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cherbert 02-17-14 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by lesec74 (Post 2175796)
thanks for your answer; Have you install after or before megamod?


I also installed the Dark Interiors mod which works too.

cherbert 02-17-14 02:39 PM

I have found that when running on batteries the Speed indicators are always 1 out?

TheDarkWraith 02-17-14 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by cherbert (Post 2175805)
I have found that when running on batteries the Speed indicators are always 1 out?

That is correct. That is because of my Generic Patcher's independent speed ratios for electric engines patch :up:

diablo82 02-18-14 07:40 AM

Files responsible for the language in SH5
Which files in SH5 are responsible for the language in the game and how to edit these files?

gap 02-18-14 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by diablo82 (Post 2176023)
Which files in SH5 are responsible for the language in the game and how to edit these files?

These are all the text localization files that I can think of at the moment: :salute:

General interface:

Crew dialogs:

U-boat equipment, upgrades interface, crew abilities and decorations, etc:
data\UPCDataGE\UPCLocalization\dialogs.tsr\UPCLoca lization.tsr

Unit class names (in museum and in stock ship recognition manual):

Unit class names (in New UI's SOAN):

SOAN's additional ship info:
data\Sea\...\*.ait (one for each ship)

New UI's/OH's radio messages:
data\RadioMessages\English\...\radiomessages.txt (one for each year/month)

Campaign objectives:
data\Campaigns\CampaignProjects\...\Campaign.tsr (one for each campaign)

Mission briefings:
data\Campaigns\CampaignProjects\...\MissionBriefin gText.tsr (one for each campaign)

messageboy101 02-18-14 12:11 PM

This could be a foolish question

i dont understand something, what do you exactly mean with start a new campaign just create a name and exit the game
or genuinely start a new campaign and then exit the game.

Thanks in advance

Greets Laim

diablo82 02-19-14 10:37 AM

How to change the position of the Nomograph.

gap 02-19-14 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by diablo82 (Post 2176418)
How to change the position of the Nomograph.

I am afraid that there is no other way to do it than by using Menu Editor. Try it.
Using it for simple tasks as the one you need to carry out, is easier than you can think at first :yep:

TheDarkWraith 02-19-14 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by diablo82 (Post 2176418)
How to change the position of the Nomograph.

Make it draggable :up: IIRC there's an option either in my options file or in the map options for that map (top left corner) to enable nomograph draggable

diablo82 02-19-14 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2176426)
I am afraid that there is no other way to do it than by using Menu Editor. Try it.
Using it for simple tasks as the one you need to carry out, is easier than you can think at first :yep:

Thanks problem solved. Slowly, I am learning to change anything in the game. I've never done this type of change in the games so this is my "first time". Probably to create new mods do not teach but Small Fixes I already knew how to do.

I use Google Translator

gap 02-19-14 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by diablo82 (Post 2176542)
Thanks problem solved. Slowly, I am learning to change anything in the game. I've never done this type of change in the games so this is my "first time". Probably to create new mods do not teach but Small Fixes I already knew how to do.

Well, hopefully there is an easier solution, as suggested by TDW :up:


Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith (Post 2176441)
Make it draggable :up: IIRC there's an option either in my options file or in the map options for that map (top left corner) to enable nomograph draggable

von faust 02-20-14 03:38 PM

Great mod :up:
....but I think I avre a problem with the vision periscopes.
Should not see each other subdivisions in the center of the viewer?

Thank You (excuse for my English)

diablo82 02-21-14 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by von faust (Post 2176860)
Great mod :up:
....but I think I avre a problem with the vision periscopes.
Should not see each other subdivisions in the center of the viewer?

Thank You (excuse for my English)

The size RAOBF can help you. Using "Pain.NET" edit files:
data / Menu / Gui / Layout
In "Pain.NET" when you open the file, click on the Layers / Rotate Zoom (Ctrl + Shift + Z) and set the Zoom. x0.94 helped me. Save the files.

I use Google Translator

vdr1981 02-21-14 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by diablo82 (Post 2177243)
The size RAOBF can help you. Using "Pain.NET" edit files:
data / Menu / Gui / Layout
In "Pain.NET" when you open the file, click on the Layers / Rotate Zoom (Ctrl + Shift + Z) and set the Zoom. x0.94 helped me. Save the files.

I use Google Translator

Why don't you upload those files so we can create an optional patch for "large optics mod":yep:"?

diablo82 02-21-14 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2177248)
Why don't you upload those files so we can create an optional patch for "large optics mod":yep:"?

That's what I'm doing but I have a little problem with the upload.

Additionally, it is reduced nomograph.

How I helped beat bravo :D

I use Google Translator

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