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rebelegy 07-18-19 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2618942)
That's normal. KSD SH5 server is dead for quite some time now. You can still use the program with its various functions though...:yep:


thx man i try find interest in it :up:

rebelegy 07-18-19 04:05 AM

guys the auto Tdc i sure not work are there something i miss i lock target get ship name and its mist to find torp will hit in each area in ship unlock ship change torp speed the tdc act with change of speed i locked x an all that steps now lock Tdc again and unlock open torp tube fire but noting come close ship and when come one time and very good in middle its miss under the ship in the darkwrith when i work with the green arrows an lock like i that i miss 1 form 10 i kill all ships now i never kill one from start of game lol are there is something

XenonSurf 07-18-19 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2618964)

Nice pics, Veko, I think the ship is there because of your popularity: people hire a passenger ship and go on sightseeing, they want to watch you at work :D

vdr1981 07-18-19 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by rebelegy (Post 2619006)
guys the auto Tdc i sure not work are there something i miss i lock target get ship name and its mist to find torp will hit in each area in ship unlock ship change torp speed the tdc act with change of speed i locked x an all that steps now lock Tdc again and unlock open torp tube fire but noting come close ship and when come one time and very good in middle its miss under the ship in the darkwrith when i work with the green arrows an lock like i that i miss 1 form 10 i kill all ships now i never kill one from start of game lol are there is something

Press "space" few times on target. Your XO will tell you when auto TDC is active...

To all: I've just figured out that there is indeed some little difference in how auto TDC works with map contacts enabled and disabled (no idea why is this so) but again, the basic procedure is almost the same. Press "space" few times on target until you get the announcement that auto TDC is active, point the scope and shoot...I really can not understand why this still posses such a problem for some payers...:hmmm: No idea how can I make it much simpler than that. I can not rewrite auto TDC routine in SH5, it's how it is...

XenonSurf 07-18-19 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2619058)
Press "space" few times on target. Your XO will tell you when auto TDC is active...

To all: I've just figured out that there is indeed some little difference in how auto TDC works with map contacts enabled and disabled (no idea why is this so) but again, the basic procedure is almost the same. Press "space" few times on target until you get the announcement that auto TDC is active, point the scope and shoot...I really can not understand why this still posses such a problem for some payers...:hmmm: No idea how can I make it much simpler than that. I can not rewrite auto TDC routine in SH5, it's how it is...

I think your new dialogue in the XO improves a lot the understanding about Auto-TDC, but many players who are used to play SH3/SH4 think Auto-TDC will work after a single lock to the target and then firing, which will miss most of the time. But i agree: you can hardly do more than that, for me your XO dialogue is crystal clear...

Question: is it possible to somehow revert the TDW NewUis 7_x_x part of the mod to play again with the 3-circles method of the stockgame for Auto TDC? I ask this also because I want to re-introduce it optionally in my other modlist. If i would take away the NewUIs I could then play with 3-circle method, but obviously I don't want to miss all the UI features. Thanks!

vdr1981 07-18-19 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2619074)
Question: is it possible to somehow revert the TDW NewUis 7_x_x part of the mod to play again with the 3-circles method of the stockgame for Auto TDC? I ask this also because I want to re-introduce it optionally in my other modlist. If i would take away the NewUIs I could then play with 3-circle method, but obviously I don't want to miss all the UI features. Thanks!

That can be done in OFEV IIRC...

XenonSurf 07-18-19 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2619077)
That can be done in OFEV IIRC...

Thanks for your fast response, I appreciate! I will take a look. Of course, I do not suggest you point to that for TWoS, this would be terrible... :)

Tonci87 07-18-19 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2618959)
Thanks Tonci, I'll check it out...:yep:


Enigma addon enabled or not?

I've checked the file and this is the message...

