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Obltn Strand 09-26-11 11:21 AM

One Strand down, other appears like south park's Kenny.

Patrol 1
U-2, 1st Flotilla
Left at: April 5, 1940, 08:33
From: Brest
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN28

21.37 Arrived patrol area. AN28

16.52 Docked at Kiel.

No ships sunk.
Tonnage: 0

Norwegian campaign with type II :nope:
Nothing to shoot and only torrent of radio messages to read.

Oberleutnant z. S. Sigmund Strand

U-2 (1 patrol)

Career Tonnage: 0

ijnfleetadmiral 09-26-11 12:29 PM

Paulie76: Sounds like U-23's previous CO had an affinity for Russian vodka and dubious naughty situations. After ramming a wharf and giving an excuse like, "It just jumped out at me", I'm willing to bet he's going to feel right at home once August 1941 rolls around and he's reassigned. :haha:


JazzJR 09-26-11 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Obltn Strand (Post 1756259)
Nothing to shoot and only torrent of radio messages to read.

You should search a "hunting ground" an Area where a lot of ships are. :O:

Fish In The Water 09-26-11 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Obltn Strand (Post 1756259)
Norwegian campaign with type II :nope:
Nothing to shoot and only torrent of radio messages to read.

It's all part of the master plan to make us the best informed fleet in the world... :O:

Good news is, (if you're running GWX), you can cut the chatter down to the bare essentials with this little mod:

Comes in handy when you get tired of all the constant interruptions! :sunny:

ETsd4 09-27-11 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Paulie76 (Post 1756040)
U-23, under the command of Hans Gruber....

Good read.
Keep it comming.

eschemschnuz 09-27-11 12:43 AM

Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Dear Uncle Karl,

It's all becoming a blur at this point. :yawn:

Endless waiting, sinking lone ships, endless waiting, diving from enemy aircraft, endless waiting, bumping into convoys, failing to sink anything and diving from enemy warships, endless waiting... :yawn:

Any idea when the war's gonna end?

U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 19.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
7-day cruise.
Promotions and medals all around, yada-yada-yada... :yawn:

Over and completely zoned out.

Sailor Steve 09-27-11 12:36 PM

Finally got SH3 reinstalled for the umpteenth time and am about to start the war - again.

JazzJR 09-27-11 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1756826)
and am about to start the war - again.

HORRAY!! :salute: :D

WWII44 09-27-11 12:53 PM

just put to sea in 1941 with the IXB U-124.

Fish In The Water 09-27-11 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1756826)
Finally got SH3 reinstalled for the umpteenth time and am about to start the war - again.

Good to have you back...

It may be umpteen times later, but there's still roses out there to smell. :O:

Have fun and good hunting! :sunny:

eschemschnuz 09-28-11 01:13 AM

Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Dear Uncle Karl,

Please convey my gratitude and thanks to Herr Tikigod and his package of pin-up posters. They were very... ahem, "uplifting". :O:

Also, give my regards to the boys at U-96 from Bavaria Studios. Fun lot, that bunch. :D

Very useful, those G7es eels. Actually managed to incapacitate a Liberty cargo 10 minutes after I dove to escape a convoy.

U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 20.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
7-day cruise. Slight nick, though 'tis but a scratch.
Promotions and medals all around (haven't they run out of these?)...

Over and out.

VONHARRIS 09-28-11 01:53 AM

U-111 IXB
Patrol No4
U-73 VIIB was passed to an other Kaleun as von Harris and his crew took the brand new U-111 IXB
Orders: Patrol grid BE59
Secondary: Engage enemy traffic going in and out the Straits

09 January 1940
03:19 hours U-111 left port. Morale was good

13 January 1940
Grid AN14
11:51 hours SS Recorder (Tramp Steamer), 1824 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 25
12:42 hours SS Ixion (Ore Carrier), 8293 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 94. Crew lost: 7 She was following the tramp steamer in a loose formation

19 January 1940
Grid BE31
19:03 hours SS Baroda (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 16

28 January 1940
Grid CG95 - convoy attack
22:45 hours USS Indra (Convoy repair ship), 5220 tons. Crew: 181. Crew lost: 139 flying British colors
22:49 hours HMS Mullion Cove F 186 (Convoy repair ship), 5221 tons. Crew: 160. Crew lost: 32

29 January 1940
Grid CG95
00:25 hours USS Ulysses (Convoy repair ship), 5218 tons. Crew: 194. Crew lost: 1 from the same convoy flying the Union Jack
02:15 hours SS Crusader (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 18
08:36 hours SS Khosrou (Medium Merchant 17), 4022 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 16

30 January 1940
Grid CG95 - convoy attack
19:38 hours SS Baron Ruthven (Medium Merchant 11), 3130 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 20
Damaged an Aux cruiser escorting the convoy

31 January 1940
Grid CG95
02:16 hours MV Valparaiso (Medium Merchant 17), 4023 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 5
Grid CG85
17:57 hours SS Prosper (Tramp Steamer), 1829 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 6

01 February 1940
Grid CG82
02:11 hours SS Glenroy (Heavy Merchant 01), 9092 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 104. Crew lost: 60
Grid CG57
04:36 hours SS Umgazi (Medium Merchant 09), 3188 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 25

12 February 1940
Grid AN41
11:54 hours SS Lipari (Heavy Merchant 01), 9093 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 54

15 February 1940
11:37 hours Returned to port
38 days at sea
14 ships sunk
66467 tons
All torpedoes and 10,5cm rounds used
The weather was good most of the time. All crew performed very well.
No damages or casualties

VONHARRIS 09-28-11 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by eschemschnuz (Post 1757069)
U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 20.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
7-day cruise. Slight nick, though 'tis but a scratch.
Promotions and medals all around (haven't they run out of these?)...

Over and out.

Still alive in there huh!
Keep it that way!

PhantomLord 09-29-11 06:35 AM

Installed SH3 again. GWX Gold and Commander too.

Its August 1939, U-48 going out from Wilhelmhaven to BF17. Actual position somewhat north of Stornoway.

Enjoying the view at sunset... listening my good old grammaphone... waiting for the war.


Sailor Steve 09-29-11 10:20 AM

Me too. U-64, type IX.

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