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gclarkso 07-26-19 03:02 PM

Just a thought...
Thoughts on creating several "return to stock" mods for this awesome add-on?

For me I would like to see

1) the original Nav map. Currently, lat/lon numbers aren't easy to see.

2)The Sub Systems page in English. I know this one has been discussed before. Would be great to have a choice.

vdr1981 07-26-19 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by gclarkso (Post 2620424)

For me I would like to see

1) the original Nav map. Currently, lat/lon numbers aren't easy to see. :salute:

boogieman335 07-26-19 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by gclarkso (Post 2620424)
Thoughts on creating several "return to stock" mods for this awesome add-on?

For me I would like to see

1) the original Nav map. Currently, lat/lon numbers aren't easy to see.

2)The Sub Systems page in English. I know this one has been discussed before. Would be great to have a choice.
This helps some to change the Lat/ Lon numbers to white. And I too wish those numbers were in
a little larger font.:Kaleun_Salute:

Tonci87 07-27-19 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by gclarkso (Post 2620424)
Thoughts on creating several "return to stock" mods for this awesome add-on?

For me I would like to see

1) the original Nav map. Currently, lat/lon numbers aren't easy to see.

2)The Sub Systems page in English. I know this one has been discussed before. Would be great to have a choice.

If anybody might be kind enough to point me to where the german text is in the game files, I might try to translate it so that VDR can include it in an optional mod.

vdr1981 07-28-19 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2620543)
If anybody might be kind enough to point me to where the german text is in the game files, I might try to translate it so that VDR can include it in an optional mod.

Equipment names are located in submarine upcge files but I don't think I'll be adding yet another optional mod for this. It's not a good idea to have standalone mod as well because it will probably become outdated pretty soon and that will create problems...

vdr1981 07-28-19 07:15 AM

New update is ready for download Captains!

TWoS v2.2.14 changelog:

- Added tooltips description how to use built in Navmarks/Supermars functions.
- Updated events.ini file by Tonci87. Corrected Grossdeutscher Rundfunk radio station news broadcast dates trough out the entire war.
- Improved XO TDC dialogs - Auto TDC active/inactive.
- Added missing star shell guns and ship whistles for several merchant types and auxiliary cruisers.
- Added missing search lights for several merchant types and auxiliary cruisers.
- Nation's roster historical fixes as suggested by kapuhy.
- Various "under the hull" campaign file fixes and improvements.
- Ingame TWoS credits page updated with latest outstanding TWoS supporters/donors : Sebastian Loof, Isaac Bordelon and Ernesto Sanchez Lliso. Thank you very much and happy hunting Captains!

Download links are in my signature...

Happy hunting!

excel4004 07-28-19 07:22 AM

Again and again.. a very good update! :up:

Thanks to all the people which worked together on this patch! :salute:

Tonci87 07-28-19 07:53 AM

Thank you for another amazing update:Kaleun_Applaud:

By the way, you guys can check the events.ini file in the folder
C:\Games\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sound\Radio\Grossdeutscher Rundfunk\Events

to see when a news event will be played on the radio.

Keep in mind that the start time refers to the time in GMT, not your local time wherever your boat happens to be at that moment. You can see the current time in GMT when you hover your mouse over the digital clock in the upper right corner, or if you click on it. You stopwatch will also show the time in GMT if you are using time compression.

I have actually copied all events files for the radio stations (I have a few additional ones) on my phone in a folder (so that I do not have to ALT-TAB) and I have named them something like GroßDeutRF19410602 which is basically name, year, month, day so that the files will be displayed with the first upcoming event at the top. That way I always know when the next event will be played and I only have to look up the time. I just rename the file according to the next event after one has passed.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2620617)
Equipment names are located in submarine upcge files but I don't think I'll be adding yet another optional mod for this. It's not a good idea to have standalone mod as well because it will probably become outdated pretty soon and that will create problems...

You are probably right VDR, I thought the names would be in some kind of a localisation file, but they are in the file with all the equipment values. So every time on of those values changes all the work would have to be redone. Honestly guys, you can easily see what each part is by reading a little bit of the parts description. After some time you will also have learned the German names.

If you do not understand at all what a part is supposed to be, then write the name in here and I will try to explain. :salute:

fitzcarraldo 07-28-19 11:07 AM

Thanks for the update! Downloading now.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Tonci87 07-28-19 04:48 PM

I made another tutorial video, this time explaining why your diveplane controllers will get you killed


Torpedo 07-29-19 03:02 AM

Thanks Vecko for resurrecting an almost dead simulator!

skin-nl 07-29-19 06:25 AM

Great work Vecko :Kaleun_Salute:

The Geth 08-03-19 03:34 PM

Nice, thanks for the update!

I have an inquiry on adding music to the Großdeutscher Rundfunk mod. Is there anything in particular I would need to do beside just adding the files to the proper folder(s)? And for that matter, which folder(s) would that be?

gclarkso 08-03-19 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2620432)

Thank you!

vdr1981 08-04-19 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by The Geth (Post 2621313)
Nice, thanks for the update!

I have an inquiry on adding music to the Großdeutscher Rundfunk mod. Is there anything in particular I would need to do beside just adding the files to the proper folder(s)?

Nothing in particular. The music files have to be in wav or ogg format ...


And for that matter, which folder(s) would that be?

data/sounds/radio/Großdeutscher Rundfunk
if I remember correctly. I'm not near my moddind computer now...

Tonci87 08-04-19 08:33 AM

So, I have made a video where I attack a huge convoy consisting of over 40 ships. I do not know if the stock game had such huge convoys, but Wolves of steel certainly does have them :)

The Geth 08-04-19 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2621334)

Thanks! I think that was the issue, I was trying to put MP3 files in there. Time to get busy converting, I suppose! :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 08-05-19 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2621404)
So, I have made a video where I attack a huge convoy consisting of over 40 ships. I do not know if the stock game had such huge convoys, but Wolves of steel certainly does have them :)

Love your videos Tonci!:up::salute:

fire-fox 08-10-19 10:13 AM

unusual tanker location!?!
don't know if this will be a Bug ( if so ill move to the Bug list )
running Twos 2.2.14 (realnav/port smoke/encoded)

Its 08/08/40 07:26 GMT
just inserted an agent of the fatherland! :Kaleun_Salute: in a next bay to the west of Londonderry. and exiting to the north west.

came across a Intermediate Tanker (3500T) in a SES/S course doing 11kts.

setup and ready to loss a tin fish but then notice its flying the German flag !?!?! :timeout:

its in AM53 - 55' 56N/8' 2W (140km nor west of Londonderry). looks like it was making for Londonderry

that cant be right - right ? . . .

vdr1981 08-11-19 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by fire-fox (Post 2622289)
don't know if this will be a Bug ( if so ill move to the Bug list )
running Twos 2.2.14 (realnav/port smoke/encoded)

Its 08/08/40 07:26 GMT
just inserted an agent of the fatherland! :Kaleun_Salute: in a next bay to the west of Londonderry. and exiting to the north west.

came across a Intermediate Tanker (3500T) in a SES/S course doing 11kts.

setup and ready to loss a tin fish but then notice its flying the German flag !?!?! :timeout:

its in AM53 - 55' 56N/8' 2W (140km nor west of Londonderry). looks like it was making for Londonderry

that cant be right - right ? . . .

Hi fire-fox!
That's probable German support tanker which is trying to brake for the Atlantic. Due to random nature of the game units can sometimes take strange and illogical routs. I'll try to prevent this in some of the future updates but this may be more complicated than it sounds. Thanks for your report! Happy hunting!:salute:

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