP39 (10 days) 1 (1/0) 8789 (8789/0)
Ship sunk!|Grid AN 61|SS Ixion (Ore Carrier), 8789 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 53

TOTALS: 3 patrols (19 days) 1 (1/0) 8789 (8789/0) 0 enemy planes downed
0 crew lost

I had a chance at sinking another ship close to the English Eastern Coast. I fired my last two torps but I forgot to set a new spread degree, so my torps pretty much missed just ahead of the bow and just astern. But to my surprise I still hit just under the bow. Hopefully that will keep it in dry dock for a few days. Going to call it a night now and watch some Star Trek DS9 (Yes yes I know but if I'm going to be a geek, by God I'm going to be a total geek. Some chicks like that :yeah:. Go big or go home I always say.) which we will call shore leave. Night, and good hunting fellow Captains.

Frau you in on shore leave or just reporting it? :hmmm::woot::03:

Will report in ASAP tomorrow.

pickinthebanjo 04-01-10 11:50 PM

Just south west and also north west of Ireland is where I always find the most ships near England. Also try sneaking into Scapa Flow for some easy tonnage. (Ill post a pic tomorrow of the easiest way in/out)

Also DS9 is great stuff:)

microlime 04-02-10 02:44 AM

1939 2nd flotilla

1st patrol passes by port of Dover and decide to get some easy tonnage seeing how it was only guarded by an armed trawler. Went to 12m 3 knots and came about 900m of port(while I was under I did get two sonar conatacts). Put two torps in a medium cargo,1 in another cargo and what i think was a small tanker(there were dozens of ships to choose from). the trawler goes crazy and I watch in amusment.

then he goes above me and starts firing and im thinking WTF? I raised the periscope and look all derictions and see 2 bright white lights in the distance. the trawler is taking damage from what i asumed a german ship so I think what the heck lets try some deck gun practice on the other ships.

I go the surface and shells start flying around me(at that point the trawler was sunk). CRITICAL DAMMAGE!!!! DIVEEEE!!!!

Damage assesment: flooding in the stern torp room/quarters,diesel room,sonar/radio rooms,bow quarters. Conning tower gone,middle to stern of sub takes critical damage. Sonar/radio man injured

FLOODING CRITICAL 15 mins later sub destroyed by flooding. some april fools joke

Was the ship in the distance firing at me and hit the trawler?

p.s. this was my 1st actual patrol in the game 30% realism, also can I start sinking british/allied ships this early?

KL-alfman 04-02-10 03:53 AM

must have been the shore batteries .... :hmmm:

Paul Riley 04-02-10 04:23 AM

Hey Mr.Alfman,
Have you any Easter plans? Hope you didnt forget to load your UBoat with chocolates this year? The men could do with a treat now and then :yeah:

KL-alfman 04-02-10 04:52 AM

thx Paul!
the crew is on shore leave.
got to test some newer mods (wide screen).
on Sunday I have in mind to search eggs and have roasted lamb. :D

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