With the replacement sh5.exe he should succeed to install TWoS and run fine because going successfully through the TDW Generic Patcher. He must just replace sh5.exe BEFORE starting installing TWoS, AND NOT AFTER (most likely reason why he gets his 'black square').
Really, did he state that he cannot run TDW_7.4.2? My English must low life...:hmmm: |
If in doubt check it out. Post #7 TDW's NewUi 7-5-0 version 18 Installing It Correctly > Pictorial > Includes Download Link > Missing pictures replaced Peter |
BUT i just took a look at the admin rights and EVERY time i go BACK a folder into the /common from /common/Silent Hunter 5 the damn write protection box is checked off again ! smells like it actually could be a windows problem! |
in which folder did you install steam? can you take screenshots of the SH5 file path? :salute: |
looks like its individual files that are read only even though i unchecked the box. i tried installing open horizons 2.5 and it installed fine, but i cant get this working for some reason, is it possible to manually unpack and place the needed files ? |
If it's a Windows problem, best thing to do is to ask question in the main SH5 forum (not here); which OS do you run? Publish your exact computer specs and OS version and ask a player that uses Steam and the same OS as you and who plays without problems, ask him how he did install game + TWoS. I know for sure there are such Steam players. I can not help you further because I play in Win7 without Steam. Have you already posted similar question in the Steam forum for SH5? This would be the prime place to get exact procedure for installing. [EDIT] During the install of SH5, the following is included in the install package and should not be skipped: - Net Framework 2.0 - DirectX installation (DO IT because SH5 will need these files, even if it's an older version of DX) - Visual C++ runtimes 2008 Check if you have all this installed, if not this may causes the glitches you mention. Also make use of the 'Search' here in the forums; you can set the search to look for titles only which should get you what you want easier. |
i dont understand
hey, i dont understand how to use the tdc, all my torpedos miss the target or go wrong way, and nobodys done a decent tutorial at all, plus when i put to auto that doesnt work either
ive given up with this mod, no decent instructions at all, even the buttons for plotting a solution doesnt work ill stick to the original game since i know how to play it |
Happy (bug) hunting! :up::salute: |
First you need to decide if you play easy or realistic which is Auto TDC or Manual TDC. You set the appropriate option while in the bunker if you play campaign (ESC - Options - Game Options) or access the options in the main menu if you play historical missions. Auto TDC goes like this: You lock target , then you unlock target. This feeds the TDC. Now you can fire making the final aim with the mouse. Just load the single mission 'TDW Torp Tutorial' to train it. It's true that the mission designer could have put this in the mission description...but he didn't - he was too busy elsewhere to make bug corrections for the game. But once you know you are welcome to write a tutorial :03: Manual TDC: I let another guy explain you this,....or watch one of the tons of tutorial videos..:D |
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > andy170886
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below Post #146 Auto TDC Targeting Without Using 3 Circles > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced Quote:
Not all people are "Simulations" material. The Wolves are made for "gaming intellectuals" after all, if I may say so...:) |
It's really tough to read posts like andy's one, but don't let this discourage you, Vecko, we all know the lot of quality work you put in TWoS :up: |
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