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vdr1981 11-12-17 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2524716)

Looks kinda dated. Are you sure it is compatible with latest TWoS? :hmmm:

vdr1981 11-12-17 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2524729)
This is happening to me always, after i kill some neutral or friendly unit, minutes, or hours after.

Are you sure you didn't sunk such ship?
(Sh5 unfixable bug)

Not really...Neutral and friendly kills are mentioned in faq, check my sig for more...:salute:

gambla 11-12-17 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by GeneralDeath99 (Post 2489985)
So quick question about the "North Western Approaches" misson. (And possibly any other missions if this happens to them too.) When I received this mission, my primary objective that i read in my Captain's Log stated that I was to "Engage any encountered enemy task force in your patrol area." Yet I had not received any specific patrol area like I had in the "Eastern British Coastal Waters" misson (Example like AN5515, AN 5460, etc.) Theses never popped up as radio messages or anything.

Then however the objective was completed and changed because you notice the "Finished" indicator in green, but the new objective was literally the same thing as before. I did this time receive a radio message however, that stated to patrol between Iceland and the Faroes for our warships to make their way into the Atlantic. I literally patrolled the whole straight without a single contact.

Now my objective seems to be failed because "Finished" is in red and I got a message to do my own patrol. Seems like the BdU got tired of not hear about any success. :(

Was I patroling the wrong are the whole time? If so, the game didn't specifically tell me where to patrol regarding the patrol squares like last time.

TLDR, Game didn't give me my area to patrol, failed mission because I didn't sink anything ships

hello guys,
I have the same situation as quoted above. Any ideas what happened ? Is this task broken ?

thanks for your help

Mods: The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0 - 2.0.9d Update

THEBERBSTER 11-12-17 03:16 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Dadio85
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Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below

excel4004 11-12-17 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2524764)
Looks kinda dated. Are you sure it is compatible with latest TWoS? :hmmm:

No, there is actually no compatible german language version for TWoS 2.09e mod!

It was just this was only a reference to the link , because here in German language German translations for the future was announced by two other forum members.:03:

vdr1981 11-12-17 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2524769)
No, there is actually no compatible german language version for TWoS 2.09e mod!

It was just this was only a reference to the link , because here in German language German translations for the future were announced by two other forum members.:03:

Thanks for clearing that up. :up:

Werner von Schmidt 11-12-17 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2524769)
No, there is actually no compatible german language version for TWoS 2.09e mod!

It was just this was only a reference to the link , because here in German language German translations for the future was announced by two other forum members.:03:

German translation will released in December.

Dadio85 11-12-17 04:33 AM

External Camera
Thanks for your warm welcome. So what I'm actually missing is to have the camera fixed at a unit and change to the next visible unit with the , and . buttons. This was working with the mod "Magnus Opus"

SS Norholm 11-12-17 05:24 AM

Dadio85, if you are using TWoS mod, hover your mouse cursor over the top center of your screen.....icons will pop up. I think it's the 3rd one from the left...'Next Unit' click that and it will give you an external view of your sub, and cycle through any nearby units.


Dadio85 11-12-17 06:43 AM

External Camera
SS Norholm, thank you so much. That was the trick;) :Kaleun_Applaud:

Cyborg322 11-12-17 07:27 AM

Patrol Zones

Originally Posted by gambla (Post 2524766)
hello guys,
I have the same situation as quoted above. Any ideas what happened ? Is this task broken ?

thanks for your help

Mods: The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0 - 2.0.9d Update

Almost same thing sunk 2 ships between Iceland and Faroes still failed, (had lots of trouble finding them) occasional map contacts travelling towards NW side of UK moved onto X marker patrolled 200km nothing.

Patrol time and area not clearly defined as before other than between Iceland and Faroes which gives a lot of scope

Could do with clearing up especially if "Patrol ANxxxx for ** hours has been removed " from other missions

@ Vecko forget about VIIB + MG38 enough time spent :up:

excel4004 11-12-17 03:38 PM

Hi Vecko,

tonight i installed in port TWoS update 2.09e but the two optionals addons ( Added support for two new optional TWoS 2.x.x addons (Harbors Chimney Smoke and Neutrals Exclusively Illuminated until [Date]) are not visible in JSGME!? The two optional mods also arent visible in the mod 2.09e folder too!?

Only available in the big complete TWoS 2.09 file,?

Pls help, thanks!

Aniuk 11-12-17 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2524848)
Hi Vecko,

tonight i installed in port v. 2.09e but the two optionals addons ( Added support for two new optional TWoS 2.x.x addons (Harbors Chimney Smoke and Neutrals Exclusively Illuminated until [Date]) are not visible in JSGME!? The two optional mods also arent visible in the mod 2.09e folder too!?

Only available in the big complete TWoS 2.09 file, or what?

Pls help, thanks!

In Post #1 you can find a seperate link for the additional mods


excel4004 11-12-17 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Aniuk (Post 2524849)
In Post #1 you can find a seperate link for the additional mods


I see, my fault! Thanks for the fast help! :up:


SS Norholm 11-13-17 07:32 AM

Originally Posted by gambla View Post
hello guys,
I have the same situation as quoted above. Any ideas what happened ? Is this task broken ?

thanks for your help

Mods: The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0 - 2.0.9d Update
Almost same thing sunk 2 ships between Iceland and Faroes still failed, (had lots of trouble finding them) occasional map contacts travelling towards NW side of UK moved onto X marker patrolled 200km nothing.


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2524794)
Almost same thing sunk 2 ships between Iceland and Faroes still failed, (had lots of trouble finding them) occasional map contacts travelling towards NW side of UK moved onto X marker patrolled 200km nothing.

Patrol time and area not clearly defined as before other than between Iceland and Faroes which gives a lot of scope

Could do with clearing up especially if "Patrol ANxxxx for ** hours has been removed " from other missions :up:

+1 guys...same here.

I requested 'Strategic Supplies' and they sent me to 'Intercept Convoy and sink a Tanker'.
However, even though the SP AO is in between Cornwall and Ireland, the red X marker was about 200 miles south west of Rockall! :o
Patrolled for almost 4 days within 140km of X, sunk a few ships including Small Oiler's, then got red (mission failed) complete notification and told same as above. (Cease all operations yada yada)



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