All U-boats involved in operation Western Approaches have been assigned to 7th flotilla based in St Nazaire, France. BdU

Not sure what is going on...:hmmm:

Yes, Enigma enabled, but I must have misremembered, I just checked and it seems to say 7th flotilla everywhere.
Maybe I got confused because I read here that I´m in the 6th flotilla now:

vdr1981 07-20-19 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2619095)
Yes, Enigma enabled, but I must have misremembered, I just checked and it seems to say 7th flotilla everywhere.
Maybe I got confused because I read here that I´m in the 6th flotilla now:

Rgr that! :up:

Tonci87 07-20-19 05:09 PM

Is it possible to install star shell launchers on some ships in convoys, or the destroyers?
It should be according to "I want the starshell gun on a ship!.txt" in C:\Games\Silent Hunter 5\The Wolves of Steel - Documentation\Other Readme Files and Docs\FX_Update_0_0_22_ByTheDarkWraith

vdr1981 07-21-19 09:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2619414)
Is it possible to install star shell launchers on some ships in convoys, or the destroyers?
It should be according to "I want the starshell gun on a ship!.txt" in C:\Games\Silent Hunter 5\The Wolves of Steel - Documentation\Other Readme Files and Docs\FX_Update_0_0_22_ByTheDarkWraith

Currently 13 ship types are equipped with star shell launchers and ship horns as well, so there is a good chance that in every convoy will be at least few ships with these capabilities. I could add more but only for imported dat ships because we are still missing proper tool for gr2 editing...However , it would be somewhat strange if too many SS are fired once you are spotted IMO.

Search "5InchStarShellGun" (13 hits in 13 files)
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NAGC_C2Appalachian\NAGC_C2Appalachian.eqp (1 hits)
Line 289: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NAGP_CarlPeters\NAGP_CarlPeters.eqp (1 hits)
Line 36: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NAMC_Komet\NAMC_Komet.eqp (1 hits)
Line 82: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NAMC_Patroclus\NAMC_Patroclus.eqp (1 hits)
Line 153: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NAMC_Penguin\NAMC_Penguin.eqp (1 hits)
Line 83: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NC_Waziristan\NC_Waziristan.eqp (1 hits)
Line 75: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NC_Waziristan_CS\NC_Waziristan_CS.eqp (1 hits)
Line 75: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NKL_North_Sands\NKL_North_Sands.eqp (1 hits)
Line 23: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NKL_WarSupplies\NKL_WarSupplies.eqp (1 hits)
Line 142: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NKMSS_WarMelody\NKMSS_WarMelody.eqp (1 hits)
Line 33: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NLL\NLL.eqp (1 hits)
Line 141: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NLL_WarSupplies\NLL_WarSupplies.eqp (1 hits)
Line 142: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun;NULL
D:\INSTALIRANE IGRE-Win7\Silent Hunter 5\data\Sea\NPL_Conte_Verde2\NPL_Conte_Verde2.eqp (1 hits)
Line 148: LinkName=5InchStarShellGun

Tonci87 07-21-19 11:00 AM

I thought it might be appropriate for the destroyers to send up starshells when they detect a torpedo attack

vdr1981 07-21-19 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2619516)
I thought it might be appropriate for the destroyers to send up starshells when they detect a torpedo attack

That's not possible due to several reasons. First, almost all destroyers are gr2 format which is very difficult to edit. Still this can be (maybe) bypassed with few tricks in TDW's gr2 editor. Second, SS guns are just that - guns, and they are used only when your sub is visually spotted. Same goes for ship horns and my solution for harbor air raid sirens...

Tonci87 07-21-19 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2619519)
That's not possible due to several reasons. First, almost all destroyers are gr2 format which is very difficult to edit. Still this can be (maybe) bypassed with few tricks in TDW's gr2 editor. Second, SS guns are just that - guns, and they are used only when your sub is visually spotted. Same goes for ship horns and my solution for harbor air raid sirens...

Ah OK then

vdr1981 07-23-19 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2619500)
Currently 13 ship types are equipped with star shell launchers and ship horns as well, so there is a good chance that in every convoy will be at least few ships with these capabilities.

