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Mizzou55 07-14-20 06:26 PM

Thanks, I'll look into those

Mad Mardigan 07-15-20 05:21 AM

Re: Red lightsin interior...

Originally Posted by Mizzou55 (Post 2683260)
I just installed this mod and I really like it. However, there is one thing I don't like, and that is - whenever I'm in the sub at night, the interior is bathed in red light as it should be. The lights themselves are still bright white. Is there a mod I can install that will turn them red?


I use Boogie's mod, which includes an SH5 preset, which works b.. e.. a.. utiful...

His mod, can be found here:

Thomsen42 07-16-20 06:06 AM

How does the Submarine succesion work exactly in TWoS?
Will a declined offer to a UFlaK lead to you not getting the offer for a VIIC41?
What are the rough merit requierents for the latter?
I never thought about the consequences of hitting "no" in the submarine offer after a patrol but the UFlaK seems so useless in the usual tonnage war:o

skin-nl 07-16-20 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Thomsen42 (Post 2683597)
Will a declined offer to a UFlaK lead to you not getting the offer for a VIIC41?

You first get the VIIC/41 after that you get the uflak which i declined.

Tonci87 07-16-20 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sokolov (Post 2683686)
Vdr< i want you, more then best of my wimen, let me look at you ass. If head will broke this , i just delete it.

Some people don´t learn. Reported.

Thomsen42 07-16-20 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by skin-nl (Post 2683683)
You first get the VIIC/41 after that you get the uflak which i declined.

Interesting :o I started with VIIC in Distant waters but never came across a progression massage. After my last patrol I read in KSD I was nominated for type VIIC submarine, left me clueless. With low merit I thougt maybe it was theoretically at this moment enough for my current type :doh:

Is it possible to modify the savegame files to get a VIIC41 after my current patrol?

DackSter94 07-18-20 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2682357)
Did my file fix the proroblem for 1440p as well?


O.Kusch 07-18-20 11:30 AM

Hello and good afternoon,

only curiosity, is there a commander which surived the whole war from Memel till 1945 without " resurrection " ? I know, it's unreal, because in fact the best comanders surived only because they excanged their submarine command for other tasks to the right time.
But maybe it is possible in twos?

Greeting's from


Tonci87 07-18-20 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by O.Kusch (Post 2684016)
Hello and good afternoon,

only curiosity, is there a commander which surived the whole war from Memel till 1945 without " resurrection " ? I know, it's unreal, because in fact the best comanders surived only because they excanged their submarine command for other tasks to the right time.
But maybe it is possible in twos?

Greeting's from


Well I´m getting towards the end of OP Drumbeat (didn´t have much time lately) and I´m still alive.

Tar1973 07-20-20 05:33 PM

Hi guys

This pack look great but I wonder what kind of players it is for.
Im just a casual player that want to experience the fun of traveling around in a sub and taking down enemy ships without too much work.
I see that real navigation is optional. So I wonder if is this pack for me?

If not is there another pack that is fit me better?

Have fun :)

kapuhy 07-21-20 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tar1973 (Post 2684385)
This pack look great but I wonder what kind of players it is for.
Im just a casual player that want to experience the fun of traveling around in a sub and taking down enemy ships without too much work.
I see that real navigation is optional. So I wonder if is this pack for me?

Real nav and most of "tedious" realism features are optional, and you get much more stable and bug-free game than unmodded SH5. Plus a lot more ships, longer campaign, better graphics, catchy radio tracks on your gramophone, milk cows... and the list goes on and on. So, in short, grab it, dial down realism to your liking and enjoy.

fitzcarraldo 07-21-20 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2684473)
Real nav and most of "tedious" realism features are optional, and you get much more stable and bug-free game than unmodded SH5. Plus a lot more ships, longer campaign, better graphics, catchy radio tracks on your gramophone, milk cows... and the list goes on and on. So, in short, grab it, dial down realism to your liking and enjoy.

Also with the OptionFileEditorViewer OFEV (That icon with Mickey in your desktop) you can change a lot of options for a more easy gameplay (or more difficult).

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

skin-nl 07-22-20 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Thomsen42 (Post 2683710)
Is it possible to modify the savegame files to get a VIIC41 after my current patrol?

Here are the dates when you get a new u-boat.

Tar1973 07-22-20 06:03 PM

Thanks for replies guys, really appreciate it.
My knowledge about many mods used in this pack is very limited, but real navigation is optional so that's great, but what other part of this pack should I remove/not install to stay more casual?

reedca82 07-24-20 12:12 PM

I'm having a little trouble with passage into the rising sun mission.

Where exactly is the 200km patrol zone? Its not the red X marking the tanker resupply. I've sat there for well over 48 hours. Also, the tanker resupply is actually where my boat's position is. Very misleading and you can run out of fuel. Map is in link below

vdr1981 07-25-20 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by reedca82 (Post 2685049)
I'm having a little trouble with passage into the rising sun mission.

Where exactly is the 200km patrol zone? Its not the red X marking the tanker resupply. I've sat there for well over 48 hours. Also, the tanker resupply is actually where my boat's position is. Very misleading and you can run out of fuel. Map is in link below

I'm afraid that remains to be fixed in some of the future updates. :hmmm: For now just chose any good hunting ground and do your job...:yep: :salute:

reedca82 07-25-20 12:05 PM

So I tried both the japan mission and then reverted back to the Atlantic for the tonnage war '43. In both, am I in a VIIC/41? I have no way of telling. Also, when selecting the snorkel, it removes the deck gun, but there is no snorkel model on the boat and no way to raise it. Just the deck gun is gone.

vdr1981 07-25-20 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by reedca82 (Post 2685192)
So I tried both the japan mission and then reverted back to the Atlantic for the tonnage war '43. In both, am I in a VIIC/41? I have no way of telling. Also, when selecting the snorkel, it removes the deck gun, but there is no snorkel model on the boat and no way to raise it. Just the deck gun is gone.
Here where your sub type is displayed...
1943, Turning Point campaign, snorkel works just fine in my game... :hmmm:

reedca82 07-25-20 05:25 PM

Thanks vdr, I rerolled the chapter start and turned the optionsfile editor version of snorkel on and off and I've got the regular snorkel online. I was worried I had to sail all the way to France before I would get it and the air cover is unbearable.

Texas Red 07-26-20 10:53 AM

Quick question regarding the Snorkel,

Do you have to enable the change for the snorkel in the OFEV while you are in port? I did it before while I was at sea and my game kept on crashing.

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