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THEBERBSTER 08-13-19 04:52 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Wzh
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SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials > Downloads > Other Useful Information > See Links in My Signature Below

Wzh 08-13-19 08:08 PM

please help me
I am from china,my english not very good please help me for my only problem "after I installed The Wolves of Steel v2.2.14, my recognition manual can be opened, but it.No ship information available, What's wrong with that?"
Thank you very much!

Wzh 08-13-19 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2622621)
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Wzh
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials > Downloads > Other Useful Information > See Links in My Signature Below

I am from china,my english not very good please help me for my only problem "after I installed The Wolves of Steel v2.2.14, my recognition manual can be opened, but it.No ship information available, What's wrong with that?"
Thank you very much!

Aktungbby 08-13-19 09:43 PM

Welcome aboard!

Wzh 08-14-19 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2622727)

Have you ever encountered such a situation?

Bera 08-15-19 10:02 AM

Hello folks! It´s been a long time since I´ve played SH5 with TWS.

I´d like to "take it easy" on my way back to TWS, so: can I play without real navigation? Can I also play with the icons (I remember something called "smoke wind and fire addon")?


kapuhy 08-15-19 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Bera (Post 2622917)
Hello folks! It´s been a long time since I´ve played SH5 with TWS.

I´d like to "take it easy" on my way back to TWS, so: can I play without real navigation? Can I also play with the icons (I remember something called "smoke wind and fire addon")?


Real Navigation is optional part of TWoS, you can play without it.

Bera 08-15-19 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2622924)
Real Navigation is optional part of TWoS, you can play without it.

Thank you very much, sir. And how do I enable map contacts o TWS?

Kind regards

DasBootSim 08-18-19 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Bera (Post 2622933)
Thank you very much, sir. And how do I enable map contacts o TWS?

Kind regards

I assume Real Navigation disables the map contacts because the position of the U-boat is unknown. If the mod is not installed, then it should be looked for in the options inside the game :hmmm:

DasBootSim 08-18-19 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Wzh (Post 2622720)
I am from china,my english not very good please help me for my only problem "after I installed The Wolves of Steel v2.2.14, my recognition manual can be opened, but it.No ship information available, What's wrong with that?"
Thank you very much!

This is from scripts
currentshipfolder = GetSH5InstallPath() + "\\data\\Sea\\" + currentship
# change the sil picture
newsil = currentshipfolder + "\\" + currentship + ""
#ScriptManagerManaged.Trace( "newsil=" + newsil )
TDWFileUtils.ChangeMITexture( Pagelayout_SOAN_Unit_Profile, newsil, GetSH5InstallPath() + "\\data\\Menu\\Gui\\Layout\\", True )
#ScriptManagerManaged.Trace( "sil texture changed successfully" )
# get the ship info
Pagelayout_SOAN_Unit_Name.Text = tdwsoan.GetCurrentShipInCategory()[ 0 ].ToUpper()
cfgfile = currentshipfolder + "\\" + currentship + ".cfg"
aitfile = currentshipfolder + "\\" + currentship + ".ait"

This way data is taken from files in ships-folders in \data\sea
* is ship pictures
*.cfg and *.ait is ship data
Check this folder if exist files and correct data.
Files may be from other mods

Tonci87 08-22-19 11:13 AM

So, the second attack on that huge convoy. It is a long video because the destroyers found me this time :timeout:

fitzcarraldo 08-24-19 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Wzh (Post 2622720)
I am from china,my english not very good please help me for my only problem "after I installed The Wolves of Steel v2.2.14, my recognition manual can be opened, but it.No ship information available, What's wrong with that?"
Thank you very much!

Welcome aboard! :Kaleun_Applaud:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Hans Hansen 08-26-19 06:59 AM

Weird boxes on screen
Hey everybody,
I haven't gone hunting much lately. But today I felt in the mood to sink some freighters. :)
I updated TWOS, but when I get to the bunker I see a large black box with no decorations/frame at all covering approximately 1/4 of the screen top left. Also there are two smaller ones obviously related to "user charts - scrollable" and another one with no input but some options "clear", "cancel" and "accept" and another asking me to set some colors.
What the heck is that and how can I make it disappear?

Aktungbby 08-26-19 12:20 PM

Welcome back!

Originally Posted by Hans Hansen (Post 2624367)
Hey everybody,
I haven't gone hunting much lately. But today I felt in the mood to sink some freighters. :)

Hans Hanson!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Salute: your first post since 7/2012!, that's the infamous :subsim: seven-year-itch imho not just a 'mood' thing! :O:A PM to Theberbster regarding you TWoS issues may be helpful to you.

Hans Hansen 08-26-19 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2624387)
Hans Hanson!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Salute: your first post since 7/2012!, that's the infamous :subsim: seven-year-itch imho not just a 'mood' thing! :O:A PM to Theberbster regarding you TWoS issues may be helpful to you.

LOL. Yes, it's been a while. It is even longer ago that I provided some SH5-artwork.

Currently I am preparing a clean install - both SH5 and TWOS.

Perhaps (most probably) my probs will be solved afterwards. ;)

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