I did some further testing and it seems that many of mentioned 13 ship types are actually missing bones for SS guns and ship horns even though they have been properly set in corresponding eqp files. :hmmm:
I will fix this in the next update which is almost ready. :yep: I'm going to rename unused hydrophone and sonar bones for merchants (they don't need them) and use them as new bones for SS and horns dummy guns...:yep: I'll also add missing reflector bones for some merchants ect...
Still fixing modder's oversights even after all these years...:) :subsim::salute:

Tonci87 07-23-19 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2619848)
I did some further testing and it seems that many of mentioned 13 ship types are actually missing bones for SS guns and ship horns even though they have been properly set in corresponding eqp files. :hmmm:
I will fix this in the next update which is almost ready. :yep: I'm going to rename unused hydrophone and sonar bones for merchants (they don't need them) and use them as new bones for SS and horns dummy guns...:yep: I'll also add missing reflector bones for some merchants ect...
Still fixing modder's oversights even after all these years...:) :subsim::salute:

That sounds awesome, the next update is promising to be very nice :Kaleun_Salute:

kapuhy 07-24-19 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2619848)
next update which is almost ready. :yep:

Made my day :up:

Speaking of further updates, I did some googling on composition of various navies during WW2. Below (spoiler tags in order not to clog the thread) are some suggestions based on what I found, with links to websites I found info on - perhaps they might be of use to you:


REMOVE: Armed Trawler: Albania was conquered and annexed by Italy in April 1939. While Italians created a puppet Albanian state, Albanian navy was abolished and their military incorporated into Italian forces. As such, no warships should be flying Albanian ensign (which is a post-war ensign btw) during WW2. I have no sources on civilian ships, they might have kept Albanian flag or just sail under Italian flag.

ADD: London CA class: A ship of this class was given to Australian navy in 1943.

ADD: Junk, Sampan, Large Sampan: these traditional fishing vessels were as popular in China as in Japan, in fact both ship designs originate from China. It's only fair to add them to Chinese roster as well (Photo - Sampans and junks in Hong Kong harbour, around 1920)
ADD: Medium Gunboat, Small Gunboat, and perhaps Kriegsfischkutter:
While China had destroyers and cruisers in interwar period, by 1939 they were either sunk or captured by Japanese, and what remained in service were mostly old river and coastal gunboats or MTBs. Antiquated-looking gunboats we have in Japan's roster would be a better choice to represent Chinese navy than VW DD which China never used. Source

ADD: PTElco clone: Finland used a number of MTB's in Baltic: italian built MAS or British Thornycroft MTBs. While not exactly an Elco, they were similar enough for Elco to stand in for them quite accurately: Ship list, Photo, Photo2

Free Norway
ADD:Flower, Town. REMOVE: VW: Free Norway Navy currently has only VW DD and U class sub in its warship roster. Historically, during WW2 Norway forces fighting alongside Royal Navy were equipped by British and Americans with, among other ships: 6 Flower Corvettes and 6 Town Class DDs. Replacing VW type (which Norway did not use) with those ships would make Free Norway both more accurate and diverse. Source

Free Poland
ADD: U-Class: Polish Navy fighting alongside RN during WW2 had 2 U-Class subs: ORP Sokol and ORP Dzik, which proved very effective in the Med.

REMOVE: VW DD, ADD: Black Swan, Flower, River. List of Royal Indian Navy ships available here doesn't include any destroyers at all, but it does include 4 River class frigates, 7 Black Swan sloops and a single Flower corvette.

ADD: PTElco clone: Italy widely used MAS MTBs (photo1) (photo2) in Mediterranean campaigns. Elco is similar enough to MAS to stand in for them nicely (perhaps with different camouflage). Ideally, stripping 2 out of 4 torpedo racks would also give them historical capabilities (all MAS I can find on photos seem to have 2 torpedo racks only)

REMOVE: Armed Trawler. Navy of Nicaragua was not formed until 1980. There are mentions of some patrol boats being used by Niacarguan National Guard in 1970s but no sources I've found mention any warships whatsoever in Nicaraguan service during WW2.

