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AVGWarhawk 05-01-16 05:49 PM

Submerging. I can not submerge. Crew on deck. I can not locate where to order the crew below.

THEBERBSTER 05-01-16 06:02 PM

The crew on deck refers to your Avatar on the bridge not the actual crew.
Either walk down the ladder or use the 'T' short cut key to teleport off the bridge to a different station.

AVGWarhawk 05-01-16 06:30 PM

Thanks Berbster. Last time I played SH5 was the day the disc was released. :o

Sone7 05-02-16 09:24 AM

Is there a way to enable some kind of bearing reading for binoculars? I've searched everywhere, no positive results. According to TDW NewUIs OP there should be (at least in standalone mod, but I don't remember there was either). Is it by any chance disabled in TWoS on purpose?

THEBERBSTER 05-02-16 10:07 AM

Hi Sone
Just click on the UZO.

Sone7 05-02-16 10:14 AM

Sure, that's an obvious workaround. That is how I operate. Though it's not especially lore friendly, thus I don't like the idea ;P
Thank You for the response!

fitzcarraldo 05-03-16 06:15 AM

With OFEV you can add bearings to the binos.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Sone7 05-03-16 07:33 AM

Are You sure fitzcarraldo? I've modified my OF and searched through it multiple times but never found any match. I may be blind and in this case really want to be proven wrong... Can You remember what it's called?

vdr1981 05-03-16 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2401721)
With OFEV you can add bearings to the binos.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

No, I don't think so...

AVGWarhawk 05-03-16 10:21 AM


Enjoying your mod. Question, in the UZO and observation periscope there are no dials for torpedo solution making. Was this by design?

Sone7 05-03-16 10:29 AM

use the buttons in the upper left GUI, just under torpedo tubes selection (TDC Mode: ALL, Minimal or Spread). Additionaly, activate TDC display on NavMap screen with the red button in the upper left corner. I suggest reading manuals for TheDarkWraith's NewUIs (main topic here:

Torpedo 05-03-16 10:30 AM

Binoculars with bearing
Hi all!
There is the solution. The link to the compass has been removed from Page binocular.ini with a so the bearing is invisible. I have found the solution and I'll show you the image.

But I think so little at a time TWOS loses the difficulty to 100%. But I think the customization is allowed, the reality is not always difficulties. Only Vecko can give me permission to give you the link to the MOD that restores the bearing.
Best regards!


Sone7 05-03-16 10:35 AM

Hi Torpedo!
I also think simulation doesn't always match in-game reality. In this case I find it quite natural, that watch crew is not only one man and thus soldiers on duty could easily point objects of interest to each other (like watch officer reporting bearing of spotted contact). I told him so many times, it's not funny when he gives me 3-digit bearing and then laughs at me blindly searching with binoculars!
Nobody is going to post that anywhere, and certainly not distribute under TWoS name. I don't think Vecko would have anything against people modifying their game for their own personal purposes. To be honest, most of us do it - everybody has their own mod soup :salute:
I would be gratefull for that .dds! ;)

AVGWarhawk 05-03-16 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sone7 (Post 2401775)
use the buttons in the upper left GUI, just under torpedo tubes selection (TDC Mode: ALL, Minimal or Spread). Additionaly, activate TDC display on NavMap screen with the red button in the upper left corner. I suggest reading manuals for TheDarkWraith's NewUIs (main topic here:


Torpedo 05-03-16 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Sone7 (Post 2401779)
Hi Torpedo!
I also think simulation doesn't always match in-game reality. In this case I find it quite natural, that watch crew is not only one man and thus soldiers on duty could easily point objects of interest to each other (like watch officer reporting bearing of spotted contact). I told him so many times, it's not funny when he gives me 3-digit bearing and then laughs at me blindly searching with binoculars!
Nobody is going to post that anywhere, and certainly not distribute under TWoS name. I don't think Vecko would have anything against people modifying their game for their own personal purposes. To be honest, most of us do it - everybody has their own mod soup :salute:
I would be gratefull for that .dds! ;)

Very true: everyone has their own mod soup, but I already have a modified TWOS for color contacts on the navigation map. Vecko may think that I want to spoil his exceptional TWOS. I like to customize so I had fun today to restore the sounds of the kitchen and the sound of the waves laps by changing the values in sh.sdl.

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