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Cybermat47 12-02-14 11:55 PM

Just wondering, is it possible to install mods over WoS? Because there are a few that I'd like to use at the same time as WoS, like the Sub Flags mod.

Waervyn 12-04-14 11:27 AM

Thanks a lot for this!
Bought the game and I think I managed to install everything correctly! :)

However, now comes a probably very basic stupid question.
At the beginning of the 1st mission (after the tutorial), I'm drifting out of Memel at 215 degrees (SW). However, when I use that tool helper, the 0 degrees begins is down on the circle, while I would very much prefer it to be up (so that it corresponds to the ships compass).

Is that possible?
If not, what's the reason it is this way? Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks a lot for your time, and for taking the time to put all these mods together in a relatively easy install :)

Aktungbby 12-04-14 12:26 PM

welcome aboard!
Waervyn! :Kaleun_Salute:

Jimbuna 12-04-14 02:32 PM

Welcome to SubSim Waervyn :sunny:

Dermeister 12-07-14 07:08 PM

I noticed in this Mod I can't plot courses and I cant get range at current speed ect.I also cant bring up the map while I walk around the ship at the bottom left. HOw do I re enable those features?

Also I don't like the exterior skin of the boat how can I use the default skin?

Thank you :)

bart 12-08-14 10:41 AM


Thank you soooo much for your MOD and sharing it with the community mate.

I haven't been around SH5 for a while now as I was playing with Pedrobas's MMM but that got outdated and I really couldn't spend the time and frustration mixing the old mod soup again and again.

My Subsim subscription was due so I renewed that and popped along to the forums to catch up, and saw your mod here.

Wow.......this feels like a whole new game and experience. I am again enjoying SH5 thanks to you and the other contributors on this thread.

THANK YOU so much mate for your work.

No probs so far with the mod, but I've just started using it so a steep learning curve again!

bart 12-08-14 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Trevally. (Post 2170132)
Trevally TDC helper

For easy starting and stopping of these scripts, use the hotkey feature from the automation page.

To get the best results from the Solution Finder, you should only run it when you are in firing range.
1km to 3km will give you very good solutions with a hit chance very high.
3km to 5km will give you a good solution with a good chance to hit.
5km and above, hmmm not so good :arrgh!:

Press your hotkey to start the script and click run.
Ensure you are locked onto and set to follow target and have manual target TDC on.
Click next to start the script.

The script will inform you and show you what setting to input into your TDC
This will be with the dials - so ensure you have them on.
As the info builts in your TDC, it will check that you are iinputting correctly.

Here it is informing you of the AOB.
As you can see it is 16. Don't worry about the .4235572815:arrgh!:
The 16 deg to starboard will do:D

Finding speed.

Update to range setting.

When your solution is good - LOS!

Anyone know where to find the "Solution_Finder" ? Does this need to be enabled somewhere as it's not listed on my Automation pages....

limkol 12-20-14 01:23 PM

It's not a big deal, but I can't move the flag chart from the top left hand corner of the screen. It's there but the cursor won't turn yellow so that I can drag the map chart. All the other charts work fine. Any ideas? It worked fine in the first version.
Thanks for a great mod:up:

jross194 12-22-14 09:01 PM

Wolves Of Steel CTD
Not sure this is the correct place for this but, as I have Wolves Of Steel only installed (which does included a lot of other mods - like above), I get CTD when adding this:


Thought it was a more up-to-date version (than the WoS version contains - it does, doesn't it? that I think about it, I may not have looked) of this mod. CTD when I click the first officer (guy with eye patch). Removing it and problem goes away (knock on wood).

Maybe it will help someone, maybe not.

Good Shootin,

Aktungbby 12-22-14 09:11 PM

welcome back!
jross194! after seven years silent running! :salute:

jross194 12-22-14 09:32 PM

It was a long voyage :03:

Jimbuna 12-23-14 07:16 AM

Lost your compass then :)

jscharpf 12-28-14 01:50 PM

Just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Is there a sextant that looks like the one in the example documents? (the object that you drag to the center of the screen).
All I see when I enable the sextant is a text box with angles etc.. ("enable sextant", "disable sextant".. etc.).
And it looks like it's using one of the scopes to work.

Do I have any other options such as an actual device that I can hold up to the sky?

Sinistar459 01-03-15 03:41 PM

Black Screen after loading
I recently bought Silent Hunter 5 and downloaded a few mods (Open Horizons mostly) I have found this megamod and decided to try it. But alas, after doing everything correctly with installing this, I Get a black screen after loading. Did i do something wrong? I really want to play this mod :/\\!!

bart 01-03-15 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sinistar459 (Post 2274655)
I recently bought Silent Hunter 5 and downloaded a few mods (Open Horizons mostly) I have found this megamod and decided to try it. But alas, after doing everything correctly with installing this, I Get a black screen after loading. Did i do something wrong? I really want to play this mod :/\\!!

It works fine for me, although I do have Dragon's version of it (basically the same mega mod with a few extra tweaks). His install instructions are a little easier to follow too if you are new to moding SH5.

Try Dragon's version here :-

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