REMOVE: VW, Armed Trawler: Panama's Navy was not estabilished until 1964. As such, any warships under flag of Panama are historically incorrect.

vdr1981 07-25-19 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by kapuhy (Post 2620071)
Made my day :up:

Speaking of further updates, I did some googling on composition of various navies during WW2. Below (spoiler tags in order not to clog the thread) are some suggestions based on what I found, with links to websites I found info on - perhaps they might be of use to you:


REMOVE: Armed Trawler: Albania was conquered and annexed by Italy in April 1939. While Italians created a puppet Albanian state, Albanian navy was abolished and their military incorporated into Italian forces. As such, no warships should be flying Albanian ensign (which is a post-war ensign btw) during WW2. I have no sources on civilian ships, they might have kept Albanian flag or just sail under Italian flag.

ADD: London CA class: A ship of this class was given to Australian navy in 1943.

ADD: Junk, Sampan, Large Sampan: these traditional fishing vessels were as popular in China as in Japan, in fact both ship designs originate from China. It's only fair to add them to Chinese roster as well (Photo - Sampans and junks in Hong Kong harbour, around 1920)
ADD: Medium Gunboat, Small Gunboat, and perhaps Kriegsfischkutter:
While China had destroyers and cruisers in interwar period, by 1939 they were either sunk or captured by Japanese, and what remained in service were mostly old river and coastal gunboats or MTBs. Antiquated-looking gunboats we have in Japan's roster would be a better choice to represent Chinese navy than VW DD which China never used. Source

ADD: PTElco clone: Finland used a number of MTB's in Baltic: italian built MAS or British Thornycroft MTBs. While not exactly an Elco, they were similar enough for Elco to stand in for them quite accurately: Ship list, Photo, Photo2

Free Norway
ADD:Flower, Town. REMOVE: VW: Free Norway Navy currently has only VW DD and U class sub in its warship roster. Historically, during WW2 Norway forces fighting alongside Royal Navy were equipped by British and Americans with, among other ships: 6 Flower Corvettes and 6 Town Class DDs. Replacing VW type (which Norway did not use) with those ships would make Free Norway both more accurate and diverse. Source

Free Poland
ADD: U-Class: Polish Navy fighting alongside RN during WW2 had 2 U-Class subs: ORP Sokol and ORP Dzik, which proved very effective in the Med.

REMOVE: VW DD, ADD: Black Swan, Flower, River. List of Royal Indian Navy ships available here doesn't include any destroyers at all, but it does include 4 River class frigates, 7 Black Swan sloops and a single Flower corvette.

ADD: PTElco clone: Italy widely used MAS MTBs (photo1) (photo2) in Mediterranean campaigns. Elco is similar enough to MAS to stand in for them nicely (perhaps with different camouflage). Ideally, stripping 2 out of 4 torpedo racks would also give them historical capabilities (all MAS I can find on photos seem to have 2 torpedo racks only)

REMOVE: Armed Trawler. Navy of Nicaragua was not formed until 1980. There are mentions of some patrol boats being used by Niacarguan National Guard in 1970s but no sources I've found mention any warships whatsoever in Nicaraguan service during WW2.

REMOVE: VW, Armed Trawler: Panama's Navy was not estabilished until 1964. As such, any warships under flag of Panama are historically incorrect.

Thanks for your research kapuhy, I'll keep your suggestion in mind for future updates...:yep: Many of the unrealistic appearances from the museum aren't used in the campaign at all. They are just there. I'll see to fix the roster but I'll have to be careful in order not screw up something in the campaign. :yep:

Muckenberg 07-25-19 09:08 AM

Greetings Wolves.
In the attack on the convoy, I noticed one anomaly on the ship. Modern Cargo ship 10 450 GRT has a Kriegsmarine box with a swastika on board.:):)

I am sorry for my English.

vdr1981 07-25-19 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2620222)
Greetings Wolves.
In the attack on the convoy, I noticed one anomaly on the ship. Modern Cargo ship 10 450 GRT has a Kriegsmarine box with a swastika on board.:):)

I am sorry for my English.

Shhh...Those are captured crates! :)

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