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test_m4a1 11-21-14 06:54 AM

I thought we have solved problem of tonnage bar but it seems that we still have it....

Is it only me to have this problem? Are You guys playing without this annyoing bug in WoS?

reignofdeath 11-21-14 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by test_m4a1 (Post 2262967)
I thought we have solved problem of tonnage bar but it seems that we still have it....

Is it only me to have this problem? Are You guys playing without this annyoing bug in WoS?

We are unfortunately.

It plagues even the stock game and its so darn annoying. Finally I feel SH5 is in a really good state to play, except for this, makes me want to go back and play Sh3 GWX.

test_m4a1 11-21-14 11:37 AM

I think i know what You mean, i feel the same.

If no one knows the solution, im going to play SH4 OM cause i cant stand this game anymore :nope:

I dont know if in stock game situation was the same but when i was playing Fifi's Modlist there WASNT such situation like here. Why ( ? )

Grzesiek4421 11-24-14 12:16 PM

Noob question inbound: Can you enable auto-identification in this mod?

Erik M 11-26-14 05:13 AM

Startup difficult
Hello gentlemen of this fine community.

Didnt play sh5 much for the obvious reasons, played a lot of sh3 and sh4, but decided with the release of this mod to gave it another try. Followed the instructions, clean install, al 6 steps went fine, playing offline, new career, etc.

Now for my problems: On startup after loading, the bunker comes up briefly, says something in German, then goes black and stays black until I ctrl-alt-del and escape a few times, then I can see and move around in the bunker.
Passing this hurdle I move out of the canal, try a few automation tutorials but when I start the automation shortcuts tutorial I get a CTD.
If I skip the tutorials it works fine for a while, but moving time compression beyond 64 also causes CTD.

Even the solution to one of these 3 issues would be great!

Anyone any ideas?



Laconic 11-26-14 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Grzesiek4421 (Post 2263784)
Noob question inbound: Can you enable auto-identification in this mod?

I've asked that question and haven't gotten an answer. I don't believe that you can. It would take a lot of poking around in the guts of the mod to do it. I've done a little, but I haven't found the requisite functions to re-enable it.


Originally Posted by Erik M (Post 2264217)
Hello gentlemen of this fine community.

Didnt play sh5 much for the obvious reasons, played a lot of sh3 and sh4, but decided with the release of this mod to gave it another try. Followed the instructions, clean install, al 6 steps went fine, playing offline, new career, etc.

Now for my problems: On startup after loading, the bunker comes up briefly, says something in German, then goes black and stays black until I ctrl-alt-del and escape a few times, then I can see and move around in the bunker.
Passing this hurdle I move out of the canal, try a few automation tutorials but when I start the automation shortcuts tutorial I get a CTD.
If I skip the tutorials it works fine for a while, but moving time compression beyond 64 also causes CTD.

Even the solution to one of these 3 issues would be great!

Anyone any ideas?



My inexpert suggestion would be to uninstall it all and try again. Are you using the Steam version or the disc version?

Erik M 11-26-14 04:50 PM

My inexpert suggestion would be to uninstall it all and try again. Are you using the Steam version or the disc version?[/QUOTE]

I will try and reinstall. using disc version. Gold Edition according to UBI.

mainexpress 11-26-14 05:02 PM

i am also using the disc version and did a clean install per instructions...and starting fresh with a new career...but as soon as i sink the first polish ship in the Baltic campaign i press 'M' for map,and the game freezes up along with the mouse pointer and then i have to use the task manager to close the game out because it isn't responding:hmmm:...also 2nd question when i enter 'silentotto' it does not open all the campaigns up wondering why that is?...because i would like to start my career with 'coastal waters'...

Laconic 11-26-14 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by mainexpress (Post 2264370)
i am also using the disc version and did a clean install per instructions...and starting fresh with a new career...but as soon as i sink the first polish ship in the Baltic campaign i press 'M' for map,and the game freezes up along with the mouse pointer and then i have to use the task manager to close the game out because it isn't responding:hmmm:...also 2nd question when i enter 'silentotto' it does not open all the campaigns up wondering why that is?...because i would like to start my career with 'coastal waters'...

Were you trying to play the tutorial mission? I don't believe that works with the mods installed; that's the purpose of checking off the "Played tutorial" boolean value, so that you could start with the campaign in the sub pen immediately.

mainexpress 11-27-14 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Laconic (Post 2264389)
Were you trying to play the tutorial mission? I don't believe that works with the mods installed; that's the purpose of checking off the "Played tutorial" boolean value, so that you could start with the campaign in the sub pen immediately.

I changed HasCompletedTutorial from false to true but that didn't change anything...maybe i need to un-install the mods then change it?

taisho 11-27-14 05:22 AM

if I run sh5 in full screen 1920x1080 (16:9) do i have to change "Large Optics for TDW UI 8 by 5" or i need only "The Wolves of Steel - 16x9 Resolution Patch"

Disabled Unrealistic Commands_(ini files)_v1.0
HydrophoneFollowNearestContactFix_For_NewUIs_TDC_7 _1_0_To_7_5_0
Large Optics for TDW UI for NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0
Large Optics for TDW UI 8 by 5
Large Optics for TDW UI Manos Scopes Glass Effects
Large Optics for TDW UI RAOBF + Nomograph Fix
TDC Graphics by Naights v1.0
Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUIs part1_07.06.2013
Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUIs part 2_07.06.2013...

azimmm 11-27-14 07:59 AM

Hi, I just installed the mod but here's what I get when I launch a new campaign:

Those menus cannot be closed and the dialogue box seems broken. Also, there are no scripts in the automation menu. I probably made an installation error but I tried reinstalling several times with no success.

Anyone knows a solution?

Thanks in advance.

wayzovmurdah 11-27-14 12:56 PM

Have you got 1.20 game version or 1.15?
I had similar issue after installing TDW`s ui on 1.15.
Silly me thinking that Uplay provides players with the latest game version :doh:


Originally Posted by taisho (Post 2264454)
if I run sh5 in full screen 1920x1080 (16:9) do i have to change "Large Optics for TDW UI 8 by 5" or i need only "The Wolves of Steel - 16x9 Resolution Patch"

I believe that you only need 16x9 resolution patch

Laconic 11-27-14 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by mainexpress (Post 2264444)
I changed HasCompletedTutorial from false to true but that didn't change anything...maybe i need to un-install the mods then change it?

Shouldn't need to since that option is in a cfg unrelated to the game files. What I mean is, you're starting from the docks on the Baltic Campaign, not onboard the ship for the tutorial mission ("Wake up! The captain wants you..."), right?

mainexpress 11-28-14 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Laconic (Post 2264664)
Shouldn't need to since that option is in a cfg unrelated to the game files. What I mean is, you're starting from the docks on the Baltic Campaign, not onboard the ship for the tutorial mission ("Wake up! The captain wants you..."), right?

now i am starting on the docks after i changed HasCompletedTutorial from false to the mod looks freakin' awesome!!! thanks and my graphics are not freezin' up like in tutorial:up:

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