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THEBERBSTER 04-12-16 06:25 PM

Can someone explain this terminology when this message shows.
New Contact Merchant! Constant Distance! Long Range.
What does the 'Constant Distance' mean?
Quite often as time has passed the same message can appear with just a different bearing.

If my sonarman gives the first range bearing on a single contact I will assume it is 18km and work back from that.
Trying to play with 100% realism so need a bit of help.

HW3 04-12-16 08:09 PM

Constant Distance! means it is neither closing the range, or moving away.

palmic 04-12-16 11:58 PM

Yeah this is very unrealistic, but Beno is superman and he can tell you if the course of ship is closing to you or moving away instantly. This is parallel to your imaginary line of sight to him.
(Not closing neither moving away)

Unfortunately this is very vital part of your orientation if you are fighting destroyers submerged, because you can't be loud if they are turned to you because of their hydrophones and you cannot hear this information from your hydrophone from sound of their propellers, the game does not model their course in that sounds..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

THE_MASK 04-13-16 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2397086)
Yeah this is very unrealistic, but Beno is superman and he can tell you if the course of ship is closing to you or moving away instantly. This is parallel to your imaginary line of sight to him.
(Not closing neither moving away)

Unfortunately this is very vital part of your orientation if you are fighting destroyers submerged, because you can't be loud if they are turned to you because of their hydrophones and you cannot hear this information from your hydrophone from sound of their propellers, the game does not model their course in that sounds..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Its in this mod but doesn't seem to work .
Speech fixes and additions (english version) V1.0
''New contact, but I can't make out what it is''
Hardly any new scripting has been done for SH5 .
This mod was done when the game first appeared .

vdr1981 04-13-16 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2397097)
Its in this mod but doesn't seem to work .
Speech fixes and additions (english version) V1.0
''New contact, but I can't make out what it is''
Hardly any new scripting has been done for SH5 .
This mod was done when the game first appeared .

Menu.txt is full of entries like those but they are never implemented in the game. Actually, I dont think I ever saw similar hydro report in SH4 either...Cant remember for SH3 though, it was really long time ago...

vdr1981 04-13-16 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2396968)
Default UZO parameter in -1, 1 vertical angle - that is small in comparison with the reality (Photo N1 and N2) - maybe this is the cause of a large undulation?, and 360 degrees horizontally (which is absolutely unreal! does anyone could ever shoot with UZO from the rear torpedo tubes? lol :haha:

In my MOD I changed the settings on the -10, 10 vertical and restricted -60, 60 degrees horizontally.

I also fixed a lot of other options, such as different angles of view in different types (from the first and third persons) - has led to a common value, it cleared up jerking the camera when changing types of cameras.

Sounds interesting...:yep:
Why don't you re upload your mod with the support for different displays aspect ratio, some readme documentation, brief change log, compatibility and install instructions ect ??:hmm2:
The mod looks looks a bit frivolous like this, even if it isn't really...:yep:

Note also that your mod interfere with sextant's functionality, which is not good...

fitzcarraldo 04-13-16 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2397175)
Menu.txt is full of entries like those but they are never implemented in the game. Actually, I dont think I ever saw similar hydro report in SH4 either...Cant remember for SH3 though, it was really long time ago...

Not in SH4 under any supermod or stock.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vova78 04-13-16 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2397177)
Note also that your mod interfere with sextant's functionality, which is not good...

What's wrong with a sextant? I'll look into it.

As I wrote above, I originally did not plan it to spread in the share, so the list of changes from my memory only. If you find any bugs then - let me know.

vdr1981 04-13-16 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2397187)
What's wrong with a sextant? I'll look into it.

Well, you can't look back anymore when sextant is enabled ...Also I'm not sure how sextant angular measurement precision will be effected by your tweak, we must ask Sjizzle...:hmm2:

Backman 04-13-16 12:24 PM

great mod! recently iīve reinstalled SH5. I,ll give a try...

fitzcarraldo 04-13-16 02:28 PM

Report (old) problem
Reporting my old problem with observation scope:

I have an old problem, and Iīm living with it, but I like to know if there is a solution or there is something wrong with my installation/configuration.

I have SH5 1.2 with TWoS 1.05 and patch 9, an all new installation from "zero". I play it with and without Real Navigation optional. Not other extra TWoS additional mod applied (I tried Silent Michal Interiors, but now I disabled it because Iīm playing the Med campaign). I installed the mod totally according the instructions and all works as expected, but:

- In the observation scope, accessing via teleport, I can up the scope gradually but I canīt down it graduall. The on-off arrows buttons of the UI works well. This occurs with the UI arrow buttons and with the dedicated keys. No gradual down with UI buttons and keys. The Obs. scope remains up except if I press the all down arrow button. The problem occurs in surface and submerged.

- The Attack scope works with gradual up-down with all the arrow buttons and keys, without any problems.

I donīt know if it is a known problem of the UI or there is a trick (not teleport to station? Some mistery key I unknown?). I can fully down the obs. scope, but a gradual descent is impossible. As said, Iīm living with this issue and I donīt have any other problems with TWoS, working very fine in my PC. Actual Mediterranean campaign departing from La Spezia with 12 saved games and reloads and all OK. Using actually SH5 Enhanced UI and antilag mod, fixed to 35 FPS with 3 pre rendered frames, and Rusted Glory skin.

I didnīt touch the presets of TWoS "py" archive via OFEV. All original TWoS installed.

Any tip or solution will be welcome!

Many thanks and best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 04-13-16 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2397230)

- In the observation scope, accessing via teleport, I can up the scope gradually but I canīt down it graduall. The on-off arrows buttons of the UI works well. This occurs with the UI arrow buttons and with the dedicated keys. No gradual down with UI buttons and keys. The Obs. scope remains up except if I press the all down arrow button. The problem occurs in surface and submerged.

It seem to me that this is normal behavior... You can lower obs scope only up to the certain limit, otherwise your avatar would end up in main ballast tank 3 which is located under command room...:03:

Actually, one of the teleport implementation side effects is occasional avatar spawning below boats keel, outside of the sub...Obs scope lowering limit tries to prevent this issue but it can do so only if you access to obs scope manually and not through teleport commands...:yep:

fitzcarraldo 04-13-16 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2397244)
It seem to me that this is normal behavior... You can lower obs scope only up to the certain limit, otherwise your avatar would end up in main ballast tank 3 which is located under command room...:03:

Actually, one of the teleport implementation side effects is occasional avatar spawning below boats keel, outside of the sub...Obs scope lowering limit tries to prevent this issue but it can do so only if you access to obs scope manually and not through teleport commands...:yep:

Many thanks for the fast answer, Vecko. I suspected something of it. Some times I was Captain Nemo hunting out of the boat thanks to teleport side effects. It seems that is the correct answer to this issue.

Iīm running now the Mediterranean Campaign without any problem, no CTDs, good reloads (except for abrupt weather changes between reloads and bad weather reports).

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

THE_MASK 04-14-16 12:45 PM

Thanks to vdr1981 campaign fixes , save 110 on my current career . Check the time lol .

fitzcarraldo 04-14-16 01:28 PM

Yes, thanks to Vecko for get this awesome stability in the game.

Today I did my 89 save/reload, all in diverse campaigns. No problems.

Now running the Med campaign (the black sheep of stability), and it works very stable.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

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